Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,420 One equals twelve, thirteen is greater than one!

The last three drops of precious water of life bloomed with dazzling colorful brilliance. They were absorbed by Kahn from the palm of his hand and then suppressed the erosion of the dead water, and his power returned to its peak again.

But the amount he had taken in before was too much, and the powerful water of life could only have a temporary effect. Once it lasted for a long time, it would gradually show its decline.

One of the mysteries of power is that the more he fights, the stronger he becomes. However, after swallowing dead water by mistake, his body will become weaker and weaker, and his eternal immortality will also turn into decay.

"What is the reason for the birth of countless parallel dimensions?" Kahn regained his composure. His tone was indifferent, but the offensive in his hands was fierce.

He was not arrogant when he asked, but his calm and unhurried posture was full of the invincible arrogance, as if others should tremble in fear and then kneel down in response.

Ye Lin's powerful body glowed with a green light. He used all of Wuxuan's power for his own defense and healing. Kahn's power was so terrifying, every move had a terrifying tearing feeling, as if the sky He can crush it.

If it weren't for the lasting vitality given by Wuxuan, there would be no way to match Kahn's undefeated physical strength.

"The great will was shattered by your predecessors, and the power was lost. In the explosion of Terra's end, the terrifying energy tore apart the long river of time, creating many branches and veins, sharing the same history."

Ye Lin guessed and responded, waving the ancient war spear, and for a moment the sky was filled with thunder and wind. The swirling black clouds in the sky flashed with lightning from time to time, and there was even more unbelievable power accumulated inside.


A thick bolt of thunder and lightning bloomed, like a branch of the World Tree protruding from the clouds. The light was dazzling and fell on Kahn's slender and tall body, dispelling an attack he was about to raise his hand.

"This is elemental power!"

Kahn ignored the bleeding wound on his shoulder, his eyes were bright, and a hint of shock finally appeared on his usually calm face.

The element of the Absolute Beginning is one of the basic attributes that build the real world. It is also the only god who chooses to return to the Absolute Beginning. Its power and will are everywhere and omnipotent.

There can be no light in the darkest place, there is no darkness in the strong sun, and there is no wisdom in the place where all living things are extinct. Only the elements are all things.

"How is it possible? Elements should be the power that should be least and least likely to be controlled by others." Kahn had extraordinary insight. A ray of inspiration flashed through his mind instantly. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Unless, the origin of the elements God, whose will is still real, gives you permission to use your power.”

Kahn seemed to still not be able to believe it. He killed him with one punch and recreated the scene of banishing Prey. He wanted to use the power of the dimensional barrier to strangle Ye Lin or banish him to a different dimension.

It is still possible for planets to communicate with each other, but there are absolutely only a handful of existences in the entire universe that can travel through parallel dimensions.

Although Ye Lin is quite proficient in space abilities, he is far from being able to do whatever he wants. His body was hit hard and he fell to the center of the spider web-shaped crack in space. He was about to make the same mistake as Prey.

At the moment when he was about to be mercilessly exiled, he decisively chose to explode the dimension-traveling star, completely disrupting the void with another huge and chaotic dimensional storm, and finally escaped from the trap with many dangers.

At the same time, Agulanda's ancient passage leading to the abandoned dimension was suddenly exploded by an energy impact, and the void twisted into a prism, and then reflected thousands of selves.

"Leave the broken world to us." Xiaodou landed at the explosion point, and Douzi immediately showed the ability of the ruler of time and space to repair and smooth the chaotic void.

The integration of the ancient world and the real dimension is nothing. She is worried that the ancient world will act as a bridge and communicate the past and present in the long river of time, which will be really troublesome.

In the blink of an eye, the kaleidoscopic prism behind Ye Lin shattered. Kahn's palm was like a heavenly sword, extremely sharp, ruthlessly and indifferently peeling away the planet Agulanda, and almost split him in half.

The sweeping ancient war spear pierced Kahn's waist and abdomen, and blood spattered into the sky. The two had left the starry sky where Agulanda belonged, and the fierce battle was getting further and further away.

The irregular fragments of large pieces of mechanical metal have a cold luster, floating aimlessly in the open space of the universe. They were originally Star Destroyers that were shattered by Kahn. Some larger fragments remain, but now they are impacted by the terrifying energy and are completely destroyed. Turn into powder.

Kahn has been asking him some questions, all about Guterra. Even though he was scratched by a war spear on the way, his expression remained unchanged and indifferent as usual.

If one ignores the fierce battle situation, the dark starry sky is rendered with extremely bright colors by the confrontation, and just listening to the calm questions and answers from both sides, one would think that a pair of old friends are reunited, communicating with each other, and confirming the unknown.

