Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,524 Want them all!

"Lord Rommel, His Majesty Aragon!"

At some point, the city gate in the direction of Dark City was opened. The open area outside the city gate was now crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder, and many excited dark elves gathered.

Although they did not understand why there were so many "Rommel, Aragon", it did not affect their reverence for their heroic ancestors. They burst into tears and knelt down on the ground.

Including Queen Meia, who had been on the top floor of the palace and commanded everything in the city in an orderly manner, also hurriedly came to the city gate in person.

She was noble and elegant, and her graceful posture was like a cold plum. She stood in front of everyone, her expression grateful and full of sadness.

"We are ashamed that in times of misfortune and disaster, we still need our ancestors to come and protect us." Meiya bent down to pay her respects, full of apologies.

Because Ye Lin informed her in advance, she had certain knowledge about parallel dimensions and knew what the ancestors in front of her were like.

"Those are the past events of our era. I didn't expect that it would continue to harm future generations. I should be ashamed." Aragorn smiled happily and patted his descendant of the blood on the shoulder with the palm of his soul power. .

The king of a country should have wise wisdom, thunderous means, and a tolerant and compassionate heart. She did an outstanding job, really good.

Ye Lin quietly approached Karon's small broken boat and frowned secretly. The boat was full of insect holes, and he didn't know how it sailed in the water of the underworld.

Caron sat on the ferry and was safe and sound, but if someone else needs the ferry, there is a 100% chance that he will sink halfway.

"Ahem, senior..."

"Speak up if you have an idea, as long as you don't go too far."

It's not that Caron is very caring or indulgent to Ye Lin, or that the elders are kind to the younger ones. They haven't reached that level of intimacy yet.

The main thing is that I'm helpless and speechless. Ye Lin's little girlfriend from the outside world makes her unhappy. She knocks on the door of the underworld whenever she has something to do, but you can't do anything to her.

"That's it... ok, but the dead have their own way back. All souls have to leave before sunrise tomorrow. This is the latest time, otherwise Bilaxiu will bite them back." Caron nodded and agreed again. Throwing out the fishing line in his hand, the silver fishhook sank straight into the mysterious void. When the line came back, a handsome young man who was constantly struggling was tied to the fishhook.

One of the sources of the Dark Elf disaster is the human boy Nakossos. He is indeed handsome and extraordinary, but now after he wakes up, his expression is panicked, full of regret and fear.

At the same time, several mysterious dimensional doors were opened, causing "Aragon" and "Rommel" to disappear, allowing them to return to their original dimensions.

Ye Lin's request just now was if they could be allowed to return to their own dimension and say goodbye to their dark elves. It wouldn't take more than a moment to do good things.

In addition, Ara from the main dimension sacrificed himself and summoned the attack of Moros, the terror of the beginning. He also asked Caron if there was any way to come back and say goodbye to Meia from the main dimension.

Originally, Ye Lin was still thinking about whether he needed to pay some price to Moros, but he didn't expect that as soon as he finished asking, Aragorn from the main dimension appeared directly in front of him, and a moment later, he was also teleported away.

"The most indispensable thing on the battlefield is terror." Caron said lightly, meaning that Moros' power has always been shrouded and omnipresent.

The weapons that were slashed head-on, the bloody corpses, and the screams of sharp struggles were all endowed with the meaning of "horror".

As for why "Aragorn" was sent so readily, it may be that Moros has regarded him as an existence of "the same level", or it may be because of the face of the goddess Pushia.

The soul of a mere disrespectful person, a small favor, nothing worth mentioning.

Re-condensed the embodiment of Pushia, whose elemental power is known as the strongest under the light!

Of course, there is a certain chance that Naiyali is running around in the universe, so Moros didn't want to cause more trouble, so he gave it to him.

Ye Lin was extremely moved when he thought about it, and secretly thought to himself that when he got home and had some free time, he would definitely perform well and make the invincible beautiful girl feel comfortable inside and out, up and down.

"Haha, you have left a glorious mark in the history of every dimension." Gatekeeper Caron sneered a few times, which seemed to be a compliment, but more like a sarcasm.

The wrinkled palm cut off the fishing line, and tied Nakosos directly to the back of the small broken boat, and they will be taken away together later.

It is not known whether a great and noble Taichu God can have evil thoughts and corrupt his power. I don’t know if it is “uncommon”, but at least in the endless years from the ancient times to today, Nakosos is the only one.

"I suggest that he be thrown into Nastrund and soaked in extremely cold water!" Ye Lin waved his hand and pronounced the other party's crime with a serious look on his face.

Although according to careful inspection by Nemer, the God of Wisdom, the Little Venus can return to its original noble goddess posture in as little as a week and as much as half a year, and its beauty and brilliance will continue to shine on the earth.

But now that little Venus calls him "Daddy", he has to shoulder this heavy responsibility.

So I proposed that this scumbag who cheated on his daughter be thrown into Nastrund to soak in extremely cold water, where he would be frozen until his soul was about to die but he was still conscious, and he would be tortured forever.

"I think you are the scumbag who deserves to be thrown into the graveyard the most." Caron made a cold joke with contempt.

Then he slowly rowed his small broken boat full of holes, carrying Nakosos, who had completely awakened his mind and looked frightened, making ripples in the void and sailing towards the gate of the underworld.

"Venus! Great and beautiful Venus, please save me quickly, Letia, I was wrong, I shouldn't have left you after you changed..."

Nakosos screamed in fear, tears streaming down his face, and struggled and twisted his body, but the gatekeeper's little broken boat was easy to get on but difficult to get off, and the struggle was in vain.

At this same subtle moment, Letia, who was silently accompanying Little Venus in the hotel, seemed to suddenly feel something. She stood up, opened the curtains, and looked out of the city.

Because she was staying in a high-rise hotel, her view was very broad and clear, but now she could only vaguely see the corner of the gate to the underworld, which exuded a cold and strange aura. As for what specifically happened there, she couldn't see anything at all.

Letia was kept by Nimer as a maid to the still young Venus. With the power of the gods, it was of course simple to grant her new life.

"Generally speaking, Nakosos likes the new and dislikes the old. If there is a more beautiful flower that he has never seen before, he will immediately throw away the one in his hand." Xiaoyu said this while breaking the sugar-roasted chestnuts in her hand.

This chestnut didn't speak.

"So, where is our boss?" Mo Mei blinked and smiled secretly. The boss was not at home today, so he just made fun of her behind his back.

"Your boss~" Feng Ying stretched out her hand, then counted with her fingers carefully: "Humans, elves, dark elves, dragons, space demons, Goruda, demons, flowers, gods...probably, I want them all. ?!”


After sending away Nakossos and Charon, the majestic gate of the underworld slowly sank into the ground again, but if anyone digs with a hoe, they will definitely not be able to dig it out.

The gatekeeper Caron took away most of the dead, but some of the dead deep underground or in narrow and remote areas were left behind, just like the three or two small fish that were missed due to the mesh being too large.

But as long as you use a certain reward to send out tasks and attract some interested and talented people, or adventurers to do the finishing work, it can be completely solved.

The mysterious Venus disappeared, and the terrifying army of the dead turned into some insignificant fish. After a short silence, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then the joy and cheers of victory suddenly resounded, and then quickly The whole city was filled with joy.

Ye Lin, who shocked the city with one sword and killed Di Ruji's fragment, naturally received the fanatical admiration of everyone. They wanted to surround him and send them blessings and flowers.

But they were a little afraid of the strength he showed, so they didn't dare to get close and only dared to stare at him.

I heard that strong people have weird tempers, so it’s better not to approach them casually.

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