Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,451 Marrying a Dragon

In addition to the naturally-born, strange-shaped fire element elves in the Blazing Crystal Forest, there are also some flame squirrels with shiny fur and tails burning with a ball of flame.

They feed on the element of fire, so they like to hold some fire element crystals and chew them. The crystals are crisp and chewy.

Ye Lin walked among them as if taking a leisurely stroll. Occasionally, a few curious flame squirrels looked over. Their small pupils were filled with black threads influenced by black nightmares. They were not hostile to Ye Lin passing by. Instead, they jumped around him out of curiosity. Jump around.

"Element", he possesses the greatest elemental power in Taichu, his breath is very pure, and he has a fatal temptation to the elemental elves.

After wandering in the Blazing Crystal Forest for half an hour, he was leading a sizable "army" behind him, consisting of fire element elves and flame squirrels, marching all the way.

They were greedy for the pure breath of Ye Lin, and quietly and unconsciously, the black threads in their pupils dissipated, and their rationality returned to normal.

Yelin stretched out his hand to summon a fat flame squirrel, rubbed its hot soft belly, and asked: "Flame Princess Zyra, where is she? She is the hottest and hottest fire elemental elf."

The chubby squirrel sniffed the tip of its nose, jumped out of his hand, then turned back in three steps and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Flames and forests are incompatible, but under Zyra's strong restraint, the fire elves put away their violent personalities and lived close to the silver sacred tree.

Before we had gone far, in the freezing season of mid-winter, a strong wave of hot air suddenly hit us, rushing through the mountains and forests, as if it was about to ignite the entire forest.

Along with this heat wave, there was also a man with a strong voice scolding: "Wake up, otherwise I won't be polite."

A Ganzuo waved the giant sword that looked like a door plank, stirring up the Frost Sword Qi, and shattered the huge fireball that came towards him, slightly impatient.

He came to the Anofa Forest to investigate the Black Nightmare. This was the starting point of the Destruction Era, and he might be able to make some unique discoveries.

I heard that the elemental elves were originally friendly and gentle, but they became violent and warlike under the influence of the black nightmare. He is not a murderous person, so he doesn't want to kill them all.

But the elves seemed to have completely lost their minds. Once they saw the intruder, they shot out flames like crazy, almost igniting the forest.

Especially the strongest among the fire elements, Flame Princess Zyra, her strength is comparable to that of the Awakened, and she is a more serious "magician".

In the mirror dimension, human magicians are still very talented. Strong people who can attack large-scale long-range magic are basically more powerful and noble than strong people of the same level.

Zyra can create a blazing sea of ​​fire, burning and suffocating all nearby enemies. The defense of light deck armor cannot prevent the scalding flames from seeping in and burning.

"It seems that I have to subdue you first, and then hand it over to Morgan to see how to recover." Aganzuo slowly grasped the hilt of the sword, Zyra's slender figure reflected in his pupils.

"The bad guys who bully the elves will be burned to death." Zyra shouted angrily, raising her delicate arms high, and the bright fire elements gathered crazily, forming a huge fireball that exuded an intense heat wave.

The surrounding dry leaves were instantly ignited, tree branches soaked by rain were quickly dried, and hibernating insects hibernating underground were burned to death by the heat wave.

"She has not been completely eroded by the black nightmare." A-Gump nodded, and then slashed at Zyra with his sword.

The invisible sharp sword energy collided with the fireball, instantly cutting it open and then bursting into pieces, turning into a shower of fire and meteors that scattered and fell in all directions.

Zyra, who had lost her mind, no longer had the fighting power of a normal awakened person. One of the long-famous Four Sword Masters, the giant sword master Aganzuo, quickly won the victory with his powerful swordsmanship and excellent combat skills. .

He seemed to be very familiar with the effects of the black nightmare and had experience in dealing with it. He held the giant sword next to the unconscious Zyra and was about to freeze Zyra.