Suddenly, Kahn was furious, roaring angrily, with a majestic appearance. The fourth burst broke the space restriction, hitting Ye Lin and smashing into it.

But this time the coordinates are not an external barrier in a parallel dimension, but a starry sky leading to this universe.

They smashed into space, crossed the vast star field, and were bathed in chaotic void fragments. Both sides were dripping with blood and covered with hideous wounds.

In the distance, a golden planet suddenly appeared in the eye sockets. Viewed from a distance in the starry sky, it exuded a hazy golden glow. The halo was sacred and very beautiful.

It was Tabols, which meant that they should have arrived near the Demon Realm.

"Twelve man-made gods can severely injure the Supreme Being. Then adding the thirteenth one, will they have the ability to kill Him?" Kahn asked, ignoring the bone-deep injuries all over his body, and the healing speed was not as good as before. .


Ye Lin nodded, also covered in scars. Although he didn't give him a definite answer, the specific meaning was self-evident.

In the distant and prosperous era of Terra, scientists led by Held captured the "energy" floating in the universe and created twelve artificial gods.

These fleshly bodies that have been endowed with a certain kind of power exude the majesty of God, and their words always reveal the wisdom of God. They are regarded as possessing power that rivals God!

As a result, the residents of Terra began to fanatically worship their own creations, and every Terran aspired to be like "Biana".

Subsequently, Terran scientists tried to concentrate the "elemental" power of the universe and inject it into the human body to achieve glorious evolution, but they all ended in failure, and all the experimental subjects exploded and died.

So various questions came one after another. Who set the seal for the thirteenth darkness sealed under Terra?

Why would the conditions for unlocking the seal trigger a continuous war on Terra?

Judging from the technological power of Terra's top prosperity at the time, since it has been able to capture "energy" from the universe, is it not possible to capture it from the depths of the earth?

If you think about it carefully, there are weird smells everywhere.

Ye Lin and Kahn stood on both sides of the starry sky, their bodies full of blood steaming, but they did not start fighting again. They were both preparing for a brilliant and unique blow.

"Thirteen is greater than one. In other words, in the undivided source of chaos in the beginning, is he actually evil?" Kahn's voice was calm, but the content of his words made Yelin's pupils shrink.

The Darkness of the Beginning was the evil and dark side of the universe when the Great Will created the world. The twelve man-made gods were actually part of the "Great Will" and were originally one entity.

"While the great will created the world, the dark side of evil fell into the boundless universe. 』

However, how should we distinguish between good and evil in that primitive era of chaos?

The world has not yet been born, no living beings exist, and the meaning of wisdom has nowhere to be embodied. So what standards should be used to make specific judgments about the definition of good and evil.

Just, is it because later people liked "light" and hated "dark"?

The reincarnations of the Darkness of the Beginning, except for a few apostles who were affected by their life experiences, seemed to have reasons to do "evil" as a last resort.

Even some of the apostles, such as Prey and Michel, are still great beings praised by everyone and will be remembered forever.

Ye Lin fell into silence and thought deeply about how evil the dark and evil side of the great will could be, which in turn made him angry.

Looking back at history, it seems that they only wanted to unearth the thirteenth darkness underground, so they instigated the sages of Ancient Terra to start a war that burned the earth and stained the sky.

Not to mention anything else, the annihilation disaster caused by the cruel and cruel tyrant of Arad, which is clearly recorded in historical data, is enough to make people horrified.

The Dragon King came to the throne and imposed a ban on magic from the heavens. Violators must die, which abruptly changed the direction of a world's civilization.

The priest Jige summoned the ghosts and gods from the underworld and severely damaged an army of 300,000 people with one blow, staining the territory with blood.

Emperor Leon Heinrich III of the Delos Empire was ambitious, set fire to exterminate his family, invaded other countries, and was warlike all year round.

There is also a parallel world, where Ozma's blood curse has spread throughout the continent of Arad, making the world gloomy and hopeless.

When the war on Terra continued, the great will came from the depths of the universe, scolding its own dark side, and finally a fierce war broke out, destroying the twelve artificial gods together with the ambitious Terra stars.

After all, did He have a tender and compassionate heart at that time, or was He afraid of mankind's prying into God's power?

"It seems that there must be something we don't know about Guterra." Kahn mocked, he was laughing at Ye Lin.

Without seeing the true truth, we maintain some dimensional balance and pursue an illusory peace.

The Trial Blade, whose blade is it?

Is it ostensibly a pawn for Held to revive Terra, or... what about Caroso? !

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