Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,425 The old man is full of evil

Luke has done many wrong things, including spreading black nightmares to the continent of Arad to eat light and restore his own state.

This directly led to some monsters becoming more violent in character, and the sudden change in the temperament of Kallet leader Anzu Seifer, which became one of the factors inducing war in the heavens.

But Luke also made some amends before he regained consciousness and left the demon world. For example, the energy revolution launched by Dr. Gina and others was closely related to the technology he left behind.

The wealth of knowledge of the Mechanical King, even if it is only a scratch, is enough for the heaven to be used for a long time.

"I need the water of life, and I am willing to pay any price." The old man was very frank, straightforward, and solemn in a tone that was equivalent to a complete stud.

What verbal hints and wise people's talk are completely unnecessary, what is needed and what is paid are all clearly laid out on the table.

Even if Ye Lin says he wants to be the king of Hebron, he can abdicate directly. As long as Hebron can return to its past, with the people being healthy and civilization prospering, it doesn't matter to him.

Before Ye Lin could speak, a petite girl with two thin ponytails and a big slingshot on her back jumped up through the open door of the living room and the steel corridor outside.

"Grandpa Luke!"

Becky's elastic little face was filled with a bright smile, leaving Jin Chou (the red clown) far behind, with a bunch of crystal candied haws dangled in his hand, and said as if offering a treasure: "Grandpa, candied haws, with seeds removed, It’s so sweet.”

"Really? Then let me try it." Luke smiled heartily, the wrinkles on his face were almost squeezed together, and his beard was trembling, but he did not reject Becky's enthusiasm.

The harmony between grandfather and grandson can be described as a scene of family happiness.

But Ye Lin rolled his eyes and complained about his underwear. Just now, he lamented that the old man was frank and magnanimous and worthy of being a majestic monarch, but he immediately became sinister and played the emotional card.

Before, Becky would either play with Lalo in Wuxuan Town, or follow Feiyan to eat her favorite chocolate in Ghent, Heaven. She was deliberately taken to Hebron by the red clown.

The old man seems to be dim-sighted, but he is actually very prosperous. You see, my granddaughter and I have such a good relationship. If my body decays after a period of time, Becky will not be so sad that she cries. Are you willing to let her cry?

Although he had a little intention of taking advantage of Becky, Luke was really helpless and he truly paid "all the price".

After eating the candied haws, Beqi immediately got tired of the atmosphere in the living room. She thanked Mailu for the candy and ran out happily, "Agaogaogaogao...what are you doing?"

The red clown once stuttered due to excitement. After Becky happened to hear it, Agao Gaogao became another name for Algos.

Just now, the old man looked like I was showing off my cards, and I was very calm. As soon as Becky slipped away, his three eyes couldn't stop looking at Ye Lin, slightly turbid but unable to hide his anticipation.

The genetic liquid was also stuffed in, the emotional card was also played, and the millions of sleeping people of Hebron were described without leaving a trace.

If you still need anything, just ask.

He has no chance to reappear the peak strength of the Lord of Light and Darkness. He can find someone to steal the water of life. Whether Hebron's future can be reborn is now completely in Ye Lin's hands. It is not an exaggeration to say.

Ye Lin touched his nose and was speechless. He took out a crystal bottle from his pocket. The bottle had many diamond-shaped sections. Two luminous light sources inside the bottle illuminated the entire room brilliantly.

"Old man, this is just a temporary measure." He also pushed the bottle over straightforwardly.

One drop can replenish lost energy, blood, and spirit, giving you a new look, while two drops can smooth out decay and extend your life for more than a hundred years.

Unfortunately, the weight is insufficient, and immortality cannot be completely achieved. As time slowly and silently erodes, one day, Luke will face the current embarrassing predicament again.

"I will come up with a solution." Luke finally breathed a sigh of relief and held the crystal bottle tightly. He had another precious time to fight for it.

The dull and wrinkled hands seemed to suddenly have some healthy luster because they were holding the bottle containing the water of life.

Hebron's difficulties seem to be numerous, but they are not entirely without solutions.

For example, Luke's technological power went a step further and created a guardian more powerful than Horus/Anubis, enough to maintain the balance of the world.

Or, he can have some kind of powerful breakthrough in his own strength and reach the level of Luke, another strongest person in another dimension.

Even if it doesn't work, you can also go to the universe to find other habitable planets whose environment is not as extreme as Hebron. This is also a last resort.

In short, he no longer has to worry about the decay of his body for the time being, and there are many possibilities and hopes to try.

"Ye Lin, Xiaoyu, come with me." The old man stood up, still using a cane.

The water of life is very important. Drinking it with the endless power of light will have better effects.

"Ah? You called me?"

Xiaoyu was poking Mo Mei's arm with a slender substance to see if her skin had improved after drinking the precious genetic liquid. Xiaoyu looked up in surprise.

She didn't know why Luke specifically named her, but since Ye Lin was also there, it didn't hurt to go and take a look.

After many checks and checkpoints, Luke led the two of them to the center of this underground city, which is also the most underground location, about a thousand meters deep.

He opened a very thick door, which was entirely made of the Root of Darkness, and then took out two boxes that emitted a hazy purple light but were made of gray-white mysterious rocks from the secret room behind the door, and placed them in front of the two of them.

That is a magic rock, and it only exists in small amounts in some areas where the light and dark worlds border.

After the box in front of Xiaoyu was opened, there was a smooth and warm stone slab engraved with many small words and mysterious runes. It looked like a stone tablet with remnants of ruins.

"This is the secret prophecy of the Royal Family of Hebron, Xiaoyu, please write it down and keep it in your heart, and then don't spread it outside." Luke said in a hoarse voice.

This stone slab suddenly brought back a not-so-good memory for him.

Lord Luke noticed the demon world as soon as it appeared in the starry sky near Hebron, but he didn't take it to heart or have any worries.

Because even if the demon world carries many terrifying invaders, in the face of the pinnacle technology of the mechanical planet, any invader will be torn apart by the metal torrent and annihilated.

And at that time, the reputation of the mechanical monarch Luke resounded throughout the world. He was a man of light and darkness, and was extremely powerful.

Even the Dragon Planet in the distant starry sky has heard about it.

Held arrived alone. Luke was also very surprised by her elegance, calmness, humility and sincerity in treating others, especially her talent for elemental magic.

Then, Held became acutely aware of Hebron's uniqueness, as well as Luke's own uneasiness.

She first humbly asked for advice on how to use the royal prophecy, and then in the process of becoming a student, she intentionally or unintentionally informed about the existence of the Water of Life.

Therefore, Luke, who was in the last glory of his peak state, eagerly and recklessly entered the Demon Realm. Then the Demon Realm quickly broke away from Hebron and relied on the harsh environment of year-round darkness to quickly take away the power of this great monarch. .

Everything that follows...

"I'm illiterate." Xiaoyu stared at the slate in a daze, her beautiful eyes slightly bright. She was very interested in the royal prophecy, but she didn't understand Hebron's writing.

The curator is very knowledgeable. He has carefully studied and studied different races and languages ​​from many worlds, and is proficient in many languages.

"It doesn't matter, I've already written it down. When I get back, I'll translate it and teach you sentence by sentence." Ye Lin nodded, memorizing every symbol in his heart.

"Hey, you actually learned the Hebron script? You are not someone with similar hobbies," Xiaoyu said in a weird tone, deliberately joking.

Because based on her understanding of Ye Lin, if he has free time, he is more interested in studying physics, sliding friction, etc.

"Alas..." Ye Lin spread his hands and said helplessly: "I was forced by Naiyali."

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