Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1488: Borrowing Ant’s Knife, Leaving No One Behind

"Kill out! Your Majesty has ordered that Skadi be alive or dead." Another centurion roared, holding onto his spear tightly. At this critical moment, his malice was revealed, and he wanted to stab Skadi to death before escaping.

The military success that is right in front of us cannot go away in vain.

However, they had previously intended to surround Lobach's guards and Skadi, but unexpectedly they were suddenly surrounded by Nahm. The current defense formation was like having a poisonous thorn in their heart.

"Oh, the scum of the empire!" Lobach tore off his cloak. The bright red and twisted ghost hand on his left arm was a curse and the source of powerful power.

She was once a member of the most elite "Imperial Knights" in the Delos Empire. She was good at using heavy giant swords and had strong swordsmanship.

She raised her sword to block the opponent's weapon, then quickly pressed forward, her arms steaming with blood, and she chopped off the opponent's head diagonally, cleanly.

The head that rolled on the ground still had a strong look of fear on its face.

The burly centurion was also pierced through the heart by fire ants, and the wound was scorched. The moment he fell to the ground, he suddenly woke up and realized something was strange.

Queen Skadi, she was incredibly calm in the face of the bloody scene, as if she had expected this.

There was a siege outside and a poisonous thorn inside. The seemingly elite imperial soldiers were completely defeated. Only a few dozen people were left to barely break through, leaving corpses piled up on the spot and blood flowing like rivers.

In the secret, assassins with exquisite skills tried to take advantage of the chaos to assassinate Skadi. As for the life and death of the imperial soldiers, it had little to do with them and they had no time to save him.

But just as they took out their sharp and hidden weapons and flew towards the queen like agile swifts, a bloody light suddenly penetrated their hearts like lightning from behind.

"Ha, compared to the Dark Elf's Death Dance, it's still a bit different." Gu Yu said in a disdainful voice, but she didn't even appear.

Lobach prepared to take the queen in the opposite direction to break out, because he could neither be besieged by ants nor contact the empire.

At this moment, the people who heard the wails coming from the neighborhood took up arms and gathered courage, and all rushed to the back block to prepare to rescue the queen.

However, when they arrived in a hurry, they found that besides the corpses of Imperial soldiers and ants on the ground, Her Majesty the Queen was looking attentively and calmly, slowly opening a golden book in her hand.

A golden ripple passed by, Skadi's dress fluttered slightly, and the bright light highlighted her noble and elegant temperament. She was like a noble goddess descending, and her face was full of sacred charm that could not be desecrated.

The remaining Namlun seemed to be frightened by something, and they were in a panic. They ran so fast that they didn't even drop the weapons in their hands, and they rolled and crawled.

For a moment, the place was filled with shock and silence.

Ye Lin hid in the crowd, cleared his throat, and then suddenly shouted: "Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

With his leadership, the crowd soon became excited again, shouting the Queen's name and praising her brilliance.

Previously, Siatt and Mailu went to the ant queen's territory. With the help of Mailu's super friendly natural ability, she reached communication (threat) with the ant queen Melena.

As the price for the queen's survival, Naumlun will drive away the imperial army. Afterwards, the Naumlun family can return to the edge of the desert in Nosmar, and they are not allowed to invade human cities again.

To kill someone with a borrowed knife is to borrow an ant's knife.

He threw dirty water on the empire, but he was unharmed, and he won a complete victory without losing any blood.


The empire's thousand-man army lost half of its army, and no benefit was gained at all. This was entirely the result of a head-on fight with the crazy ants.

The most irritating thing is that the centurion who yelled "live or dead" in desperation was equivalent to completely tearing off the fig leaf and turning against Bellemare.

Now, there is not a penny of benefit. Instead, the residents of the principality are furious and want to attack the remaining imperial soldiers.

There were a dozen idiots in the empire who drew their swords and swung their knives at the residents in a fit of rage. After all, their faces were torn, so what else could they care about.

At that time, His Majesty the Emperor's army will sweep across the whole world, including the royal land.

However, a man with short fiery red hair and flame patterns all over his body suddenly appeared. He punched out a blast of flames, easily wiping out dozens of Imperial soldiers, leaving no trace of their ashes.

Dragon Clan, Guardian of the Red.

"Haha, I am willing to serve Her Majesty the Queen." He laughed loudly and boldly, indicating that he had no ill intentions.

Because Emperor Ling boiled his own dragon blood, and the entire dragon clan owed Ye Lin a favor, some giant dragons were sent to support him.

