Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,408 The three years I thought were the real three years

"Naiyali, you seemed to have opened a piece of parchment just now. When you opened it, there seemed to be chaos collapse and dimension collapse."

Ye Lin was panting from being chased, and he did receive a whip on his ankle, neither light nor heavy, which satisfied Naiyali's trembling mentality.

"You are wrong. This is a piece of parchment that records ordinary deviant magic. Go back to Miraz and have a look at his eyes." Naiyali calmly told lies while putting the parchment in her hand away. Not until it fully unfolds.

As a super evil god, isn't it normal to tell lies? She is not a good child.

The time attribute of the ancient world has been blurred and does not blend with the normal dimensional world.

Ye Lin himself felt that more than half a year had passed, but the time attribute here was almost unchanged, and it was only a little more than a quarter of an hour in Agulanda.

In addition, Ye Lin could conclude that Held had also taken the initiative to come in. Otherwise, like Kahn waiting at the entrance, no matter how much magic and power he invested, it would just be a glass of water poured into the boring desert.

An empty world, enough to swallow everything, with unlimited appetite.

He waved his hand and sprinkled the elemental light rain. In the brilliant light, mysterious traces from the ancient times were touched, and some precious historical traces would be re-projected.

When Pushia turned into light and disappeared, she took away a fragment of the Wheel of Creation. It was the peak era of ancient Terran civilization. The great will collided fiercely with the Twelve Beyana, and one of the creation gods' items was splashed. one.

Neither the founders, Xiaodou nor Kabbalah Douzi, could go back to that specific era, but the laws of the Wheel of Creation left traces of that battle in the void.

Ye Lin doesn't know whether observing and taking photos of traces is good for cultivation, but now everyone is going out, and it's not in vain if you don't see it.

Majestic tall buildings stand in the forest, huge spaceships swim in the sky, rivers run through the earth like silver ribbons, flowers bloom in the flowerbeds, and the sun is warm and bright.

Ancient Terra, at the peak of civilization, possessed very prosperous technology.

Moreover, Terra's technology is neither like the coldness of the heavens nor the mechanical life created by Hebron. The pursuit of ancient Terra's technology has always been people-oriented.

Technology should serve people, so even though the fire of civilization is strong, there is still warmth between people.

But beneath the beautiful appearance, there is a very terrible ambition and signs of disaster hidden... Twelve experimental artificial gods were born.

They seem to possess the wisdom of God, the brilliance of God, and powerful life energy, making their bodies shine with golden light.

Fanatically worshiped and regarded as a belief by countless Terrans, every Terran dreams of becoming a noble existence like Biana.

So how to use the power of technology to evolve human beings into "Biana"?

Ambition has sprouted.

In an instant, the sage launched a war against the king. Smoke rose from the ground, buildings collapsed and shattered, and the flames of war dyed the entire sky red...

A mysterious spaceship also suddenly left Terra at this time and sailed towards the vast unknown starry sky. It was the leader's "Genesis" spacecraft.

"You have concrete images and thoughts, but you are still not satisfied and insist on seeking false power.

It seems that you should abandon the physical bodies and thoughts that imprison you, and return to the light of the beginning with me...?』

A majestic god came from the depths of the universe. He couldn't see his true appearance and scolded him coldly. He was full of indescribable majesty.

The Ring of Creation rotates slowly behind it, revealing the power of supreme power at every turn. With every rotation, the universe seems to advance a step forward.

He seems to be the center of the universe, the source of everything, the endless light.

The twelve luminous life forms standing proudly in the sky, unwilling to be purified by the great will, turned into meteors and shot straight into the sky, launching a war that would destroy the world.

Between the lightning and flint, the earth of Terra was torn apart into huge gaps one after another, like greedy and ferocious mouths, devouring everything around it.

Terra, broken.

But Ye Lin had keen vision and noticed something strange at a glance. Before Terra was bombarded by energy and exploded, a black stream of light flashed from the ground, then plunged into Terra's main city and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a larger fragment of Terra was thrown out by the impact, and was protected by the mysterious power and escaped the whirlpool of the explosion.

In the devil world, wandering began.

Ye Lin originally thought that he could understand some of the secrets of the great road and the truth of power from the battle between the gods of Terra, but all he saw was smoke and flames of war, reality and chaos.

But it was not that there was no gain at all. Ye Lin sighed silently, confirming that the destruction of Terran civilization was largely due to the Terran people's own ambitions, which were difficult to contain.

Using a mortal body to spy on the power of God, not just one or two people, but almost all the residents of Terra, dreamed of becoming the powerful life form Biana.

The ambitious Terran civilization was finally forced to come to an end in this unique way.

There is also the escape of Held and the captain, which seems to have a sense of "fate" no matter how you look at it. They are the last fire of Terran civilization and the hope of rekindling.

