Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,472 The Second Demonic Sword

The barrier of Dragon Valley was blown to pieces by Astra before. Ye Lin was considered a good person and did the best to help repair it and hide it again among the Luolan Mountains.

The EX airship is slowly moving at a very high altitude, and its next destination is the Grand Forest that the doctor who has lost his memory for seven years has missed.

The place where the elves lived in the past was also the core hub of the great magic circle.

Not long after sailing through the Lorain Mountains, Doctor Sai couldn't wait to run to the window of the airship and lie down. He should be almost at the Alvin Defense Line.

Rumor has it that this was the first stronghold established by the elves to defend against external invasion. In the past, the ancient trees were towering, lush, and the forests were like the sea. It was very beautiful.

However, the doctor's bright and expectant face quickly turned gloomy, his cheeks were stiff and his eyes were dull, as if he had suddenly lost his soul.

It coincides with the cold winter season, and most of the trees have lost their leaves. The terrain conditions can be clearly seen at a glance. The Elvin Defense Line after the Destruction Era is no longer the beautiful appearance in memory.

There are some new trees and even low shrubs all over the mountains and plains. The color of the large withered grass is particularly dazzling. There is no sign of human habitation. It is not wrong to say that it is in the wilderness.

The origin of the outbreak of the Age of Destruction was near the Arnofar Forest, and its impact was so strong that it turned the prosperous Hutton Mardu into ruins, not to mention the closer Elvin Defense Line.

Although he had expected that this might be the case and was mentally prepared to a certain extent, when the desolate scene of the end appeared before his eyes, Doctor Sai still felt depressed and heavy, as if his emotions were being grasped by an invisible big hand.

Grand Forest, the paradise of elves, is probably similar to the Elvin Defense Line in front of us, turned into a land of continuous ruins.

Not only the elves, but also most of the traces of their existence were erased in the Age of Destruction.

"Why don't we go for a walk in the Grand Forest." Saifu Po said after observing the situation and pulling her sister.

No matter what, you should still go and see it. Even if the traces of the elves disappear, the deep land beneath your feet will definitely remember their great achievements, and Arad will not forget it.

Doctor Sai's memory has been restored. Due to emotions and reasons, he also wants to pay homage to one or two of his brave and sacrificial, great and noble compatriots.


The two sisters reminisced about the past in the Grand Forest, and Yelin took a detour alone to the Screaming Cave, because the mirror dimension shared the past of the main dimension and was highly consistent.

Therefore, Apostle Sirok, as the first victim of the transfer phenomenon, will also "fall" in the Wailing Cave, and by the way, he will become famous as the Four Sword Masters.

Precisely because she was transferred early enough, when the first apostle Kahn used his power to kill the apostles and obtain the Darkness of the Beginning, she was lucky enough to escape from danger, and theoretically there is still a possibility of resurrection.

But Ye Lin was not sure where Sirok's soul and apostolic power would exist, and whether he had completely perished in the Age of Destruction. He could only go to the Screaming Cave to see first.

And that correlates to three or four times the likelihood of happiness.

"This should be the Ming Cave, right?" Ye Lin was searching near a mountainous area, not sure.

The Age of Destruction has changed the topography of Arad a lot, especially the "Screaming Cave", a small place that is famous for the ancient poisons that stirred up the soil and resembled the screams of humans. It can easily be completely annihilated and disappeared by the chaotic energy torrent.

In particular, there were barren mountains and ridges nearby, with few people around. In addition, Shilok might hide on purpose. Ye Lin walked around for more than half an hour without any clue.

"Where is this?" Little Arthur crawled out from the hood of his coat, yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

After leaving the Dragon Clan, Ye Lin changed into formal clothes, a comfortable and loose casual jacket, and there was a cute and tender little Arthur hidden in the hood.

"Are you awake? I'm looking for the Wailing Cave, where the apostle Sirocco stayed." Seeing that she was still a little confused, Ye Lin handed over a small colorless crystal, and little Arthur hugged it subconsciously.


