Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1543 The dragon will never be a vegetarian

Da Ke'er, who has a cute and innocent temperament, is like a blank sheet of paper when she really has something to say under the constant questioning of a group of old Si Ji with malicious intentions.

For example, the number of job transfers, the actions used, and the experiences gained...

The key point is that she didn't feel that she should be shy at all. She blinked a pair of smart and clear beautiful eyes, like a piece of clean and translucent crystal, which made these old Sijis feel ashamed under the reflection.

They all recalled that a year or two ago, they were so pure and beautiful, but unfortunately, they were touched by a scumbag.

Da Keer had already had breakfast in advance, and her stomach was warm. She was holding a cup of fragrant coffee elegantly and leisurely, looking at the thick snow outside the window, her quiet and delicate appearance was picturesque.

Nearly three feet of snow accumulated in Xuzu territory overnight, roads were blocked, and traffic was inconvenient. All regions began to fall into a state of "interruption and isolation" from each other.

There is also snow in other areas of Arad, but it is not as serious as Xuzu.

As the capital of a country, Sunan City has diligently cleared the thick snow in various blocks, but when viewed from a distance from the palace, the dazzling white snow is still in sight.

The heavy snow on the roofs still weighed down some old houses. The wooden houses creaked and the branches bent down.

"I think I have to go to the Four Temples after dinner and ask that little girl Hailiu carefully." Xiaoyu took a bite of a small steamed bun, her thin cherry lips shining with the luster of lard, and had another cup of fragrant Millet porridge makes my whole body and mind feel relaxed.

Hailiu is a young girl (female dragon) Qinglong. She has a very close relationship with Xiaoyu, and they reached a contractual relationship similar to "The Exorcist and the Four Spirits" very early on.

Taotie, Chaos, Qiongqi, Taotie...the four famous evil beasts in ancient times. They are extremely cruel and cruel. They lead a group of evil beasts to confront the four auspicious spirits in an endless fight.

Later, thanks to the divine dragons and true dragons protecting the struggling people of Xuzu, as well as the help of other auspicious beasts such as Bifang, Suanni, and golden tigers, they were able to seal the four evil beasts to a distant and mysterious place. Unknown dimension.

"The main problem now is that we don't know where or when the ferocious beast will come from. We can only wait like this. Maybe today, or maybe a year?" Siatt said with a shrug, pouring a cup of hot water.

The environment outside is now harsh, with heavy snow covering it, making it difficult for pedestrians to move, but inside it is warm and comfortable, and the atmosphere is lively, which can't help but create a strong sense of comfort in the psychological aspect after contrast.

It’s decadent~

"Xiaoyu, let me come with you and have someone to take care of you." Mo Mei said worriedly, because her hometown is Yuexi Town, and her parents, relatives and friends are all in Xuzu.

"I'll go too." Ye Lin raised his hand and signed up.

"No, no, I think it's best for you to stay, because you don't seem to be very welcome in Xiangrui Valley~" Xiaoyu tapped the tip of his nose with her index finger, and while being intimate, she also asked him to think carefully about your identity as a cosmic demon. , the Xiangrui Valley was almost overturned last time.

Although the incident was resolved safely in the end, the group of green dragons are still a little wary of you, so please save it.


The curator went into work before dawn, but it only meant eight o'clock in the morning at normal time, because the morning light did not appear until nine o'clock in Xu Zu today. She said: "Xu Zu, due to various reasons, this The country has always been the most mysterious in the Arad continent, both in terms of history and citizens, and it has inherited many traditional customs, such as praying at Yuexi Mountain, oracle dance, etc."

Yuexi Mountain is the most majestic mountain in the Yuelun Mountains. When the weather is clear and sunny, it is said that the mountain peak will shine with colorful auspicious glow. The beautiful scenery also has many spiritual and mythological colors.

For example, praying sincerely can eliminate disasters, receive blessings and protection from divine dragons, etc. Every mountain and river in Xuzu has been given a very sacred meaning by the residents.

Another way to describe the existence of Yuexi Mountain is that it is actually the "part" of the mountain that Ye Lin once dug out the Nian Qi ore, and was later coquettishly spoiled by Aska, and Master Jiulong grimly wanted to go back.

"Come on, come on, I'm hungry!" Sophie raised her hands and shouted, asking for food again. She was half-lying in her underwear and coat, half-lying lazily on the bed.

