Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,412 Solar Star Destroyer Cannon

Siatt's fair left arm glowed with a layer of silvery white fluorescence, and the ethereal power of transfer slowly penetrated, followed by the army of magic swords suspended in the dimensional cracks, crashing down like a meteor shower.

Although the transfer experiment in the top-secret area changed her original life trajectory, it also inadvertently opened up another more glorious path, leading her to the highest throne of swordsmen and becoming a sect of the same lineage.

Thousands of magic swords fell and collided, blasting towards the area where Siatt was. Smoke, dust and energy filled the air with fierce noise, and large areas covered the naked eye.

From Kahn's perspective, Siatt's move was clearly like committing suicide, which he found ridiculous.

In addition to the fact that Mavis's power of transfer has been abandoned because of her devout belief in Usiel, Feng Ying and Qianying have also gained very considerable benefits from the dimensional fragmentation.

The demonic hand that they had once perfectly controlled, now gained a very powerful transfer force, began to feel dull pain and numbness, which was a sign that it was about to lose control.

"The internal energy can't be transformed. It hurts, like scraping the bones." Feng Ying's protective sleeves exploded, and her delicate and fair skin has now become almost crystal clear and shiny.

She has integrated the methods of hundreds of schools of thought, and her self-created inner strength cultivation has already reached a state of great perfection. Her sword is like an immortal, and she can cut the moon in the sky, which is beautiful and frosty.

However, she never imagined that one day, the inner strength she was so proud of would be unable to resist the new transfer force, and her skin would crack.

The first apostle Kahn struck with all his strength, shattering the barrier of a certain dimension and forcibly sending Isis away. The power of transfer inadvertently revealed was part of the complete dimensional rules and was a supremely powerful energy.

Especially Qianying is having the most difficult time now. Her path of cultivation is to indulge in the ultimate application of the power of transfer. She uses the ghost beads to spread ghost-bound threads that are difficult to detect with the naked eye. The threads are flexible and changeable, and can steal the lives of enemies invisibly.

Siatt's previous Onifu (binding) bead was blue, but the bead on the back of Qianying's hand turned into the color of a blood drop stone because she had developed the power of transfer to the extreme.


The ghost bead on the back of Qianying's hand cracked directly, and then exploded into fine powder. The transfer energy of the pulling was still too strong, and her beautiful ruby ​​eyes and fair and delicate face also showed a hint of pain and struggle.

Fortunately, a long time ago, Tana made a new batch of stronger ghost beads for Siatt. Because the materials used were precious, they were natural magic crystals. Later, although Siatt and the others could not use them, they were used by the museum. Saved for long.

It can be displayed in the GBL religious museum, and detailed notes can be written to indicate that Guifuzhu is one of the products of the empire's ambitions and is ironclad evidence of its heinous crimes. It has very unique value.

The curator wanted to replace Qianying with a new Oni Fuzhu. She had learned the related inlay magic, but Qianying refused.

"This is an opportunity that I will regret for the rest of my life if I miss it. I want to become stronger." Qianying shook his head, his white teeth biting his lips, and red blood oozed out, showing his extremely stubbornness.

"One night, when I got up to get a glass of water, I heard Qianying talking in her sleep." Gu Yu whispered to Mo Mei and others. She and Qianying lived in the same room.

"I was mumbling in my dreams that I wanted to go back to the empire and cut Leon into pieces with an average thickness of one centimeter."

Guyu is a night owl, his eyes light up at night, and he usually falls asleep in the middle of the night, and then stays in bed until noon.

The maker, Luke, had all white beard and hair. At this moment, his three eyes were wide open, like an angry Ming King Kong. He waved his four arms to create the afterimage of the wind, and smashed a terrifying number of dark energy balls towards Kahn, flooding a starry sky.

There was a strong light on the left side of his chest, where infinite light and darkness were swirling regularly. It was one of the crystallizations of Hebron's technology, the origin of the throne.

