Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1532 Lingling is as good as Mailu

Hutton Marr came to the circus. Various novel animal performances and props with weird effects really attracted many people to watch.

Because the scale of the circus is not small, the venue for the performance is not in Hutton Mar Square, but outside the city. Of course, the formalities and approvals from the city hall have been obtained in advance.

On the way out of the city, there were crowds of people, neat streets on both sides, and a dazzling array of products. This is the prosperous look that the free city of Hedunmar should have.

It is indeed sad to think back to the "City of Doom" in the mirror dimension, but fortunately it has been rebuilt there and the seeds of new life have sprouted and grown.

He stopped by to gather together, but it was a little inconvenient to carry two large bags of ingredients. Ye Lin shrugged and could only use some means that ordinary people didn't have to deliver the ingredients directly to his home.

From a distance, you can see a colorful hot air balloon suspended on the edge of the circus. A clown dressed in funny clothes sits in a hanging basket. While he warmly greets passers-by, he performs some small magic tricks on his hands to attract attention.

Various tents and simple wooden houses have been set up around. In addition to the noise of life, you can often hear the faint roar of animals.

"Thank you for your patronage. Please grab the two tickets."

He and Mo Mei took the opportunity to take a look at the circus before dinner, and caught Beyana and Wanzi by the way. These two people never had a good time, there seemed to be ants crawling on their little fat flesh, and they couldn't sit still.

If you're having fun, don't worry about whether you want to eat dinner or not. You don't even know what time it is when you get home, and you have to leave the door behind.

Colorful streamers were hung on the wooden houses and tents on both sides of the circus, and promotional papers were pasted on them. The two of them did not know much about it along the way, but several small advertisements were stuffed into their hands.

"There will be a special program dedicated to Hutton Marr soon. Transform into a living person. You must not miss it." At the door of a very large performance stage room, stood a tall, fluffy long-eared rabbit puppet. Greet guests to enter.

Mo Mei listened carefully, and then she was barely sure, and asked tentatively: "Inside, Mintai?"

The rabbit doll was startled for a moment, then took off its hood with two thick paws. The girl's face was a little red due to the sweltering heat, she blinked her beautiful big blue eyes, and her chestnut hair was naturally slightly curly. She was indeed Mintai from the Bantu tribe.

"Brother Yelin, sister Momei, you are back." Mintai was surprised and delighted. She heard from Beyanna that the most powerful adventure team in Arad went to a very mysterious world.

"Well, we just came back today, Mintai. You took the winter vacation and didn't go back to the Snowy Land first." Mo Mei reached out and touched Mintai's little head. Her hair was smoother than silk.

At first glance, you can tell that the good boy Mintai came here as a work-study student. Although she is the successor of the highest wizard of the Bantu tribe, the entire Bantu tribe respects her and supports her in all aspects to come to Hutton Mar to learn magic. In terms of material, she is absolutely No worries.

Unlike Beyana, Ye Lin paid for her tuition and living expenses, and even earlier it was borrowed from Luo Lian.

But Mintai rarely asks for other people's things. When he has free time, he either studies or works part-time. He is hardworking and capable. He is Principal Shalan's favorite.

As for Bayana, Wanzi, Crazy Lily, Death Natya, and Carefree Bailey in the same class... they are all problem students, tired and unloved.

"Hey, the road from Bellmare to the Snowy Land of Stone is very smooth, so I can go back later. Unlike before, it took us nearly a month to go back and forth." Mintai smiled very sweetly and innocently. , the changes in the Bantu people are all due to everyone’s help.

It all happened a long time ago. At Ye Lin's suggestion, the Bantu people purchased high-precision explosives from Kaili to break through the steep ridge and build a flat road to Belmare. .

Later, the road was named "Kunilai", which is the name of the patron saint believed by the Bantu people.

