Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,447: Wit versus rich woman

But just when Mrs. Sai was full of energy and was about to rush to Doctor Sai's door, patients and their family members came from the other side of the road to get medicine, and she couldn't help but slow down.

The voice of the other party's conversation was not too low, so Ye Lin and Sai Fupo could vaguely hear some words. It was probably when the wasteland was being reclaimed a few days ago, the patient's leg was cut open by a broken crystal shard. The mouth was bleeding.

What's even more uncomfortable is that they didn't pay much attention to it at first. They just applied hemostatic medicine and made do with it. Unexpectedly, they recently developed inflammation and pus, and developed a high fever.

The reason why there are still people who have not left this place, which can be said to be a remote place, is that in addition to safety, the beautiful environment also plays a large part in the factors.

Tana said that on a cloudless and windless night with a clear moon, the soft white moonlight pours down from the sky, echoing the leafy silver sacred trees, and the entire village is rendered into a silver ocean, which is very beautiful. , attracted many people to settle here.

After that natural disaster, almost everyone was adversely affected to one degree or another, and some people also looked away and looked at life completely and clearly.

In a house sheltered from the rain and wind, with a few close friends and relatives, a pot of hot tea and old wine, life is just a matter of life.

However, if Silver Village wants to maintain its basic living needs for a long time, its basic living needs must be guaranteed. Although mining is refreshing for a while, the resource seems to be non-renewable, and Arad meteorites are rarely seen in nearby areas.

However, due to the influence of the black nightmare, the temperament of the elemental elves changed drastically, causing large pieces of useless and obstructive crystals to grow in the nearby fields and fields.

If you want to have new farmland, you must find a way to dig out those crystals that are in the way.

Doctor Sai carefully inquired about the situation, and carefully checked the opponent's leg wound with gloves, and then prepared a few pairs of medicines for internal and external use. He also wrote a list and handed it over, saying: "The wound has deteriorated a bit seriously. You guys Go find the alchemist Morgan, he will prepare some targeted potions for you according to the order."

After paying for the medicine, the two of them gratefully thanked and left.

Doctor Sai continued to flip through the medical books in his hand, but he looked quite absent-minded. Last night, Lin said that there would be a surprise for her tomorrow. What would it be? She had been looking forward to it.

Although Lin didn't show up at midnight, her subtle intuition told her that he would come, and he was definitely not someone who told lies as soon as he opened his mouth.

After calming down her slightly confused mind, Doctor Sai continued to read the medical book. A strand of black hair slipped from her ear and she wrote vertically. She gently teased the tenderness of her hair, which matched the simple and beautiful rain scene. It was quite poetic and full of nature. flavor.

There were footsteps approaching slowly again, but this time Doctor Sai did not raise his head first. Instead, his body trembled slightly, and then like a rusty mechanical doll, he turned his neck little by little and looked at the guests at the door.

"Celia, do you still remember the surprise? I found your family." Yelin smiled, then moved aside.

Sai Fupo and Doctor Sai looked at each other for the first time. The moment their two pairs of beautiful red eyes met each other, each other's hearts beat violently and their breathing seemed to freeze.

Although the guests at the door were still wearing masks, they had the same hairstyle, the same eyes, a fair face that even the mask couldn't cover, and delicate and beautiful facial features.

That feeling of familiarity was like looking at himself in the mirror. Doctor Sai could instantly confirm that the other party definitely had a mysterious relationship with him.

Saifu Po quickly calmed down her slightly confused emotions, and then slowly took off the mask hanging from her ears. A look of joy quickly appeared on her pretty face, and she said softly: "I finally found you, sister."

Even if the other person is another person, with a common past and a different future, and an independent mind, then he should take advantage of his identity first.

But it's still a little weird to take advantage of one's own words.


Doctor Sai felt as if something suddenly exploded in his mind, turning it into nothingness and then a mess. He couldn't remember anything. The book slipped from his knees and he stared stupidly at a face that was exactly the same as his own.

Exactly, it was like looking into a mirror, and then the self in the mirror came out alive.

The only difference between the two is their dress. Fu Po Sai is dressed very fashionably, with earrings, rings, and jewelry. Doctor Sai is dressed in a pure long dress with only a red pendant hanging from her snow-white neck.

