Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1541 Still the curator’s favorite

"Askar, did the oracle of the first-generation witch tell us what will happen when these conditions are met?" Siatt asked the key question that everyone wanted to know.

There are no words written on the scroll anymore. I continue to look at the portrait, but I can't figure it out. I can only see some historical progress of Xu Zu and the superb skills of the painter two thousand years ago.

"It's like this. Although our Xu Ancestor has auspicious beasts that are respected by everyone, in ancient times, there were still some extremely powerful beasts that could only be sealed."

When the conditions of the oracle are met, the four powerful beasts and their followers will break the ancient seal, carrying endless evil aura and darkness, and rolling down the demonic power from ancient times.


In the eyes of most people, they still think that this is just a slightly larger snowfall, which is normal. The lights in Sunan City are warm, and the lights in Wanjia are similar, but the interiors are different.

The banquet was held as usual. The first few from the Blue Dragon Conference were invited to the palace to attend the banquet. Aska, who was dressed up to attend, was very enthusiastic but kept a sense of distance. King Xu Zu maintained his demeanor and dignity very well.

Nina sat proudly in the front row as second place, enjoying the care of the maid team. Of course, she was not immune to the innocent eye rolls and antics.

Wenying, one of the maids, added a large amount of freshly squeezed lemon to her soup. It was so sour that Nina stuck out her tongue, and her pretty face twitched. She was criticized by the always strict auxiliary minister for her lack of dining etiquette.

As distinguished guests, Siatt and the others were also assigned the best accommodation. Whether the oracle is true or not, we can get a rough idea tomorrow.

Da Ke'er, the champion, was "unfamiliar". She originally came with Celia's caravan and was left in the palace. She felt quite alone. She looked lonely, like a flower blooming alone on the mountain. flower.

Because of this, many men coveted her and started chatting with her in the name of congratulations. Da Keer had a hard time dealing with it.

If she hadn't heard that there was delicious food in the palace, she wouldn't have wanted to come.

Siatt kicked Ye Lin first, and then invited Da Keer to live with him. Everyone knew each other, and at least there was no disagreement.

Several small red crystal nuggets were stimulated with hot energy. Put them together, Mailu used long iron skewers to skewer the sweet potatoes, and cast an automatic skewer magic.

"It's snowing." Yuena said by the window.

The goose-feather heavy snow suddenly fell, coming quickly and unprepared. It pressed on some debris and made a rustling sound, like a god shaking off its holy wings, or like the World Tree spreading catkins all over the sky.

Da Ke'er is holding a cup of hot tea, with a peaceful face, slender jade fingers, and a beautiful posture that is as elegant as poetry.

Xin Xin took a slow sip and sighed with satisfaction. Her cheeks were rosy. She didn't learn much else in Kanina's coffee shop, but she enjoyed a set of things.

She has now fully adapted to life in Arad, and with the help of Kanina, she has obtained permanent residence in Belmare, and since she was injured by the red-legged Ector last time, she doesn't want to go back to the devil world. .

Only when Katie needs her help, go back and do some isolation with the enchantment technique, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties caused by the failure of the summoner and the summoner.

The curator, Xiaoyu, and Aska, who came over to join them, were chatting about the rumors of the four evil spirits and four spirits in ancient times. They also brought in various ancient books and read them carefully.

The age of the four ferocious beasts is really too old, so long that it may be earlier than the curse cast by Venus, and there are only a few words in the relevant classics.

"Don't worry, we're here!" Ye Lin clapped his hands hard and made a sound to assure him. His confident smile was fresh and handsome, and the trees were facing the wind. Aska's face turned red when he saw it, his heart was full of sweetness, and he nodded silently.

The power of the Four Evils is also at the forefront among the mythical beasts, but at the level of "gods", they are definitely not comparable to the Primordial Pushia.

If divided into categories, it would probably be around the third level, and should be slightly weaker than the True Dragon and the Divine Dragon.

The trouble is, the four evil beasts are at their peak, and there may be four of them coming together.