"Actually, since you can't find Sirocco, why not try to let her come to you?" Little Arthur absorbed the colorless pure energy and analyzed it.

The Wailing Cave has been lost in the Age of Destruction, and only a rough range can be determined. Little Arthur cleverly suggested that he try to seduce Sirocco with something he likes.

If Sirocco's consciousness is really nearby, there will definitely be some changes.

"She likes me the most, and I have already appeared." Ye Lin said confidently and shamelessly.

Little Arthur:……(¬_¬)

A diamond-shaped crystal-shaped substance is suspended in the air, and the sun reflects the colorful brilliance on it. It has a strong breath of life. Just smelling it can calm the mind and calm the mind, which is very good for the body.

It was a drop of pure water of life.

A flower bloomed in Ye Lin's palm, and the aura of Wuxuan swept across the earth quickly. The withered grass became green again, the withered flowers straightened their figure, full of flower bones, and the large forest quickly grew leaves, lush and green.

A strange scene out of season, everything happened in just two minutes. Little Arthur gently clapped and praised him. No wonder Miya liked him.

Miya can communicate with the consciousness of flowers and plants, and often compares herself to a human-shaped grass. She also said that the breath of Ye Lin is very fresh and close to her, and she will feel very comfortable when she is close to him, just like... a father. The same as the embrace.

Although Maisel understood that there should be an interaction between the plant's supernatural power and the ancestor of the plant, Miya's metaphor for him still felt a little strange.

I don’t know how the innocent girl spent that day at the Queen of Waves in Tabols. I’ll find some time to visit her after I go back.

About a quarter of an hour later, when Ye Lin also felt that Shilok's consciousness might not be in the Wailing Cave, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook, and then a strange sound suddenly came from the ground.

It was a mysterious crying sound. After listening carefully, it turned out to be a hysterical scream. It was very hoarse and terrifying, as if someone was suffering inhumane torture. It made people's skin crawl all over and made their hair stand on end.

Ye Lin frowned and hid to the side. A moment later, the ground where he was originally arched and broke open. The broken soil flew and a huge and ferocious-looking insect emerged.

Its body is already two stories high when it protrudes from the ground. Its shell is as hard as rock. The shell is in the shape of links, with hard spines on the edges. It has no eyes, and its head is filled with several pairs of mouthparts densely packed with fangs. There was sticky, foul-smelling saliva flowing.

"Insect King Killing Gu?!" Ye Lin was slightly surprised. Could it be that the adult Gu Killing Insect likes to burrow deep into the ground, so it was lucky enough to avoid the era of destruction.

Killing Gu is cruel by nature, and has a very high desire to kill those who intrude into its territory. If it is during the reproductive period of Killing Gu, it will often actively attack surrounding areas in search of blood food to replenish its own energy.

The insect king did not focus on Ye Lin and little Arthur, but turned its mouthparts to the drop of water of life and quickly bit it.

The water of life has an extremely unbearable temptation for any life.

"I can't give it to you, you don't deserve it." Ye Lin hooked his fingers and the water of life flew back to his palm, then put it away with his backhand.

The Insect King Killing Gu became furious and immediately aimed at Ye Lin, twisting his body into a twist, and then shot out nearly a hundred sharp flying thorns, locking them in all directions and being unable to dodge them.

A nearby tree that the two men were barely hugging exploded on the spot after being hit by a flying stick. The sound was shocking.

"Huh, what a trick." Little Arthur is not big, but he is very powerful.

She held her small hand in the air, and the powerful telekinesis swept and spread, wrapping the Insect King Killing Gu, and then pulled the giant adult insect, which was more than twenty meters tall, out of the ground and suspended it in mid-air.


With a hard slap of his little hand, the body of the Insect King Killing Gu was completely twisted into a twist, and the hard shell was broken into pieces. The smelly green blood spurted out, and it was also corrosive, and the contaminated rocks were exposed. There is green smoke.

"There is something in the stomach of Killing Gu." Little Arthur hooked his fingers again and used very convenient telekinesis to quickly pull out a huge sword with a wide blade from the insect king's corpse.

Magic Sword—Apophis!

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