It was a light ice-blue giant sword that seemed to be made of mysterious ice crystals, exuding a cold and cold feeling. Wherever the sword tip pointed, the ground was quietly growing frost amid the flames.

The reason why Zyra could be defeated quickly was that this ice attribute sword also played a very important role.

Frosty weather!

If it were a monster affected by the black nightmare, he would chop it into pieces, but Flame Princess Zyra is obviously still resistant to the nightmare, and there may be hope of saving it.


Ye Lin hurriedly stopped him, and then walked from the forest. He had no weapons in his hands, indicating that he was not hostile.

However, a group of elemental elves followed behind him, just like a king on an expedition. The scale of the scene was so grand that it was hard not to make people wary.

Just now, while Aganzuo was fighting Zyra, he ran to the ice crystal forest in the adjacent mountain range and cleaned and purified it.

Including the Ice Elf King Jarus who possesses the power of an awakener, a short old man with a white beard, his beard and hair are shaped like ice picks.

But because his elemental aura was so pure and sacred, a group of elemental elves were reluctant to leave. They followed him but refused to leave. In addition to the flaming squirrel with a burning tail, there was also a squirrel with icy blue fur and a spear-shaped ice pick on its tail. For "Lulan".

At a glance, the two types of fire and ice elves are mixed together but extremely harmonious. It is roughly estimated that there are at least nearly ten thousand.

"The freezing method can certainly prevent the spread of the black nightmare, but Zyra is a fire elemental elf. If she is frozen, the core will be broken, which is counterproductive." Ye Lin explained.

Compared with the decadent Forrest Gumpzu, who once drank to drown his sorrows in the main dimension, the giant sword master in front of him is obviously more weathered and cold, and he is dressed in fine clothes, giving people a capable and steady feeling.

"What can you do?" Aganzuo frowned and looked at the mysterious man who suddenly appeared.

It is said that the elemental elves living in the Arnofar Forest, although they have many differences with each other due to their attributes and it is difficult to live together, they all respect an elf prince.

The elf prince has magical power, and his existence can make the elemental elves purer and stronger.

Could it be that the person in front of me is the Elf Prince?

"The Blue Guardian of the Silver Village gave me a sedative potion that can effectively cure the elves' riots." Ye Lin pretended to use a bottle of Remy potion and fed it to the Flame Princess Zyra.

Although Zyra looks like a seven or eight-year-old human girl, with snow-white skin, her body is very hard, as if it were made of crystal.

"You'll wake up in a moment." Ye Lin gently put down Zyra and handed it to the fire elves following behind, asking them to find a safe place.

First solve the black nightmare of the elves, then find the origin of the outbreak of the era of destruction, and then deal with the heavy crystals outside the mountains, then you can go to the dragon base camp to get married with this dragon... This is what Tana said.

The position of the elemental elves has always been neutral, maintaining the balance of nature's attributes. They have no malice towards humans, so they can live in harmony.

So if Tana asked me to help, I would help more, and it would be considered as part of the betrothal gift to Ben Long.

A Gan Zuo withdrew his cold air from the sky. He stared at Ye Lin with his calm eyes for a long time, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Hello, I am A Gan Zuo."

"Ye Lin, I am also an adventurer. I passed by the Silver Village with my friends. Hello."

After introducing each other and greeting each other, Ye Lin had no intention of keeping his name anonymous. Even because of the main dimension, Aganzuo might look familiar to him.

But it has been seven years since the Age of Destruction broke out. Aganzuo has been running around the land of Arad, punishing evil, promoting good, and eradicating evil. The sea of ​​people he has seen in the past seven years has disappeared. Occasionally, there are familiar faces, which is normal.

However, Agan Zuo's eyes were extremely strange, and he could not hide his shock: "Your world is completely peaceful? And who, Siatt and Mo Mei are also there?"


Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, a little dazed. He was sure that the Aganzuo in front of him was one of the four swordsmen of this dimension. How could he...

"I heard what Maisel said." Aganzuo smiled lightly. Sure enough, the different dimensions are real.

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