Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,526 The First Princess’s Invitation

Feng Zhen's mind flowed all over his body, summoning the golden thunder beast Golden Thunder Tiger to fight the evil dragon head-on.

A hint of pain appeared on Xia Plun's always sinister face. He gritted his teeth and desperately activated the projection of the tyrant Barak, waving the huge sword.

Because the tyrant Barak died in the Dark Holy War, and the place of his death was not in the area near Dark City, so even though the plague of Dirighi spanned a long time and could be traced back to the Aragorn era, it was not his turn to resurrect the tyrant.

Full of anger, he vented his anger on the evil dragon.

The dark sky is dazzling!

The dark realm enveloped him, and the beer-bellied G.S.D's momentum surged, just like the Wrath of the Gods. The skills of ordinary Asura professionals became incredibly powerful in his hands.

A cold glacier spread rapidly along the earth, briefly freezing the evil dragon Spitz, and then a ball of light wheel runes flashed, breaking the ice and leaving a huge gap in its abdomen.

"You beast, look at the bones around you. They were all sacrificed in order to seal you. I will get back this blood debt and hatred for them." Hareth's speed is getting faster and faster, and the naked eye cannot see the remains. Shadows can only be captured through thoughts and fluctuations.

The meaning of the name of the Dark Elf Cemetery is to commemorate the Dark Elf warriors who died at the hands of the evil dragon.

The real corpses are in pieces and the bones are like mountains.

"He is worthy of being the strongest assassin of that era. After years of precipitation, he has become even more powerful." G.S.D commented that the dark elf's long lifespan is sometimes quite enviable.

"Tianyuan Star Prison!"

A dazzling beam of light seemed to strike from the depths of the starry sky, covering up the entire Dark City's brilliance, reaching the pinnacle in an instant.


Dark City Palace

Harris's breath was cold and stern, as if she had walked from hell. She walked through the glorious hall holding a piece of white bone in her hand. The banquet that had been noisy just now fell silent.

Dang lang~

The broken bones were placed on a high platform. After receiving the news, Meia hurried over, holding a candle and saying with sadness and gratitude: "Comfort those soldiers who sacrificed their lives heroically."

Both the dark elves and other invitees stood up and bowed in the direction of the floating island. Although the evil dragon's disaster happened underground, in the dark elf Vanness Kingdom.

But if you think about the Dragon Rebellion in Perus and the disaster in the Snowy Land of Stone, you will know how terrible it would be if this guy ran to the ground.

"They don't want to appear in front of strangers, so I ordered them to go down and find a quiet place. You can go and have a look later." Hareth said to Queen Meia.

The living people refer to the living. It is still dark, and the resurrected heroes can still stay for a while, but after thinking about it, they feel that it is better not to interfere with the world of the living.

Those strong human beings who came to support had no intention of coming to the palace to attend any banquet. They had always been free and easy in character and did not like the various rules in the palace.

Meia ordered people to prepare generous gifts and thanked them for their help and deeds.

"Oh, that's right." Harris remembered what happened and said calmly: "Xia Pulun forcibly borrowed more necromancy power to deal with the evil dragon, which caused a backlash. If Bolun hadn't helped, he would have died. ."

The chief of the Senate, Xia Plun, had half-impaired his necromancy skills and was in a sluggish state. Harris deliberately mentioned this matter because he wanted to think that since he was still loyal to the dark elves, there was no need to hold him too accountable for his previous deception. It's a crime, let him enjoy his old age.

Of course, the position of chief will be replaced by someone else, appointed by Meia.

Meia nodded silently, and then inadvertently glanced at Hareth's temples. They were pale, not the white hair caused by a curse, but a trace left by the years.

The strongest assassin in the past, the founder of Night Destroyer, she has lost her youth.

The dark elves cannot always count on the glorious protection of their ancestors and predecessors. The new talents of the dark elves should shoulder their responsibilities and show their own style that belongs to this era.

"Well, this fruit porridge is delicious. It's not only sweet, but also has a refreshing aroma." Isabella held a bowl with exquisite patterns, her eyes bright. She was not very interested in the palace banquet, but she didn't expect it. There is also an unexpected taste blessing.

The eldest princess, Celia, and the second princess, Nosadia, all hid in the palace to seek refuge for themselves. They felt a little bit ashamed and helpless, but the third princess was always very carefree, saying that everything that happened today was very exciting and super enjoyable.