In fact, Olka, who was a straight-tempered man, originally wanted to name the road "Yelin", but luckily Bwonga vetoed it, not because he was disrespectful, but because he thought it didn't sound good...

"By the way, the show that's about to start is with Bayana, Wanzi, and Ling Ling. Come in and watch." Mintai put on the bunny hood again, although he really wanted to chat more with his brothers and sisters. , but work is work, so be serious.

"Be...Beiana?" Ye Lin was shocked when he heard this. He nodded quickly and grabbed Mo Mei and rushed in. That girl has the acting talent of a hammer and meatballs. She can perform a live production of an explosive heating furnace.

I have to say that the audience was quite large. Even though the weather was cold and the circus had been there for several days, there were still nearly a thousand people sitting, and it didn't feel deserted at all.

Not long after the two found a seat and sat down, Biana's show started. Slowly twisting and turning from the entrance, two white and fat... snowmen came over. !

"Isn't that the snowman costume that Celia used to make mascots?" Mo Mei was surprised and didn't know what the two girls were up to.

"Welcome everyone, the wonderful magic will begin right away."

From the sky, a thin rope slowly hangs down, with a large colorful hula hoop tied to the end. A girl with pink hair is lying calmly and calmly inside the hula hoop. She has a stable balance and is able to make some small waving movements. .

"She is the daughter of the circus leader, Lingling, she is very powerful." Mintai in rabbit costume also ran over. The official show started, and not many people came in.

Lingling looks about seventeen or eighteen years old, with long pink twintails, a pretty baby-fat face and colorful female clown makeup. Not only is she not funny, but she has a little wild temperament.

Wearing an exquisite performance-style dress, with puff sleeves on the shoulders, and black and white checkered stockings, several playing cards appeared in Lingling's hand, and then she threw them into the sky. They crackled and exploded into beautiful and bright fireworks.

When Ling Ling jumped off the hula hoop, the hearts of the entire audience jumped violently. The gorgeous V-neck performance dress bulged so tall and proud that it almost burst the dress.

Ye Lin was slightly startled and murmured in a low voice: "This is the first time I have seen someone at this age who can compete with Mailu, Sophie and the others."

A huge chimpanzee dragged an iron box. The whole box was perfectly cast, with no gaps except for the movable lid. Once a heavy lock was hung, ten adults couldn't open it.

Lingling spread a large piece of oil paper on the ground, then let a fat snowman who didn't know who he was lie down in it, covered it and locked it, and then performed some actions to heighten the atmosphere, which looked like magic.

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!" Lingling invited an audience member to come on stage and handed him the key. After opening it, the fat snowman disappeared, leaving only a scarecrow of ordinary workmanship.

Suddenly, the whole audience cheered, the atmosphere was very warm, and the applause continued.

Then, the second fat snowman lay down, repeated the previous actions, and randomly invited an audience member to the stage. The result was exactly the same: the contents of the big iron box mysteriously disappeared.

"Uh~" Mo Mei hesitated for a moment and said: "Boss, should we praise those two girls for finally knowing how to make money by working, or should we say they are cheating?"

Using a stand-in scarecrow to perform a dramatic transformation into a living person, in a sense, it is really flawless, no omissions can be found, and it is almost impossible to decipher.

But this is pure devil magic. It is not the kind of escape magic that ordinary people understand. It is suspected of fraud, but on the bright side, at least it is much better than eating a king's meal and betting on horses.

"Well, everyone looks happy, who cares about your magic?" Ye Lin shrugged and smiled.

Then, the two safe and sound snow fat men appeared at the door and greeted the audience, immediately causing a new round of craze.

The next program was described as more thrilling. A snow fat man got into a box with a gap, and then pierced it with a sword.

Originally, Ye Lin thought it was either a magic "scam" or a special prop. Ordinary people could just see it as a novelty and be happy.

But when he found out that the one who got in was Beyana, and the guest invited to the stage by Lingling was Niwu, he knew... it was over.

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