Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,482: Not peeping, just looking at it openly

His Majesty Lyon has always paid attention to health and fitness, and has strong Qi and blood. He has never suffered from any serious diseases, and he has almost never even suffered from minor problems such as colds and abdominal pain.

But now, he suddenly turned pale and breathless, like an old man who was about to die. He was lying on the ground without knowing anyone else, which really made Queen Josephine incomprehensible.

I am afraid that doctors alone will not be able to play any role.

The bard Alice is beautiful and gentle in character. She is especially famous for her prophecy and divination skills in the continent of Arad.

His Majesty also received advice from Alice when he was young. It is said that the chief of the Dark Elf Council of Elders, Xia Pulun, respected and trusted Alice.

Perhaps, she can detect some clues.

Josephine rubbed her brows and sighed slightly. His Majesty had read the world map on the desk countless times. I'm afraid every little detail has been imprinted in his mind.

His Majesty is eager to conquer the continent and achieve unification and hegemony. As a queen, she can only silently support him, but she has always had an unbreakable worry in her heart.

She understood very well that in the continent of Arad after the Age of Destruction, people were more eager for stability and peace than for another continuous bloody war.

There have been similar voices throughout the empire, but they were coldly regarded as "rebellion" by His Majesty.

A few minutes later, the royal doctor rushed over to treat the unconscious Leon.

Half an hour later, Remedia's Golden Cathedral located in the capital, Vetalon, also sent a very powerful priest.

After all, they cannot just sit idly by and watch if something goes wrong with the emperor, supported by resources from the empire.

"There seems to be a curse on Your Majesty?" The high-level cleric was horrified. His holy power had no effect on the evil in Leon's body.

You must know that he is a powerful apocalypse!

In an instant, Queen Josephine twisted her eyebrows slightly, waved her hand to reject the servants, and then said to the clergyman: "Please elaborate."

"It's like this. There was a powerful invisible force entangled in His Majesty's body, which caused His Majesty to suddenly faint."

Invisible power is not Shilok's ability, but refers to his knowledge, and his specific source and attributes cannot be inferred.

After hesitating for a moment, the high-level cleric said: "Your Majesty's situation is somewhat similar to that of the dark elves."

"A curse from the gods?" Queen Josephine had a smart mind and immediately understood what was happening.

The dark elves were originally "elves", a race that was cursed because they offended the goddess of beauty, Venus.

Their skin began to darken, their hair gradually turned pale, and their ability to adapt to light weakened. The so-called curse of the gods has not been lifted to this day.

The priests are not in a position to say more. They only speculate that His Majesty is not in danger of his life, but has just become weaker. Maybe some more powerful priests will be able to cure him.

Then he bowed and resigned, promising to remain silent about His Majesty's affairs.

"Could it be that your Majesty has violated the divine punishment?" Josephine smiled bitterly and waited for Leon to wake up.

But good things come without twins, and misfortunes never come alone. About an hour later, when Leon showed no sign of waking up, the servants presented a note, saying that the bard Alice had stayed with His Majesty, and that she had left early in the morning.

It was a serious crime to peek at His Majesty's secret letter, but Josephine was impatient and didn't care so much. The note was simply folded, with a line of delicate and elegant small words written inside... "The biggest change, he has arrived, I will set off." Head to Dark City.”


Ye Lin had no idea that he was just echoing Paris's curse, which almost caused Leon to die suddenly in the palace. He seemed to have no idea about his current state and the consequences of emotional "words".

In other words, if Usiel, the god of death and darkness, directly denounces Lyon, then the palace will be covered with white silk and silk tonight, and the whole country will be shocked and cry (some people will laugh wildly).

After scolding him, he felt relieved. When Paris looked at him again, she was more pleased with him. At least he was not a lackey of the empire.

"Come on, I'm going back. I'm in a good mood. I'll keep you company on the road. Let's go together." Paris patted him on the shoulder carelessly. He was a nice young man. He was energetic and handsome. Especially his ability to spit out fragrance was almost the same as her own.

"No, I have an agreement with Sosia. If I kill the monster in Hedunmar, she will be my girlfriend." Ye Lin declined, saying that he couldn't leave just yet.

"You...? Ha...a promise in a dream, right?" Paris rolled her eyes and raised her middle finger rudely.

