Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,500 Those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

dark city

Because of the mysterious resurrection of the ancient dwarf king Augustus and the prophecy of disaster by the bard Alice, various versions of speculation and panic are now spreading in the city.

Some people say that the floating island in the sky will fall, causing earth-shaking tremors. When the earth shakes and destruction comes, everything will turn into dust.

Some people also say that since the mysterious energy resurrected Augustus, groups of people who have passed away for more than a thousand years will probably be resurrected in the nearby area, causing a conflict between the living and the dead, and the "past" and "present" of blending.

Augustus combined with the double factor of the golden curse caught some adventurers off guard. Now the dark elf elder Shaplen is willing to take the lead and let the dead rest in peace.

Under the eyes of countless people with eager expectations, the old Shapron is majestic and majestic. He conquers the dwarf king Augustus and will recreate the glorious achievements of the former holy king Aragorn, thereby establishing his own lofty prestige status.

As a powerful dark elf who is nearly a thousand years old, Xia Plun is not only amazing in magic, he is also proficient in necromancy, and his strength is definitely second to none among the dark elves.

Having been immersed in the realm of legend for many years and reaching the pinnacle, suppressing the resurrected soul of Augustus should have been easy and a matter of course, but he failed.

As for the fact that Xia Pulun failed to do the heroic thing, but instead coughed up blood in embarrassment and almost went crazy, Ye Lin was speechless and spread his hands. It was not his fault, but the other party's own fault.

At that time, when he was about to annihilate the soul of Augustus, Chapron, a necromancer, suddenly thought about whether he could use necromancy to manipulate the soul of the former dwarf king, just like Nicholas.

There are not many souls that are powerful but suitable. Xia Plun had a flash of inspiration and raised the corner of his mouth, and then he received strong backlash.


Dark Elf Palace

Meia hurriedly returned to her bedroom, changing her gorgeous dress and tidying up her fairy-like appearance without losing the majesty of a queen.

She looked around at the empty dressing room suspiciously, always feeling as if someone was hiding somewhere, so she hurriedly covered her tall, beautiful, gentle and delicate body with her dress.

"Ask the elders to wait for me in the council hall." Meiya called the servants, her mind was very calm and calm, and the more tense the moment, the clearer she became.

The city was ordered to be closed, the Black Rock Legion was transferred, the location of the New Testament was changed privately, and Magadha was destroyed... Although Meiya knew that she was a junior, so she always respected the elders, but at this moment she also felt real anger.

The Dark City Council is located on the highest floor of the royal palace and castle, on the same floor as Meia's bedroom. It is a place where the elders do not gather except for important events, and it has a very serious atmosphere.

The bedroom and the meeting hall are separated by walls, and there are no doors or windows to pass through.

Meia put the royal jade pendant on the desk, hesitated for a moment, and then said calmly to the air: "Although I don't know who you are yet, you are so powerful that even Lord Harris can't find you. Trace, if possible, how about we meet up later? I am very curious about you, and of course I will not deny that I am very worried about my safety and privacy."

The jade pendant was gently placed on the corner of the desk, and Meiya left the study directly and went to the meeting hall.

After a while, the jade pendant disappeared.

"I heard that Elder Xia Plun was unfortunately injured for the safety of Dark City, so I specially brought the potion." Meia's faint tone contained no real sense of care, and the potion she took out made Xia Plun's pupils shrink.

The potion was indeed of the highest quality, coming from the New Temple of Remedia, but the light power contained in it was pure, but it was very unsuitable for a practitioner of necromancy like him. Drinking it would add fuel to the wound.

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen, for your concern. I am no longer seriously injured." Xia Plun moved his eyes away from the potion and stared at a piece of paper with a complicated look.

The Queen is ordering people to copy large copies of the New Testament, announcing to the residents of Dark City that she has reached a new peace agreement with the Empire.

This is an achievement of peace in the prosperous age, and the results are remarkable. The queen's prestige will be even higher from now on. On the contrary, the defeated Senate will be slightly weaker.

"Elder Xia Plun, I have heard about what happened in Dark City, please let me ask out of curiosity..."

Before Meia could finish her words, she saw Xia Plun raise his hand and make a very impolite and disrespectful interrupting gesture.

Chapron has always been good at wearing hooded robes. His voice is gloomy and his eyes are cold, which often makes those who are looked at shudder.

He walked slowly to the window of the meeting hall, opened the heavy cotton curtains, and asked deliberately: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being rude, but what can you see when you come to this position?"

"The prosperous Dark City, the vibrant humanities, and the booming economy." Meiya responded calmly, not knowing what he was up to.

The meeting hall is located at the highest position of the palace, with a wide view. When the sky is clear, you can have a panoramic view of most of the city.

However, Xia Plun shook his head slightly, narrowed the scope, and asked again: "Look, who are the active people in the Dark City Square?"

Meia was about to speak, but she instantly realized the key point with a frown, and for a moment she didn't know how to answer.

The people coming and going in the Dark City Square are dark elves and humans...

"Seven years ago, Your Majesty insisted on opening the Dark City to accept homeless humans. This move was unanimously opposed by the Senate at the time."

"I don't think I'm wrong about this. Dark City has prospered and developed, and its economic level has improved. Everyone sees it." Meia replied calmly.

"Of course..." Xia Plun bowed slightly and acknowledged Meia's achievements in this area. Then his expression suddenly became cold and stern, and he said quickly and loudly: "But Your Majesty, we dark elves are dark elves after all, and those humans , and are always human beings!”

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

He was making this point.

Xia Plun raised his trembling arm, pointed at the Dark City Square, looked coldly, and asked loudly and deafeningly: "The human empire has always coveted our territory, and its ambitions are not extinguished. When the army invades in the future, Your Majesty! These people living in Will the humans in Dark City fight for us? Or do they not mind if Dark City is replaced by a human ruler?"

As Dark City gradually becomes a metropolis comparable to the golden city of Veitalon, more and more humans are willing to come here to make a living and settle down. In terms of number alone, they have already surpassed the Dark Elf tribe by nearly ten times!

Now the Dark City of the Dark Elves is being dominated by foreigners.

Will those human beings proudly call themselves citizens of the Kingdom of Vanness?

Are those humans willing to pour their blood into the Dark City and fight for the kingdom’s territory?

Do those humans have a sense of honor and belonging to Vanness?

After all, they were just homeless because of the Age of Destruction and were taken in by the queen to live in the Dark City.

If the Principality of Belmare had not been destroyed, how many of these millions of people would really stay in Dark City?

If the Kingdom of Vanness is a "human kingdom", facing a huge amount of human labor, the monarch will definitely laugh with his hands in his hands, and then digest it into his own strength.

However, Vanness is the country of dark elves.

The acceptance of human nationals is unique in history and is the first of its kind.

Meia was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to refute.

When she accepted the displaced humans, she really couldn't bear their despair and decadence in the disaster. Just when the Dark City was forced to float to the surface, she simply went with the flow, so that the principality could usher in fresh vitality.

Even the elves, who have always been gentle and kind, have always lived in the Grand Forest and kept a certain distance from humans.

Originally, they were supposed to have nothing to do with each other. Even if there was communication, it would only be limited to certain areas, such as around the Afalia camp.

However, the current scene indeed exceeded the Senate's expectations.

"So, Elder Xia Pulun, do you know... Xu Ancestor?" The sudden voice came from the door of the meeting hall. Ye Lin saluted the astonished Queen Meia, then smiled lightly and spread his hands, saying:

"There is a race of dark elves living in Xu's motherland. They have been recognized by the royal family and are the people of Xu Ancestor. Does Elder Xia Pulun know about this?"

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