The three princesses all have distinguished status, and their different temperaments and beauties are very eye-catching.

But the absolute protagonists today are Ye Lin, who shocked the city with his sword, and Celia, who revealed her identity as an "alchemist" and created the "Wuxuan Potion".

In fact, I originally wanted my sister Sai Limin to inherit this honor, but doctor Sai has a soft and gentle temper and doesn't like to be in the limelight.

Celia has long been able to cope with high-class gatherings. She is elegantly dressed, beautiful in appearance, and well mannered. She can calmly deal with some people who are interested in her alchemy, and then decline some people who approach her with alchemy. The ring on her slender ring finger is on sparkling with light.

And he revealed intentionally or unintentionally that he was from Hedunmar, a city that was once glorious and prosperous and was being rebuilt in full swing.

During the banquet, more people were trying their best to find out Ye Lin's identity and origin. The terrifying sword that resonated throughout the city seemed to be more than just legendary.

Yelin was powerful and unpredictable, and he was also elegant and handsome. He was very eye-catching at the banquet, and the second princess couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

"Well, let me tell you, Nosadia, I think he is very familiar, very familiar. It feels like... you and I, a family." Isabella stirred absentmindedly with a spoon. Fruit porridge, while staring at Ye Lin's face, getting more and more strange.

But just when Isabella was suspicious and curious, she suddenly saw a more "familiar" figure beside Ye Lin. The tall woman's dress was slim and slim, and her jewelry was just the right amount of nobility but not overbearing. Her behavior was elegant. The smile is beautiful and soft, isn’t that the eldest sister Celia!

Frowning suspiciously, Isabella put down the spoon and sneaked in on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

Although the three sisters now seem to share weal and woe and have a good relationship, in fact it is only now and when they were children.

After they grew up, the sisters lived separately and rarely saw each other. They had their own lives and thoughts. In fact, they gradually became a little stranger to each other.

The difficulty in Dark City actually made them a little closer to each other.

"Hello, I am Celia, the first princess from the Delos Empire." Celia introduced herself with a smile. She is elegant, beautiful, and noble in temperament. She is also very dazzling and eye-catching in the star-studded palace.

She didn't want to use "Delos Empire" to show off, but to express her origins frankly. After all, if you inquire about the affairs of the imperial princesses in the palace, you can identify their identities.

Because not only Isabella thought he looked familiar, but Celia also felt it was strange. She seemed to know this handsome, elegant, and powerful man.

But with her meticulous mind, if she met such an outstanding young man in a certain place at a certain time, she would never forget it.

So on the one hand, she couldn't restrain her curiosity, and on the other hand, she took the initiative to get close to him with the idea of ​​​​finding out the basics and winning over him.

"Hello, I am Ye Lin, an...interested adventurer." He nodded and smiled in greeting, polite but not humble, and he could stand upright proudly when facing the noble princess.

After all, he and the eldest princess Celia were pure acquaintances in the main dimension. They could sit together and chat for an entire afternoon. Even Celia, who usually didn't like to talk much and was too lazy to talk nonsense, would always talk superbly, and the process was very special. joy.

"It's like this. We are very saddened by the unfortunate death of Sword Master Barn. He is our hero in Delos, and he was also officially canonized as Viscount of the Empire. Due to emotions and reasons, he should return to his hometown for burial, but it is a pity..."

Celia thought that her words were very clever, so that her proactive approach would not appear abrupt and degrade her status as a princess. She wanted to take Barn back for burial in the name of the empire, but she could not bring back two handfuls of earth.

So she wanted to ask for the hurricane dagger in Yelin's hand, which was the only item left by Baan, so that she could build a tomb there.

"That's natural. Your Excellency Baan is also a hero." Yelin nodded and agreed, then took out the hurricane dagger and gave it to her. For him, this dagger had no practical value. Instead, it was a weapon of the dead.

"You are also a hero now. Wait, taking out the killing weapons in the palace banquet hall is disrespectful to Queen Meia. Let's move to another place." Celia quickly stopped her, then pointed to the side door of the banquet and signaled to us Let’s talk about it after we go out.

Ye Lin slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise. As expected of Celia, who was an imperial diplomat, her clever thoughts and words immediately created a reason for the two of them to be alone.

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