Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1502 Be my hero for once!

"Ye Lin, with your ability, you will definitely be able to move the Dark City before Venus comes and help these innocent people." Alice prayed with her eyes open. The result of the Hebron royal family's secret prediction should be correct. of.

And to be honest, she didn't know why Venus, the goddess of beauty, would come. All this seemed to be full of weird coincidences, but also seemed to be some kind of destined fate.

Even if Venus does not bring a blessing (curse), the ancient dead resurrected by the phantom of Derich will bring a new disaster to the Dark City.

The creatures that have died on this land for more than a thousand years will become confused due to Di Ruigi's power, leaving only the corpse snatchers with the instinct to attack, rushing like a tsunami, sweeping over the Dark City.

Just thinking about it for a moment will make your scalp numb and about to explode.

"Alice, the living arrangements for millions of people cannot be accomplished with just a word of your mouth." The Metallurgical Institute shook its head slightly, indicating that it was inappropriate.

"That's better than losing their lives!" Alice was anxious, and she didn't understand. Did Ye Lin fail to understand the seriousness of Venus' arrival?

Because she mastered the secret technique of royal prophecy, Alice knew much more than Skadi and others, including Xiaoyu and the others' names, as well as Yelin's personality.

She even knew what Ye Lin had done in the main dimension, including the news that another Alice was pregnant...

"I didn't say I wouldn't help." Ye Lin poured her a cup of hot coffee. It was her favorite kind of coffee beans. It was ground by hand. It tasted bitter but had a rich and mellow aroma.

"Venus is a god, but we also have gods...sockets! Bah~ I'm sorry, are you here, the invincible beautiful girl?"

In the quiet room, after a long time, a white stocking with a warm body temperature and the fragrance of a girl was suddenly thrown into Ye Lin's face, "Not here, I am busy with something. I will come over later. You can use this stocking first." On."


Ye Lin calmly put away the stockings on his face, put them in his pocket, and comforted: "You can rest peacefully and leave it to us. After this fight, we will go home."

"Boss, you are covered with flag spears!"


Xiaoyu nodded her smooth and round chin and asked curiously: "The so-called God of Beauty, Beauty, can't Venus have this kind of power?"

Although the dark elves hate Venus deeply, surprisingly, humans still admire Venus quite a lot, especially among young women.

As for the dark elves being cursed, it is incidentally understood to mean that "all dark elves are evil and dirty at heart", so they are not loved by the God of Beauty, so they were cursed incidentally.

Not to mention, Luo Lian, who is extremely narcissistic and calls herself the Princess of the West Coast, often wishes customers who buy her jewelry "May you be favored by Venus."

Grace... Yelin felt weird and shuddered when he thought of the ugly Yakshas from the Heavenly Curtain Beast.

I take care of your business, and you wish me to become a yaksha~

"Absolutely." Yuena turned over the notes in her hand and explained: "The so-called beauty is not just the beauty of appearance. In fact, it refers to all the beautiful things in the world, blooming flowers, and beautiful gems. They are what we recognize. All good things exist in it.”

"And Venus and Moros are supposed to be two gods that are opposed to each other." Mavis also seems to know some of the secret information. She is a believer of Usiel, a saint of the Usiel Order, and the closest to the god. Affiliates.

Moros is the embodiment of the terror of the beginning, and terror is not just the fear of human beings.

All dark, violent, bloody, bad things or events and even souls are a different kind of "horror".

However, Venus, who mastered pure beauty, became jealous due to a love triangle. She cursed the dark elves, but also cursed herself.

Ye Lin had seen the real stone statue of Venus in a secret place. The beauty of the appearance was indeed astonishing, but the small-mindedness was as small as the tip of a needle.

The Dark Elf Senate was dispatched as a whole, all of them looked solemn and majestic. They had strong prejudices against humans, but they absolutely had infinite and sincere love for the Dark Elves.

And when they arrived at the Dark City Square and wanted to explore the floating island, they were stunned by the bustling and bustling scene in the square.

Led by the New Temple of Remedia, the priests are wearing holy and shining uniforms and are leading all adventurers and all those with fighting ability.

