Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,381 Coordinates for Expedition Preparations

Huasem, the Queen of Waves, and the dandelion elves who follow her, like to sing and dance when the sun is shining at noon. Every time, many people gather, singing and dancing in harmony and beauty.

Alexandra, however, always watched from a distance and rarely took the initiative to approach.

It wasn't until the sun faded away and everyone's laughter gradually subsided that she would raise her proud and confident face and sing loudly, showing off her beautiful singing voice.

The elves all thought that Alexandra could only play tricks and pranks, but they did not know that her singing was very beautiful, and her natural voice was not inferior to that of the Queen of Flowers.

It was the gentle and considerate Posthum who first discovered Alexandra singing alone in the fields. He was surprised by her beautiful singing voice and took the initiative to invite her to the noon party and gave her a branch of a sacred tree.

Later, under Bosem's gentle and meticulous training, although the prank-loving Tiangong Elf was not very frank, at least he no longer played pranks. He also gained a sincere welcome from everyone, and often sang brilliantly at noon. Always offer your charming singing voice.

Also because she was a bit "reforming from evil and returning to righteousness", Prey also gave her his fallen nails as an encouragement, and later made the sky bow.

Therefore, Alexandra just said that he was her "first friend outside Tabors". This sentence was of great significance, indicating that his weight in her heart was comparable to that of Lord Botham.

"I'm honored too, and you are also my first friend in Tabors." Ye Lin responded cleverly, which made Alexandra like it very much.

"You are really good at complimenting people. No wonder you have so many girlfriends..." As soon as the words came out, Alexandra quickly covered them and then stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Everyone is my wings!" Ye Lin smiled.

"I only have three pairs of wings, and Lord Prey only has four pairs. You...hehe."

Alexandra rolled her eyes at him angrily, and then caressed her thin purple jade wings. For flying races, wings are life.

"It's so beautiful." Ye Lin leaned very close, pinched a beautiful wing, and praised it at the same time.

However, unexpectedly, Alexandra exclaimed, blushing, and the wings seemed a little sensitive to her.

Holding up a face as beautiful as a flower, with icy muscles and jade bones, and refreshing fragrance, she held a touch of shallow and trembling cherry blossoms close to her. It was familiar once and twice, and this time Alexandra learned to retaliate.

It's just too difficult for Bosem who is still hiding behind the door to drink tea. Going in directly would seem to ruin the atmosphere, but if you don't go in... this is actually your own home.

"Really... ugh~"

Bosem slowly put down the tea cup, with a faint flash of light in his eyes, and his bare white jade feet. He got up and went back to the room gently to try to calm down and go to sleep.

It's best to keep the noise low so as not to damage the furniture.


Alexandra sat like a well-behaved and quiet duck, holding a half cup of cold tea, but the green tea water kept rippled, and her fingers were trembling and she could hardly hold it.

The tea was only half full, and she just barely moistened her lips, and the mask and another first kiss were gone.

The saint has a tall and beautiful figure. The fresh green leaf skirt is not too short and just covers her round legs and perky fat. She also has a very cheeky face.

She didn't know anything about holy water. Alexandra stared at the ceiling in trance, biting the corner of her mouth and not daring to make a sound.

Lord Bosem seemed to have put down the teapot and left, but who knows if she was asleep or not, or maybe she was watching secretly.

When she thought of this, Alexandra's cheeks felt hot with embarrassment, and her thoughts became more and more overwhelming, almost choking Ye Lin.

Half-lying on the bed, he read a book for a while, then tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, Bosem stared at the ceiling for a while, then slowly put on his cotton pajamas again by mistake. His perfect curves were proud, but he tiptoed like a thief all the way.

The light was still on in the living room, but behind the door leading to the living room, the teapot he had placed was missing, indicating that the two of them knew that he had been there and took away the tea.

"In that case, you should calm down a little." Bosem breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced along the crack of the door, his face suddenly flushed.

When she panicked and fled back to the bedroom again, covering herself with a soft silk quilt, all she could think about was her strong and toned back and Alexandra's fair and shapely calves.


next day

Bosem, who had been sleepless for half the night, was not very energetic, but his gentle smile and the blooming flower crown covered up the past.

Alexandra muttered that her knees hurt, and she didn't dare to touch the ground, so she could only keep flying in the air.

After two days of perfect growth, the holy tree Zemakure has reached almost the height of an adult, with lush branches and leaves, and is the prototype of a stunning tree that can reach the sky.

Prey stood quietly aside with his arms folded and his eyes closed. No one knew what he was thinking. Only the increasingly tyrannical and invincible pressure showed that his condition had recovered remarkably.

Harbat, the most beautiful fox, lives nearby as a penitent to protect the sacred tree.

The new green Plessus stands in the sky with a gun, wary of every race that passes by.

Tabers knew that there were not many people in Yelin who wanted to build a cross-border passage, so when there was a sudden change in the sky, they all thought it was a vision of the growth of the holy tree, and mistakenly thought it was auspicious.

"Does it mean that if the boss succeeds, we can go back to Arad directly?" Mo Mei asked in a low voice, as if she couldn't wait.

Siatt nodded lightly and said, "It should be possible, but Ye Lin also said that the first try is only half sure."

"I'm starting." Ye Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light shone.

Standing quietly, Prey slowly clenched his fists, murderous intent began to permeate the air, and nodded silently.

The thousands of creatures in Tabors need to be sacrificed with blood.

Ye Lin was not simply building a passage this time, he was also looking for a coordinate, a coordinate confirmed by Naiyali.

He has no wings but can soar, standing proudly in the sky. The wind is as calm as a god coming to the world. He waves his hands and scatters large spots of light. The dense clouds seem to fly over an entire desert and cover a large area. Just looking at it will make ordinary people dizzy.

"The star map obtained from the time monster Atropika." Yuena whispered, she still had an impression.

"But it's a picture of death." The curator frowned and explained: "Just like Tybols will be relatively close to the demon world every once in a while, some stars are constantly moving."

In the vast universe, the stars have stretched for hundreds of millions of years. Compared with the star map of thousands of years, it seems like a blink of an eye.

For humans living in it, the concept of time is almost zero compared to the universe, and it is difficult to make a few waves.

Of course, Ye Lin also considered this issue. Under the shocked gaze of the curator, several stars began to move and rotate in a specific trajectory, and then the star map in one corner took on a mysterious brilliance, until a full fifth of the stars The pictures are all given trajectories,

He was spending his mental energy to deduce the motion trajectories of the stars, and the information he obtained from Rousselot and Chodiak was highly reliable.

One is a skilled astrologer, and the other is a special life form guarding the sky of Tabors, both of whom have abundant information to support his calculations.

Ye Lin flicked his fingers and lit up two beautiful stars, symbolizing Arad and Tybols. Then he quickly lit up several other stars, which made Bosem and the other aborigines wonder.

"Aiken, Hyperion, Dragon Planet Trobot... He seems to have found a way to go to other planets." Siatt only speculated, but it felt like it should be similar.

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