The beige thermal underwear hides thick and plump fat. Ye Lin looked at and thought about it, maybe it could be used to feed herself through the winter.

The noble dragon bloodline is not afraid of the cold, but that doesn't mean she ignores the cold weather. Why would she get up now that she has a warm quilt.

Ye Lin stuffed a bun for her, and Sophie took a big bite, silent... She frowned and wanted to spit it out, but he glared at her and scolded: "It's a shameful waste. I bought it while it was dripping with snow. Do you know how many people there are?" How can we barely survive in the blizzard without enough food?"

"But this is vegetarian, you should buy me meat! Don't you understand my taste?" Sophie retorted vaguely, before swallowing the mouthful of buns in her mouth.

Ye Lin was slightly surprised and glanced down at the big bun in his hand. It was stuffed with cabbage and meat. It tasted very fragrant and greasy, but it tasted like cabbage when Sophie ate it.

"Eat more vegetarian food, it will be good for you."

"No, the dragon is a vegetarian. What does it look like? I would rather eat raw meat."

"You must not spit the food on the ground, but if you really don't want to eat it, give it to me..." Ye Lin cleared his throat first, with a solemn look on his face, as if he was going to die for the righteousness and sacrifice a little bit, and leaned over I want to open my mouth.

Sophie was immediately shocked, and her eyes immediately turned frightened. She didn't expect that this low-level play was so immodest that it had no bottom line. She hurriedly chewed the bun and swallowed it. She seemed to be afraid that he would come back again, so she snatched the bun from his hand again. The buns were eaten clean in a few bites.

"Hiccup~ I'm taking a nap." Sophie yawned, trying to chase people away.

Next to her, Mailu was eating in a more well-behaved and elegant manner. She bent her knees under the quilt and placed a small tray with a cage of steamed shrimp dumplings and dipping sauces, as well as a portion of seaweed and egg drop soup.

"Have you eaten?" Mai Lu's silky hair was untied, her face was quiet and rosy, and one of her dull hairs was slightly bent.

"We've eaten. Da Ke'er and I have eaten before bringing you food. There are two big wolfberry white flour buns, but I didn't have time to drink water and my mouth is a bit dry."

"Do you want to drink it?" Mai Lu was kind and cute, with a sweet smile. She raised her cup of egg drop soup and was willing to share some with him.


Ye Lin was deeply moved and couldn't help but nodded, and then like a slippery fish, he got into the warm quilt from the end of the bed.


The curved pink hair was as tight as a needle in an instant, Mai Lu's pretty face was as drunk as the sunset, her pearl-like toes were clenched and unclenched, but there was a tray on her knees, so she really didn't dare to move.


"As the saying goes, auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, hahahaha."

"The snow is calm and the air is clear, symbolizing Xuzu's future peace and tranquility."

“The snow is not as noisy and muddy as the rain, it’s really soothing.”

In Suran City, although the heavy snow accumulated overnight has brought inconvenience to daily life, most people responded positively with a smile. Snow, a pure white and clean thing, is often difficult to compare with "evil, evil and evil". "Connected.

In the palace, Heman and Nina were lying behind the same window, bored and doing nothing.

"He-Man, do you have any inspiration to compose an impromptu poem?"

"No, the vast white landscape looks beautiful at first glance, but it's also a bit too monotonous."

The place where the two of them lay was the attic on the top floor of the palace. In the past, it was a place where relevant officials used to observe the celestial phenomena. Due to the custom of Xu Zu, similar positions were set up.

Not only does it have a wide field of vision, it can take in a panoramic view of most of Suran City. On a good night, standing on a high platform and attic, it feels like you can reach for the stars and capture the moon with just your hands.

Nina was bored playing with an astronomical telescope for observing the starry sky. Looking left and right, she saw a vast expanse of white, and finally she aimed in the direction of Yuelun Mountain.

The mountains are covered with snow and covered with snow. It seems that the originally scheduled blessing ceremony will have to be postponed for a while.

Looking up at the astronomical mirror, Nina was shocked and stunned. The sky, which had already shown signs of clearing up, suddenly opened a large hole, and black mist billowed violently, like a gushing spring. In an instant, Suddenly, the sky was dyed into a thick, ink-like black.

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