There is a sense of contrast between the noble and elegant sister in the city and the simple and elegant sister in the country.

The doctor came to his senses after a long time. His voice was a little hoarse and he asked the two of them to come in and sit down. Then he immediately closed the door tightly and put up a sign that the hospital was closed today.

A pot of tea was fragrant and elegant, but the two Sais were a little absent-minded when they picked up the teacups. Instead, Ye Lin served in various ways, constantly comparing the two tea-drinking Sais. One was bright and fragrant, and the other was white and elegant.

Seeing their cup of tea changing from hot to slightly cold, Ye Lin rolled his eyes and helplessly continued to help change the tea. They didn't speak, and it was hard for him to start a topic.

Finally, Dr. Sai breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Mrs. Sai seriously, carefully, and asked sincerely: "You said, I am your sister? Are we biological sisters?"

In fact, she is now seventy-eight percent convinced. In addition to being blood sisters, they must also be twins. Otherwise, how could the two of them be so similar in appearance, as if they were looking at themselves in the mirror.

He actually has a sister~ Doctor Sai suddenly felt a bit strange in his heart. The happiness came too suddenly, but it felt so unreal.

"Well, look, I still have this." Mrs. Sai took out a necklace from her pocket. The pendant was a red gemstone, exactly the same as the one hanging around Dr. Sai's neck.

As soon as she took it out, she felt like a sister's token. In order to distinguish the difference, Sai Fu Po also changed the color of the necklace this morning.

Later, Mrs. Sai came up with a set of words she had prepared long ago and began to instill in Doctor Sai the past memories that she regretted missing.

For example, we were sisters who originally lived near Elvin's defense line, but a sudden forest fire caused turmoil in the great magic circle, and the mysterious power leaked from it caused some people to suffer from amnesia of varying lengths of time.

On the side, Ye Lin listened silently, then gradually turned to raise his eyebrows in surprise, and then was stunned.

With her clever mind and smooth and clean eloquence, Sai Fupo not only found an excuse for Doctor Sai's amnesia, but also solved the problem of the two having the same name.

Although there must be big loopholes in the amnesia of the group near the Grand Forest, if you look carefully, after the outbreak of the Destruction Epoch, there were already very few survivors, and then they became displaced and wandering in various ways, and there was almost no way to confirm anything.

Even if you encounter one or two by chance, amnesia or something like that is something that is not easy to verify. Maybe the other person just had a short time and didn't pay attention.

"Celia Crumin"

Sai Fupo said that during the time when she was affected by amnesia, she felt that this name was very important to her, and she was worried that she would accidentally forget it, so she used this name as her own name.

Remind yourself that "Celia Crumin" must never be forgotten.

It wasn't until not long ago that she heard from others that there was a kind-hearted doctor in Silver Village whose name was also "Celia Crumin", and she suddenly remembered that this was actually her sister's name.

As soon as Dr. Sai heard these words, she, who is pure and kind, had a scene in her mind where her sister was affected by energy and lost her memory. However, she still refused to forget her sister's name. She struggled to remember her name, and in the end it even became ingrained in her mind, replacing her own original name. name.

The elder sister is deeply affectionate, and the younger sister Doctor Sai immediately felt warm in his heart.

Seeing that his sister still couldn't remember his name, but could remember the past of the two of them very well, Doctor Sai's eyes were sore on the spot, and he quickly hugged the rich woman tightly and choked slightly: "It doesn't matter, Celia, we will be together from now on." Name, you too, and me too.”

Probably because they were too close to each other, doctor Sai here was moved to tears, and Sai Fupo, who had carefully weaved lies, couldn't help but feel sore at the corners of her eyes, and blinked at the shocked Ye Lin, expressing her helplessness.

The most thrilling level was easily solved by the rich woman, and the rest is to slowly deepen the relationship between the sisters as time goes by.

"Sister, how have you been doing outside these past few years?" Doctor Sai was very happy, but for some reason, when he opened his mouth to call her sister, he always felt a little weird in his heart.

But she thought it was years of absence and didn't pay much attention.

"Well, it's okay. I'm doing some small business in Hedunmar, but you're having a hard time."

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