Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,475 Express Delivery to Mo Mei

Naiyali showed off to him her newly purchased black Lolita bubble skirt with a mysterious style. The skirt is fluffy and very cute. It is lined with exquisite white lace. The skirt is decorated with many shiny crystals and has a slender waist. It is tied with a silk ribbon.

Of course, spend his money~

It is only right to spend money on Lady Naiyali!

A blush appeared on her charming face, and she gently lifted the two corners of her fluffy skirt with two fingers, slowly showing him her slender and beautiful calves, black stockings, and half of her fair and fleshy thighs.

But when she was only two or three centimeters away from the absolute realm, her movement to lift the hem of her skirt suddenly stopped. Naiyali raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said with a charming voice: "Guess what color it is today, you guessed it right. I’ll give it to you.”


"Oh, what a pity. I am wearing a pure white color today. It is made of the best silk. The fabric is very comfortable to the skin. It is the same style as Aska. Oh, wait..."


Naiyali, who had been standing on the bar to show off her new dress just now, was suddenly grabbed by his soft ankle and pulled, causing her body to lose balance. Her plump little fat body suddenly fell heavily onto the wooden table, and her eyes instantly hurt. It is moist and moist, with a hint of dissatisfaction and resentment.

Ye Lin pointed his finger and sealed the barrier, covering the sight of the confused little Ravisi, and then pulled Naiyali off the bar table.

With his deliberate and exquisite control of the placement, the embedded matching was 100% perfect. Yelin opened his wide trench coat and wrapped the petite Naiyali tightly in his arms, then closed the trench coat and hugged her slender body. The willow waist.

In this way, Naiyali is like a koala hanging on him, with only half of the back of her head and braid exposed at the collar of the windbreaker.

Ye Lin began to pace slowly in the open space around the bar, sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxing. He seemed to be thinking about a very distressing question, but the invigilator Naiyali pressed forward step by step and did not give him any time to think. free time.

"Teacher, I have the answer!" After a while, Ye Lin hugged his windbreaker tightly and sent a flowing article with all his strength.

Because the performance was really outstanding, like a spring of water, the original space was not enough, and there were many more outside.

After passing the written test, there was an interview. The invigilator Naiyali was very eloquent and asked some tricky and weird questions. He responded eloquently, which made Naiyali speechless.

"Uh huh huh... (I'll go back first, you wash the floor)" Naiyali puffed out her cheeks and pointed to the crack in the space.


Xuzu·Imperial Palace

The lazy Heman jumped up and down, rolling back and forth on the soft bed in Aska's palace, then raised his fair and delicate face, propped up his soft cheeks, and asked expectantly: "Nina, tomorrow's semi-finals , are you confident about the final the day after tomorrow?"

"Of course! I'm Lord Nian's student." Nina puffed up her chest proudly, her palace maid uniform rising and falling like a small apple.

Mo Mei, who was teaching Aska how to practice Nian Qi on the side, smiled slightly. Although Nina did not have an advantage in terms of realm, her mutated fire attribute Nian Qi and rogue flying fighting style made her opponents suffer.

Through strength and luck, this girl actually made it to the semi-finals of the Azure Dragon Conference.

"But compared to the finals, I'm more surprised. Where was Naiyali just now? She suddenly glowed and disappeared." Nina asked curiously.

Her goal is to win the Blue Dragon Tournament, but as for a higher vision, she has not been able to touch it yet.

Suddenly, a dimensional gap opened in a corner of the palace, and Naiyali walked out with dangling calves, with rosy cheeks like a frog. She grabbed Mo Mei and dragged her to the bed, covering her with a quilt, and she writhed.

Heman was stupid. After reacting, he quickly jumped out of bed and covered Aska's sister Xiaoling's ignorant and clear eyes. She blushed and her heart beat. Why didn't she remember that Naiyali had this kind of orientation?

When the thin quilt was lifted, Mo Mei panicked, panting slightly, covering her red lips with her hands: "Niyali, what did you feed me?"

"Your fiancé asked me to bring you a special delicacy. He said he was worried that you would forget the taste, so he entrusted me to express it for you to try. I was afraid it would get cold, so I fed it to you directly." Naiyali innocently spread her hands.


Mirror Dimension Huttonmar Ruins

The ruthless Age of Destruction destroyed Hedunmar, the free capital. The bustling place that used to be bustling with traffic has been reduced to ruins.

Because there are still ferocious monsters and many poisonous cursed places in Hedunmar that are difficult for ordinary people to approach, so Hedunmar now has a new name... "City of Doom".

