Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 147: Make great contributions to peace in Arad! !

"You are so impudent that you are disrespectful to the Queen!"

Meia had a straight face, her beautiful eyebrows raised above her bright eyes, and she seemed to have a hint of sullen anger.

Her face is noble, her temperament is elegant, her unique and natural red eyes are not just a shadow dancer's status effect, every frown can move people's hearts.

But based on her current state and her performance just now, there is really no Queen's majesty to speak of, even though she has tried very hard.

"Her Majesty the Queen has been very busy these days. As a minister, I should help Her Majesty solve her problems and soothe her muscles, bones and energy. Please don't refuse this kindness."

Fatty meat is an excellent ingredient. In order to achieve the most delicious taste, it needs a certain amount of time to be kneaded and pressed until it is tender and smooth.

But today's two portions are a bit special, they feel great to the touch, but the temperature is low, so they obviously require more work.

Meia was wearing a tight-fitting dress, with alternating gold and white, with a blue lining at the lower skirt. It was decent and noble, but this dress had a fatal flaw. It's Niao Tingting, very elegant, but very slow...

She wanted to say something, but physical obstacles appeared again. She couldn't say anything, so she could only slowly close her eyes and accept the exchange.

The two most difficult problems were solved, and Xiaolu's chaotic mind suddenly calmed down. He felt a strong sense of joy and relief that he had finally met someone who could accept him.


A chill ran down her back, and her body trembled unconsciously.

The dress was designed with a special zipper and skirt straps on the back, which You Yu usually made for her, but today You Yu happened to return to the Night Destroyer Headquarters.

The Night Destroyer headquarters is extremely secretive. Although it is in Dark City, the specific location is known to only her except the members of the organization, who are only loyal to the royal family.

Although Meia was speechless, she felt a little proud in her heart. If she wanted to take off the dress's too complicated design, it would not only require help from others, but also the cooperation of the wearer.

"Hmph, let's see what you do. The fabric is a royal item and ordinary people can't tear it apart. If you use magic and power, you will definitely hurt me if you get too close..."

She silently made a small calculation in her heart. As long as he was a little violent, she would deliberately pretend to be angry and see what he would do. You Yu once pointed at the book and said that if you can beat the other party, don't be polite and make the decision yourself.

If you can't beat him, then act coquettish and cute and cry to make him confused, and then take the initiative yourself!

so smart! (?′?`?)

fifth Element!

Little by little, like paper swallowed by flames, no matter how gorgeous and complex the fabric products are, they can only slowly disappear into nothingness.

Blinking his eyes in surprise, he could no longer hold back and bit his teeth to get rid of it. Then he gasped and touched his arms and shoulders, then lowered his head...

"What kind of ability is this!"

He hurriedly covered it up and down with his hands, but still looked around curiously. Why was there not a single fragment, and it was nothing?

He pursed his bleeding lips and said proudly: "A kind of elemental control ability. In addition to the four basic elements, theoretically matter is also an element and can also be manipulated by magic."

"And I have very good control. You see, I didn't touch the silk chiffon headband or the white lace camouflage cloth at all."

Meia is tall and slender, with green hair hanging down, a golden feather crown on her head, and an expensive piece of jewelry hanging around her neck that can drive all ladies crazy.

He didn't touch any of these things, which made Meia feel sacred!

"Your Majesty the Queen, I would like to have another debate, even if you are quarrelsome and try your best!"

"My king, it's accurate..."

Meia closed her eyes, probably understanding that she was really going to be bound to this knight, and she was slowly getting used to it.

But when I thought that I was the queen, I felt stunned and took the initiative to attack. The enemy was defeated steadily and could only retreat.

"I won!" Meia was proud for a while, and then was immediately beaten back.

"Her Majesty the Queen, please remove the disguise and allow me to support justice!"

"Accurate...but there are still hidden traitors in the dark elves?"

Meiya, who had only read a small picture book with You Yu in private, how could she understand so many terms? It was not until she was helped to realize justice that she understood, but by that time, it was already too late.

"Eat this."

Several red fruits of Vanes appeared in the palm of her left hand. She had been plundered a little bit miserably just now. Her mouth was dry and she needed to add some water.

"Um...thank you. By the way, don't you really find it disgusting? I heard that there is a saying that humans call us a race with sinful blood, and we should avoid it at a glance."

Meia closed her eyes and murmured softly, then lay down.

"Where are you lying? Just like Shalan. Principal, she is the flower of the West Coast. She is very popular on the West Coast."

He smiled and explained briefly, but he never stopped supporting Zhengyi.

The pointed ears of dark elves help them to judge the position by sound in places where the sight is not good. Of course, they are also very sensitive.

"Shalan, when I sent her there, I was opposed by Xia Plun. This is my first step towards peace."

Meia had a headache when she thought about the Senate. She used to fight for power, but now she no longer fights for it. She relies on her status as an elder to nag, but her starting point is a good-hearted and warm-hearted person...

"Yes, I also like peace, and I like justice even more..."

She puffed out her ears and then frowned. Although her green hair was charming and elegant, it was still a bit scattered when they were close together, and it would hurt Meia if she was not careful.

"Let me tie it up for you."

"Well, you have a headband?"

"Don't you also have a top-quality silk hair tie?"

"Huh? Do I have one?"

After carefully tying up her hair, Meia was completely covered in hair, red and hot, and almost shut down.

"Okay, Meiya, you actually hid the Vanes fruit. The market price of each item is more than 10,000 gold coins. You secretly hid two of them. Isn't it too extravagant and corrupt?"

"You're talking nonsense. How could I hide it secretly? Wasn't the thing I ate just now your offering? Even if it was there, you must have dropped it."

Meia looked left and right but couldn't find Van Ness's red fruit, and said in confusion: "Where can I find it, you liar!"

"I found it and ate it?"

"Eat it. Although it is precious, it is not the best... You are committing the following crime!"

"You said let me eat it. It is indeed a treasure and it tastes delicious."


"Your Majesty the Queen, I... request that the Knight of Glory be transferred to the Queen's Knight..."

"That's right, but the Queen's Knight was given to me by me, so I have to issue an order to you before I can grant you a job transfer."

Meia rolled her eyes. Sure enough, she realized true knowledge through practice, and her smart mind began to draw inferences.


"The dignity of the royal family cannot be subordinated to others!"


"Okay, who made you the queen?"

Queen's Knight, changing profession...

This job transfer, which lasted for only half a day, was the most complicated. Not only did it involve strong personal feelings, but it was also mixed with political factors between Bellemare and Van Ness.

Vanes will use gold to pay for the first batch of trade goods, and he has advanced more than one billion supplies to Queen Meia. Through the construction of his bridge, the two countries will surely achieve vigorous trade and cultural exchanges in the future. , making outstanding contributions to the peace of Arad continent.

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