Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1521: Can’t Defeat Messer

"Are you sure this person is Barn?" Siatt frowned slightly and looked at the man in black robes in the picture. He was covered with a black veil, and his true appearance could not be seen clearly even under refraction.

She also heard that the captain of the imperial mission's escort this time was the Sword Master Barn Bashut. He had arrived in the Dark City not long ago and was received by the Senate.

"Barn's dagger contains hurricane magic and is very recognizable, unless he lost the sword and was picked up by someone else." Ye Lin shrugged, then carefully peeled off the burnt skin of a roasted sweet potato, and handed it to Shia. special.

The Screaming Cave has made the four swordsmen famous. Among them, Bwanga and Aganzuo's swordsmanship is both rough and fine, while Baan and Xilan's swordsmanship are relatively similar. They both pursue the pursuit of excellence in swordsmanship. The smooth flow of the sword in close quarters.

His weapon condenses the meaning of a hurricane. As soon as it is unsheathed, a violent wind will rage, resonating with the sword's intention. Drawing the sword and slashing, it can summon and destroy the hurricane. Even in the Wei Talun, which gathers the world's wealth and treasures, it is an incredible weapon. weapon.

Siatt stared at the roasted sweet potato dangling in front of her eyes and hesitated for a second, then quickly took a big bite. It burned her tongue a little, but the taste was very fragrant and sweet.

"Where did you buy it?"

"Mailu bought it on the street when she was buying food. She brought one to me. I couldn't bear to eat it. I respect my dear sweet potato." Ye Lin held up the sweet potato in one hand and wiped a handful of the fat fat as tall as a peach. Meat.

Even if it's cold in winter and you wear an extra layer of warm leggings underneath, you can't isolate the amazing round shape and elasticity.

"Borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha. If you continue to be mean, I will kick you down. Believe it or not?"

Siatt grabbed the fragrant sweet potato and then moved a step to the side. The two of them were squatting on the roof of the palace and looking out. This is the highest place in the entire Dark City and the place with the widest view.

If not, you can still hear the screams of some baroque demons and the thundering roar of the evil dragon Spitz.

The two battlefields were in a stalemate. The leader of the Baroque demons, the Balrog Bartalusis, was also a kind of immortal existence. The former third hero of the dark elves, the iron-blooded swordsman Bach, killed Bartalusis at the cost of his life. His soul was split into three parts before he sealed the flaming demon.

Not to mention the evil dragon, the undead magic is attached to its spine. It is very difficult to cut open its body to break through the defense, let alone break the most important part of the spine.

Molotov cocktails, explosive bombs, Sky Tree Fruits, Dark Tendency Potions, Lava Magic Bottles... Dark City's material supply is relatively sufficient. With these things, you will have more confidence to fight against the Army of the Dead.

Currently, the Army of the Dead is described as scary-looking but slow-moving guys. Many people are hiding behind the makeshift defense lines, chatting with each other, and the tense atmosphere is gradually cleared.

"They're coming!" The patrolling scout's voice was loud, instantly making the atmosphere tense again.

"Oh my God, the dead thing actually stood up again." A young man who joined the temporary guard in order to make some money watched in horror, his voice trembling unconsciously.

The body thieves were extremely bloated, with thick arms, bulging abdomens, and bloody faces, with some even showing bones and teeth.

The hideous and terrifying image immediately caused some people with poor mental endurance to hold their stomachs and retching on the spot, with pale faces.

After all, he was not a real soldier who had been bathed in blood and fire. It was already a good performance if he didn't panic and scream on the spot.

It can be said that 90% of the members of the temporary guard are people who have never seen a tragic corpse.

The elite Black Rock Legion of the Dark Elves performed much better. They were all serious, teamed up and fought hard, and began their first confrontation with the Army of the Dead.

First use explosive bombs to shatter the densest areas, and then use your flexible skills to cut the throats of scattered corpse thieves. If you find something, you will retreat immediately. Safety comes first, and you will never be greedy for military success.

Because the dark elves have long been good at fighting in rugged terrain underground, and now in the flat and open areas outside the city, there is indeed a lack of experience and necessary military structure.

For example, cavalry!

In comparison, the Delos Empire not only has many elite knights, but it is said that the secret facility ordered by Leon to build is cultivating controllable "warcraft".

With ferocious monsters as the vanguard, you will surely be invincible along the way.