With the traces of Xuzu's other mythical beasts unknown, the pressure brought by the four ferocious beasts still made the whole room feel a little heavy.

"Get out! Why are you patting my belly when you promise others?" Yuena's pretty face turned frosty, she glared at him, picked up the cross and knocked the guy away, sticking him to the wall for a long time.

There is only the subtle ups and downs of a C rank. She doesn't want to be with a group of fat monsters as teammates and "sway~sway~" under her nose every day.

The merciful and loving archangel also has a very delicate mind, which is substantial but not big.

Some people say that after having a boyfriend, you will develop a second time, but she has been changing jobs for two years. Ye Lin also works hard, using both her hands and mouth, but she can barely get from B to C...

But when I think of the fully appointed Third Princess, well, I feel a little more comfortable.

"Ah sneeze!"

The third princess rubbed her nose and wondered if she suddenly felt a little cold because of the drop in temperature. Then she became very interested and begged: "Cyrus, Cyrus, let's sleep together tonight."

"No!" Cyrus, who had a cool face, frowned and continued to meditate.

She also got some divine blood from Ye Lin, which belonged to the goddess of beauty, Venus, and was very beneficial to her cultivation.

"Oh, little princess' godmother, don't be so cold." The third princess hugged her best friend from behind, her paws were very restless, and she touched her in various ways, which made Cyrus blush and make him angry.

It's not that the Third Princess's orientation started to move closer to Ilia, but that she wanted to compensate for what she didn't have from others.

"Cyrus, you are so righteous and no one can support you. It's a waste. Ye Lin went to Xu Zu, so you can take advantage of me~ He and I can still eat each other this morning... Wuwu , don’t talk to me, I was wrong... I won’t need teeth in the future.”

Cyrus lifted his fingers to hold his forehead helplessly and glared at her, feeling a little sad and angry and wanting to die.



Da Keer smelled the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes, her ruby-like eyes shone brightly, and said, "Dake'er, I want one too!"

Mailu was about to cut her portion in half and give it to her, when she saw Da Ke'er skewering a raw sweet potato with an iron skewer, carefully placing it on the small red crystal pieces and roasting it slowly.


Mailu was slightly surprised. If it were Da Ke'er from the Kaxiu sect before, she would have just reached out and grabbed it. Now she actually knows that she wants to eat it herself.

The progress in thinking is really obvious.

On the other side, Sophie slowly sprinkled some cumin and fine salt on the beef thighs. On a snowy night, it was cold outside and warm inside. With a little bit of meat and good wine, there was an indescribable comfort.

"By the way, Da Ke'er, this is a gift for you." While Da Ke'er was baking sweet potatoes and was quiet, Ye Lin took out a beautifully wrapped gift box.

"This is...?" Da Keer tilted her head slightly, curious.

"New clothes, the silver version of Hongyu Tianling, I think it should suit you very well."

Da Keer took the gift box and opened it. The fabric of the clothes was soft and comfortable, and the accessories were eye-catching but not flashy. The beautiful skirt fell on her thighs, and the style of silver with black edges also matched her temperament.

"I want to... try it." Da Keer put down the gift box and began to take off her clothes.

"Wait a minute, there's a locker room here!" Siatt, with quick eyesight and quick hands, quickly held down Da Ke'er's hand. There was a beast with shining eyes next to her.

Ye Lin's eyes were covered with a black ribbon to avoid refraction. He expressed strong dissatisfaction and solemnly protested, saying solemnly: "Your behavior of not trusting your teammates really makes me sad. We all live under the same roof. After all this time, don’t you still know what kind of person I am? Besides, Da Keer wears safety pants under her Gothic skirt."

"Haha, shameless person." Yuena commented lightly.

"Beasts, the color of corn is in their minds all day long." Xiaoyu continued to hit the target.

Feng Ying raised her middle finger and said with cold eyes: "Scumbag, stinky pig! He just likes to serve cabbage."

"Children who haven't grown up."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the curator with a gentle smile, and sighed helplessly: "Director, you know how to pamper him and occasionally criticize him."

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