She is known as the "Princess of the Stinking Ditch", so she understands very well that those dirty guys are full of dirty minds and lust after beautiful women, just like evil ghosts.

Including herself, she has many annoying suitors, and some dignitaries have bluntly stated that they want to keep her, but they are all served by her with sweet words, or simply with poisonous needles.

The tavern proprietress has a noble temperament, is elegant and beautiful, especially as the last elf. I don’t know how many people covet the mature and plump body under the evening dress of the tavern proprietress.

Paris had a pleasant impression of him and had an inexplicable favorable impression of him, so her words were not so unpleasant now, but the raised white middle finger still left Ye Lin speechless.

"I'm not lying to you, you can ask the boss lady later." Ye Lin was very serious, which made Paris think he was an idiot.

"Okay, you guys have an agreement. I'm going back to check on the progress of the empire's cubs. the way, what's your name?"

Only then did Paris react belatedly. Just now, the two of them had the same hatred and scolded the Dog Emperor, but they hadn't asked him his name yet.

"I think it would be nice if you called me husband."

"Worker? Tsk~" Paris's beautiful face couldn't help but twitch, and then she grinned shamelessly. What a strange name and surname.

But she reacted quickly, her cheeks turned cold, she grabbed Ye Lin's elbow again and clasped it on his back, and said calmly: "Believe it or not, I cut off your tongue. What I hate most is the nobility, and their nagging and impoliteness." guy."

A person who spits out sweet things means that he doesn't like rude people ~ Ye Lin secretly cursed.

"Have you met Tana? A very beautiful woman wearing a blue cheongsam." He began to mention certain things deliberately.

The last time Tana returned to the main dimension from the mirror dimension, she said that she went to see Paris once, but Paris thought she had taken the wrong medicine.

"I have an impression of a woman who talks nonsense. She looks very rich, but I can't tell her strength, so I didn't rob her." Paris nodded lightly, and then clasped his arm and elbow harder. Could it be that this guy is also the same type of lunatic?

"She's not talking nonsense, everything she says is very true, I'm from another world."

Forrest Gump divided the reactions of people who "learned about parallel dimensions" into two categories. Most of them just laughed it off and didn't care.

A small number of people will think that there may be something wrong with his brain, and he is stupid.

Obviously, Paris is the latter. She thinks that Ye Lin may be suffering from late stage madness. Not only does he covet the noble and elegant proprietress of the tavern, but he also talks about parallel dimensions.

"Boy, there must be a limit to going crazy. If you really want to die, I won't stop you." Paris released her palm and pushed him away in disgust.

I thought I saved someone and accumulated blessings, but in the end I saved a crazy guy and was full of bad luck.

"Your favorite breakfast is big meat buns with pork and cabbage. The three bottles of poison hanging on your waist, the first and second bottles are for anesthesia, and the third bottle will kill ordinary people if they touch it, but it will not hurt you because it is the Heart-Eating Technique of Ten Thousand Poisons." Lin said quickly.

Sure enough, Paris stopped leaving, frowned and said, "My little brothers should all know this, what nonsense are you talking about."

"Your left eye's vision is not very good. It was injured by King Aska of Xu Zu."

There were indeed not many people who knew the inside story about this matter, or there were not a few at all. Paris quickly became suspicious, and several poisonous needles cleverly appeared between her fingers.

Ye Lin seemed not to notice, and continued calmly: "There is a mole on your left leg, on the inner thigh, and under the fat on your right leg, there is a shallow scar left by the cat demon's claws."

In an instant, Paris's beautiful eyes became as cold as a poisonous snake. She raised her hand and shot out a poisonous needle. Then, she caught Ye Lin with her body like the wind, and her plump black stocking legs pressed tightly against his shoulders.

"Tell me, when did you peek at me? How did you break through the trap in my yard?" Paris whispered angrily, then clenched her palms, and the sharp steel claws on her wrists poked out, shaking in front of his eyes. .

"I didn't spy on you!" Ye Lin defended unjustly.

Paris sneered when she heard this and said disdainfully: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

"Because I have seen it openly. In another dimension, we are a harmonious and loving couple. I have kissed those positions more than once. Of course I know... ow!"

Paris was so embarrassed that she almost dislocated his shoulder.

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