At present, most of the surviving residents live in sewers. Thanks to the exquisite design of the original architect, the city's sewers extend in all directions and are as dense as a spider web.

Of course, some pungent stench is inevitable.

The rough outline of the City of Doom before the Age of Destruction can still be seen. The collapsed houses are covered with strange plants, and the streets are empty. Instead, they are densely covered with huge reddish-brown mushrooms, like houses.

There was an occasional movement at my feet, and it turned out to be a gray-skinned mouse with parasitic mushrooms growing on its fur. Not only was it not dead, but it was extremely aggressive.

"I hate mice the most, especially when they get into the corners and I can't see them." Feng Ying's pretty face turned cold. She held a sword energy petal at her fingertips and shot it quickly to crush the mushroom mouse, leaving a bloody mess. .

"It's unbelievable. The whole city is destroyed, and there is no one on the street." Celia sighed sadly, and then searched for something based on her memory.

After a long time, everyone stopped at a place where the outline could no longer be seen clearly and was covered with huge plants, and they all looked strange.

Siatt frowned and said, "This seems to be the location of our manor, right?"

The home in the main dimension is a place of ruins in the mirror dimension. In fact, not only the manor, but also the shops of the Celia Chamber of Commerce, as well as the city hall, the Moonlight Tavern and other famous surface buildings have now become completely recognizable. Unclear ruins.

Guyu suddenly disappeared on the spot. Half a minute later, he came back with a few purple scarves in his hands. His expression was disgusting and nauseated, and he said: "There are humans who are parasitized by mushrooms. I will send them to transcendence."

The brains of normal humans, after being parasitized, will turn into a shape like a mushroom cap, covered with plaques, behave in a haphazard and very disgusting way.

There is a race of mushroom people in the Mushroom Manor. They are not a native race of the Arad continent, but come from the Boronx area of ​​the demon world. They are a transferred invading race.

Thanks to the humid and suitable climate of Hutton Mar, the mushroom people divided and reproduced like crazy, occupying a considerable area of ​​survival in this prosperous city.

They are not very strong individually, and even beginners can easily deal with two or three of them. But what is annoying is that the spores on their bodies can invade and parasitize through tiny wounds and even the respiratory tract, which is very scary.

"It would be great if Mo Mei was here. Her mental energy should be able to directly gather the mushroom spores of the entire Hedunmar." Gu Yu began to miss his powerful teammates, and also wanted to be lazy.

In a corner of the City of Doom, I took a cursory glance at the mushroom creatures here. There were at least hundreds of thousands of them, large and small. The difficulty was not in killing them, but in the subsequent processing of the tiny spores.

Otherwise, the grass will be cut without eradicating the root, and it will grow tenaciously after a rain.

Just as he was talking, the wind on the ground started roaring suddenly, and the shining thought energy swept through every tiny corner, crushing all the mushroom life, and all the spores invisible to the naked eye gathered into a ball, forming a huge dust cloud in the sky. .

"This kind of strange phenomenon..." Gu Yu was stunned and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

"To be honest, it's quite sad to see that our home is in ruins." Mo Mei's clear and round voice came from behind the crowd. She smiled and snapped her fingers, and the nearby area was wiped out. Empty, uprooted.

"Mo Mei!"

Ye Lin was also extremely surprised, but seemed to be in disbelief. He quickly inspected Mo Mei's bun and twin tails, and wiped the fat and waist.

That’s right!


Mo Mei's pretty face blushed, and her two horses followed the wind lightly. Two slender fingers quickly reached out and pinched his waist hard, giving him a numb eye roll.

This is what he would do to make Naiyali puff out her cheeks and deliver nutrition.

Siatt was also surprised. She stretched out her hand and pinched her best friend, who was also the other side of the isosceles triangle, and said in surprise: "How did you get here? We worked so hard back then, and Messi has turned into a little one."

"Is it the hell dimension?" Celia guessed with a smart mind.

The hell dimension is jokingly called the elevator dimension by Ye Lin. As long as you can find the boundary of the dimensional barrier, you can use the hell dimension to reach any parallel dimension.

Since the strongest demons in the Hell Dimension were made into equipment one by one by Nayari, the invincible beautiful girl is now the boss of the Hell Dimension, the undoubted No. 1!

Once she completely masters the core of a dimension, she can use the "elevator" function.

Before, Ye Lin called Naiyali in the airship with the intention of giving it a try.

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