But unfortunately, it was eventually lost.

Held insisted on restoring Terra and taking revenge... because the former apostle was the culprit who destroyed her hometown.

Revenge, of course.

After the leader woke up, he continued to fight against him and cultivate the trial blade.



Naiyali held a bag of potato chips and took two bites. As for the slowly extinguishing projection in mid-air, she seemed completely uninterested. She had no intention of studying some lost civilization.

The sky is falling and the earth is falling, and civilization has come to an end. It's not her fault anyway. It doesn't have anything to do with it. It's just a moving picture to relieve loneliness.

"Hiccup, I can't eat any more, I'm tired of it." Naiyali stuffed the bag into his arms, and there were more than a dozen colorful snack bags floating in the surrounding space, which could be regarded as decorating the dark world.

Dangling a pair of white and slender calves, Naiyali used her fingertips to rub some seasoning residue from the soft corner of her mouth, then poked it to the side and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"Lick it clean as a reward."

Ye Lin rolled his eyes, threw away the half-eaten bag of potato chips, and caught the beautiful soft and well-proportioned calves, without the smooth stockings, and the delicate round toes.

"I don't have any seasoning on my feet, but if you kneel down in front of me respectfully, I don't mind if you kiss the instep of my feet." Naiyali raised her pretty face and pointed at her feet. , with a proud look, like a noble swan that disdains ants.

Ye Lin just smiled peacefully, then hugged Naiyali's waist as thin as a willow branch, lifted it high, and hugged her face, all at once.

Starry eyes were intoxicated with autumn water, and her pretty face was flushed and hot. Naiyali was almost numb as a result of the gushing water. She raised her little feet with difficulty and kicked him several hundred meters away.

In this ancient world, since she obtained the water of life, her various styles of beautiful band-aids have rarely been worn well.

"Niyali, can we finish this fill-in-the-blank question?" Ye Lin, who was kicked as if nothing happened, held her soft ankle affectionately and advised Naiyali to study hard and not waste time.

Although the number of times he had licked the god was perhaps a hundred or two, Naiyali just refused to fill in the blanks. Occasionally, she would get impatient with him, so she would use her hands and feet to deal with him.

This is why Naiyali no longer wears stockings. With her bare legs, her stockings cannot be worn. They are either torn or dirty.

"No, no, no, I suspect you want to murder me!" Naiyali shook her little head vigorously, and the two thick braids on the back of her head became like rattles.

The space in the brackets is too small to fit that horrible answer.

"How could it be? Shilok has tried it for you a long time ago. This fill-in-the-blank question is no problem for you." Ye Lin knelt down and hugged his calf, refusing to let go even if his back was whipped.

"No, no, I really want to do it for your own good. If you don't turn around, you will regret it in three years! Don't treat my kindness as a donkey's heart and lungs." Naiyali rolled her eyes, reluctantly took out one of her white feet, and stepped on it hard. Shameless guy.

Kneeling on the ground solemnly, he asked a beautiful girl who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old to be transferred to the Knight of God.

If the kind-hearted and just goddess Pushia was still here without knowing the inside story, she would definitely stab him to death with a spear.

"There is no law in the world that can stop me!" Ye Lin said wildly and arrogantly, determined to eat this bowl of prison food.

Naiyali has a super social zodiac syndrome. After going out, when things are over here, she wanders around without knowing where to find anyone.

"My lord, I solemnly warn you for the last time..." Naiyali stepped on his face hard, sticking it to him like brown candy and unable to shake it off. Her face turned red and she warned: "Three years are not that easy to spend. Don't Shouting for mercy, help.”

"Three years without loss!" Ye Lin shouted, his eyes shining.

Naiyali held the hem of her skirt with her little hands. She seemed shy and delicate, but a hint of contempt flashed through her clear and lively eyes.

He has violated God's majesty many times, and now he wants to challenge God's bottom line. Well, this damn beast is sharp-tongued and glib. It doesn't really make much difference whether she has a bottom line.

In the first week, Ye Lin didn't notice anything unusual. He accompanied Naiyali to do fill-in-the-blank questions all week long, writing the answers in brackets very carefully.

A month later, he felt that the invincible beautiful girl was totally outspoken and upright. She liked doing questions very much and had a good appetite.

Half a year later, Ye Lin was only responsible for filling in the blanks. Where to write the answer depended on Naiyali's will.

The end of the first year...


"I feel like I don't have the answers."

"Qiuli Gao, Lady Naiyali, my dear, let's go back, stop doing the questions, and relax for a while."

"No." Naiyali objected and said, "Aren't you afraid of three years?"

In the abandoned ancient dimension, Ye Lin's shouts seemed so helpless, lonely, and pitiful.

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