Moreover, the Dragon Clan already had various old and new grudges against the Delos Empire, so it was considered a smooth favor.

Of the thousand-man Imperial Legion that fled, only a few hundred people were left in the Hutton Mar area. Not to mention the heavy casualties, they really didn't catch anything at all.

"Damn it! If we go back like this, we will be completely doomed." Outside the city, the commander in charge of this legion had sinister eyes, gritted his teeth, and was filled with anger.

The imperial military law has always been that meritorious deeds must be rewarded and guilty must be punished. Now they failed to discover Skadi's traces in time, and failed to capture or kill him after discovering him, resulting in nearly 900 casualties.

In other words, they are no different than dead.

There is a true story widely circulated among the generals at all levels of the Delos Empire army. It is a story about the famous Viscount Barn, an upstart in the empire.

Viscount Barn was ordered to attack the active resistance forces in the northern part of the empire. At the cost of 126 people, he killed nearly five times the number of enemies. It was a great victory.

When everyone thought that Barn would receive a commendation from His Majesty the Emperor, Emperor Lyon asked calmly: "Whenever a war breaks out, so many people in the empire die. I am very sad. What should I do?"

Since then, everyone knew that His Majesty the Emperor not only wanted a great victory, but also a complete victory, and needed an invincible imperial army.

Of course, Barn was rewarded afterwards.

"Sir, we must find a way to make up for it in advance, otherwise..." A soldier's teeth were chattering, and he didn't know whether he was afraid of ants or His Majesty the Emperor.

"If it hadn't been for that guy Hyde, who suddenly left Hutton Mare with the knights two days ago..." The captain vented his emotions and complained, trying to blame Hyde who suddenly left due to something.

But after I slowly recovered, I realized that it was unrealistic. The other party was not present, and even if it was a huge fault, it would not be covered by Hyde.

After thinking for a long time, the captain took a deep breath and said, "We cannot ask the military for help. This would be tantamount to self-destruction and a disastrous defeat, but we need foreign aid."

"Sir, we are only following your lead now. Our lives depend entirely on you." The subordinates complimented each other one after another. They were also flustered and their palms were sweating.

Who could have expected that the elite thousand-man army would suddenly be defeated to the point where only one tenth was left and nothing was gained.

"My father has a good relationship with Lord Barn, Viscount of the Empire. Not long ago, the peace mission from the Empire rushed to Dark City to prepare to sign some kind of peace agreement with Queen Meia of the Dark Elf. If we are fast enough, we should be able to invite them. Lord Baan came to help.”

As long as Queen Skadi still intends to rebuild Hutton Mar, she will definitely not leave the ruins, and with Lord Barn's strength, she will definitely be able to capture him.

It is widely known that the current queen of the principality has no husband and no offspring, and is pure and pure. Once she dies, the orthodoxy of the principality will be completely broken, and the hearts of the people will be reduced to a piece of sand.

"Sir, since Lord Barn has the important task of discussing with the dark elves, does he have time to come?" A soldier asked anxiously.

"Oh, you are smart." The captain smiled lightly and thought of a solution. He was not as panicked as before, and said arrogantly: "You don't understand Lord Barn. He is a popular person trusted by His Majesty the Emperor. On the surface, All status and status are awarded by His Majesty on his own initiative, but in fact, he is very ambitious."

The commander who was able to station the army in the former capital of Belmare also had a certain background. His father was a noble viscount, and he himself was the eldest son of the family.

The viscount's father spent a lot of money to give him this important job. Even if he couldn't find the queen, at least he would have done a good job in guarding her.

But I never expected that it would be messed up by a group of ants.

Capturing or secretly killing Queen Skadi must be a huge temptation for Barn. He seems humble and easy-going, but in fact he hides the ambition of a wolf and has a lot of desire.

Moreover, Baan is just a member of the empire's peace mission.

Therefore, if Baan learns about it, he will definitely not miss this opportunity. The captain is very confident.

"Oh~ So, Barn is going to visit the Dark City as a member of the peace envoy?" The sudden discordant voice instantly stunned all the soldiers, and then they drew their swords and were shocked.

Someone was eavesdropping right under their noses!

Ye Lin had no intention of showing up. After getting the important information, he just snapped his fingers lazily and disappeared.

The next second, the weapons of the imperial soldiers began to fall out of control, and then automatically formed a "storm style" of swordsmanship, sweeping away all the remnants.

Leave no one behind.

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