The origin of the throne replaces the original function of the heart and can greatly increase the strength of his own blood. When running at full strength, the continuous light and darkness can keep Luke in a royal posture for a long time.

Using the supreme secret technique inherited from the Royal Family of Hebron, he learned that Kahn was actually in a weak state, and was bound to seize this only opportunity to kill him with a hidden backhand.

Luke knew that his energy and blood were declining, and that the peak of his old age was still not as strong as when he was young. He missed the memories. At that time, he was invincible enough to dare to jump into the sun alone.

Bathe in the infinite blazing light and neutralize the eternal darkness in your body.

"If I were young and prosperous, I could kill invincibly and suppress everything." Luke's voice sounded like thunder, as if he was unwilling to give up and was also trying his best.

"Hey, old man, your words are full of desolation." Shilok teased, but there was no disrespect.

In some unknown parallel dimension, the old man really penetrated the sky and the world, his machinery was invincible, and his light and darkness were eternal.

It's a pity that the invincible maker is not here. Otherwise, the chance of killing Kahn would be greater.

The powerful Sirocco on the side gently held a black and red petal with her fingertips. This was a piece of her own flower bud, which contained her most original power and was also her strongest blow.

If the combined blow with Luke couldn't defeat Kahn, she would have to consider escaping with others and jumping into the pit.


Luke roared, his beard and hair moving, and his four arms struggled to push a black and white ball of light, as if pushing the entire universe, making the sky tremble, and it slammed into Kahn.

He held the flower with one finger, and the petals curled into a spiral shape. The instant explosion penetrated the void and struck Kahn's chest in the span of half a breath.

Kahn narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the danger, and the power in his body was surging. The darkness of the beginning was the source. He was a little weaker because he sent Prey away, but only a little~

It doesn't take much effort to crush a few jumping fish.

Just when he was about to attack and kill the two apostles with a strong stance, he suddenly stopped his attack and quickly turned around and punched the void behind him.

"He was discovered!"

Luke, who was attacking with all his strength, said quickly, and was frightened. He was worthy of being the first apostle, a strong man named invincible.

In addition to his and Sirocco's attacks, Hidden in the Endless Starry Sky, his first work pursuing the destructive power of technology, the Star Destroyer Cannon controlled by Buffon, also launched an attack together.

A thick spiral stream of light burst out brightly, and the surrounding halo was like a star ring, illuminating a part of the sky. In an instant, the starry sky that had been dark since ancient times became as bright as day.

Huge meteorites or star fragments along the way were annihilated silently, locking onto Kahn's immortal body.

The destructive energy that drives the bombardment comes from Hebron's evil sun, which is more than ten times more powerful than the sun on the planet Arad.

At the beginning, after sending away the sleeping citizens, Luke's children chose to stay and fight with the peak mechanical power of the entire Hebron. Fortunately, they sealed the sun, and the earth fell into darkness and cold.

After Luke returned, he tore off the seal of the sun. On the one hand, he used light to restore his condition, and on the other hand, he started to build weapons of destruction, and at the same time, he drew the power of the entire sun to accumulate.

The Solar Star Destroyer is not within the scope of Luke's power. He only used technological knowledge to create the weapon. All other actions, including energy and shooting, are composed of Buffon and the sun.

Therefore, it does not fall within the rule that apostles cannot kill each other. This blow can truly kill the apostles!

If Luke could have been more discerning in those ancient times, when he followed his student (Held) to the Demon Realm, there was a solar star destroyer aimed at the Demon Realm, and Held would have had to deal with it honestly. How do you send it back?

However, the Solar Star Destroyer Cannon also has disadvantages, that is, it requires energy storage and is not flexible enough.

Three pinnacle dazzling attacks, in a pincer attack, hit the first apostle Kahn almost at the same moment. The space was like the end of a star's life, turning into a burning and exploding supernova. The violent particles washed away everything, Agu under his feet. Rhonda was split.

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