The arrows raining down from the sky all hit the head of the corpse thief accurately, and the dark elf's shooting skills were superb, with every shot hitting the mark.

"Strange, am I in good condition?" A dark elf archer frowned. The sun can make everything clear. It is a rare good weather for humans, but for dark elves who are accustomed to underground life, it is actually a kind of negative status.

But now he didn't know why, but he felt that the bright sunshine in the sky was not as annoying as before.

The improvised and crude traps were also very effective. The unconscious corpse thieves fell and piled up, and were then ignited by the arrows of the archers with Molotov cocktails tied to them. The fishy smell was mixed with the smell of kerosene smoke, and a strange smell filled the battlefield.

In the first collision, Dark City achieved considerable results. The temporary guards, attracted by various lucrative conditions, also achieved their own gains and their morale increased greatly.

But the joyful mood did not last long. A "monster" appeared in the army of the dead. The dead ogre, which was more than five meters tall, took astonishing steps, jumped over traps, kicked over iron nets and thorns, ignored bows and arrows, and only exploded. The bullet can barely be blocked.

There was also a race of ogres that lived in this land, and there was also a taller race of giants called "Lasodia". Although they were small in number, they were extremely greedy and tyrannical.

Several soldiers holding shields were casually pushed away by Lasodia with a giant wooden stick, as if they were brushing away a piece of dust. Suddenly some soldiers were thrown upside down and fell to the ground, seriously injured and coughing up blood.

The rough first line of defense was immediately broken through, causing casualties. Whether the opponent was the Delos Empire or the now weird Army of the Dead, the cruelty of war was just like that.

But because of this, it shows the value of courage even more!

An extremely muscular dark elf shouted angrily, waving the huge chain in his hand. The other end of the chain was a huge and heavy iron ball, which was so powerful that it was surprising.

"Die to me!"

The iron ball shot fiercely, smashing a man-eating troll into a pulp in an instant. After the iron ball of astonishing weight was thrown out, he still had the brute force to tie it up and drag it back again.


Hyde's movement was flexible and swift, and his spear was aimed at Lasodia's throat, and then passed through her body.

Grabbing the thrown spear, and using a few beautiful and clean marksmanship, Lasodia's burly and strong body froze, and then fell to the ground.

"Human boy, you are very good." Ruel, who was holding a huge and heavy hammer, showed his white teeth to Hyde and seemed to be chewing something in his mouth.

Those who can help on the battlefield are now his brothers, Mad Cow Ruel. If it had been before, he might have been unable to resist a fight with Hyde.

"While you have time to gossip, why not kill a few more disgusting things." Hyde, who has always been indifferent, stabbed a high-jumping spider to death with a backhand shot.

He knew that the dark elves had a long lifespan, and that the young-looking guy might be from the time of mankind's ancestors several generations ago, so he could only respond to being called "boy".

"Hey, how about we compete with each other to see who can kill more?" Ruel's blood boiled all over, and he spit out what he had been chewing in his mouth, which instantly made Hyde change his color slightly, a little unbelievable.

It was an iron block the size of a baby's fist, and it had been badly chewed and had its shape changed.

"Are you Mad Cow Ruel?" Hyde remembered. The empire had conducted a detailed investigation into the dark elves.

Ruel is completely different from the slender dark elf. He has a tall and strong body and is born with brute strength. He was able to lift hundreds of kilograms of rocks when he was young.

His body and bones seemed to have mutated due to some influence. Not only was he extremely durable and invulnerable, but he also liked to chew iron for fun, and his teeth were comparable to those of a giant dragon.

Ruel couldn't wait anymore and rushed to the battlefield with the iron ball, laughing and saying: "Come on, let's see who is braver! My iron ball has only lost to two people, one and two, and there can't be three."

Mad Cow Ruel once went to the Despair Bingya area, where he met a guy who was equal to him in terms of strength, and the two had a fight.

That guy wielded a huge dull wooden weapon and lived in the snow-capped mountains. Not only was he not afraid of the severe cold, he was extremely powerful, his fighting skills were even more exquisite than his own. Unfortunately, he was defeated.

There was also a woman who looked delicate and soft on the outside, but was actually a super tigress...a female evil dragon. She just pointed a finger and was enveloped in green light, and she was lifted up without any resistance and then thrown away. dozens of meters away.

It is said that he is a superpower.

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