Although this group of adventurers were usually unruly and thorny, now they have restrained their playful smiles, and their serious and solemn aura is a bit more powerful than the elite black rock army of the dark elves.

"Uuuu, Sister Xiaoyu, you are a god. I will enshrine your name from now on. There was a lot of bleeding today, a lot of bleeding." Kanina covered her flat heart, a little out of breath, and her big eyes were full of tears. Sad and sad.

The Kanina Chamber of Commerce donated a batch of recovery potions free of charge. Although the total value is not as exaggerated as she expressed, for her character who values ​​everything and is for money, it is almost equivalent to a knife in the flesh. No difference.

"Elder Xia Plun." Meia looked gratefully at the adventurers gathered in the Dark City Square. She calmed down her mind first and then said calmly: "Human beings may be selfish and arrogant, but have you ever thought about how these humans are in Dark City?" After settling down, they have their own property and their own families. As long as we are wise enough, even if they are not the people of Vanes, they will..."

She softened her tone, and then said word by word: "Fight for yourself!"

There is no need to force them to be loyal to Van Ness. The selfishness of human beings just makes them fight for everything they have and resist the invaders.

"As long as we do it better than Delos." Queen Meia arranged her dress again, slightly nervous, looking at a floating island that was still motionless.

Something that has always been carelessly ignored is that the Dwarf King Augustus was resurrected under the influence of a mysterious force, which proves that the influence of this force was very long ago.

Then will the Lord of the Holy Spirit Aragorn, the Elf Knight Rommel, and the Holy Lord Aled of a later era who were contemporary of "Augustus" also wake up together?

Of course, the floating island that worried the dark elves the most was the highest point in the sky. It was the graveyard of the dark elves, where the dismembered evil dragon was buried.

"He can do it," Meia murmured, looking around for Ye Lin.

Before Ye Lin left the palace, he confessed his identity to Meiya alone. He was a person from another dimension and was Meiya's guest from another dimension.

To be honest, Meia's reaction was exactly the same as Paris's at that time. She thought he was crazy and there was something wrong in his mind.

But the identical piece of jade pendant couldn't help but make her believe it, as well as the subtle sense of intimacy.

"If you are another one of my great heroes, can you be my hero for once?" Meia prayed silently.


The highest floating island in the sky·Dark Elf Cemetery

The sealing chain that tightly bound the evil dragon began to break apart as a giant creature struggled, and its dense white bones began to regrow blood, veins, and dark green skin.

The poisonous gas flowing out of his mouth turned the surrounding mountains of bones into powder, and the rocks began to bubble and boil violently as if sulfuric acid had been poured on them.


"Oh, that immortal beast is indeed resurrected." Harris said lightly, blue thunder began to surround her body, and her figure was erratic.

"Okay, let's take this opportunity to let go of the past with it. It's just that I still feel a little uncomfortable when I think of humans in the dark city I protect." Xia Plun nodded slightly and complained a little.

She and Hareth were witnesses of the Dark Elves' battle in the Evil Dragon War, and they both made outstanding military exploits.

But at that time, Harleth was still a thief who was happy to rob, and she didn't like the title of elder bestowed by the Dark Elf royal family. She pursued freedom in nature more.

Now that the evil dragon is resurrected, will he recognize Harris and Shaplen, these two "old friends"?

"You always talk about human beings and are full of arrogance. Shaplen, you have also experienced the era of Kazan and Giger. Are you, a dark elf who is almost a thousand years old, better than them?"

"By the way, Harris, what do you think of that human being?" Xia Plun changed the subject with an awkward look on his face.

The enemy is facing a formidable enemy, and Dark City cannot be moved out. For the time being, we should put aside our prejudices and work together as one.

Although he is extreme, dark, and disliked by others, he can definitely devote his life to the dark elves as a group.

"You mean Ye Lin? He will be the main force in this disaster." Hales replied calmly.

"Why? I don't deny his elusiveness, but I'm curious, how can you be so certain? He is a human being! Or do you think he is the third person who will influence history after Kazan and Giger? "

"No." Harris shook his head and corrected: "It's not that he will affect it, but it has already affected it, because he is not actually from our world."

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