Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,546 Abort the child

In ancient times, the four ferocious beasts that brought darkness and despair to the earth actually broke out of the seal from a very mysterious dimension.

Everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts sink, and they were solemn and solemn, without any trace of the joking atmosphere just now.

Chaos has arrived, where are the four divine beasts and spirits?

At the same time, the Demon World, Brooklyn, and the Extraterrestrial Sky.

Held's cold and noble face has always been used to cover up half of a delicate tear-stained mask. It is a pity that many admirers in the demon world cannot see his perfect face.

The special high-shoulder cape made Held's figure look tall and burly. Two sexy and hot blue bikinis restrained her plump and shapely body, and her whole body was as charming as heaven.

Now, an ugly "black spot" appeared on the outer layer of Planet Arad, as if it was seriously ill. The inside of the black spot was still slowly twisting and squirming, as if it was breathing, emitting an astonishing fluctuation.

"The ferocious beast from Arad's ancient times actually has such magical and powerful power." Held frowned secretly. It seemed real but not true. The ferocious beast Chaos had the power to "blur" the entire world.

If it cannot be effectively prevented, the entire Arad may be affected by the energy of illusory chaos. At that time, hundreds of millions of living beings will be between the real and the false, unable to distinguish between pure and turbid, completely losing themselves, and then there will be endless collapse of order. .

The most terrifying thing is that conventional methods and means cannot attack the chaos body at all...

If we look at Ye Lin's "Three Realms of Taichu", Held thinks that chaos should be second only to the powerful gods.

Probably, the God of Primordial Power (killing nature, also divided into strong and weak) → other gods (the true form of the mythical beast) → Fire God Enix... The apostle has a special nature and is not among them.

As a transcendent who has begun to be unaffected by time and dimensions, given that a certain supreme being has been destroyed.

Therefore, the best among the transcendent ones may not be without the possibility of killing gods.

"It's a very tricky and troublesome thing. The reason why I didn't open the transfer phenomenon to Xuzu was because I thought it was the most mysterious place and would cause additional troubles, such as being visited by divine beasts."

During the words, another "Held" quietly appeared in the starry sky. She also wore half a very delicate mask of tears on her cold cheeks, and her temperament was equally cold and waveless.

However, they are slightly different in their dressing. The clothes she wears are very wide, thickened and cotton-padded, which makes her originally curvy figure look a bit bloated.

The beast Chaos does not belong to time or dimension at the moment. It is real or illusory. Held is not very optimistic about whether Ye Lin and his team can destroy the body of the beast Chaos.

At most, it can be like the Four Spirits and Two Dragons in ancient times, using the infinite power of the gods to understand the location of the chaotic deity, solidify it and then seal it.

Because the ferocious beast Chaos cannot be simply killed...

"However, under the influence of this real and illusory energy, there may also be great opportunities hidden. Traces of that lost power may be found." The richer Herder revealed a trace of his unconcealed rosy mouth. Ridicule, but not at the ferocious beast Chaos, nor at Ye Lin.

Rather, it is a place hidden deep in the void, so deep that even the night forest cannot find its location...the black land.

The dark red sky has been the same scene here for hundreds of years. At the end of the vast land, there stands a city that looks prosperous and majestic on the outside, but has decayed and decayed on the inside.

Streets, palaces, squares... everywhere are always filled with dense numbers of irrational, zombie-like pretenders.

Airoreno, the most prosperous city in the Peruvian Empire, turned into a hell on earth overnight.

Outside the city, in a deserted and withered desert land, sat a young man in white with a delicate appearance and a thin body.

He seemed exhausted both physically and mentally. He was sitting on a huge cross, still breathing. Flowers and green plants that were inappropriate for the environment grew around him. He closed his eyes for a long time and remained silent.

Until he felt something in his heart for a moment, he opened a pair of clear blue eyes. In an instant, he understood everything in the depths of Airoreno, and also saw many things outside the black earth.

He saw two Helds looking down at the starry sky, seemingly watching with cold eyes. He also saw the vicious beasts infecting the earth with chaos, turning everything into real and fake, so clear and turbid that it was difficult to distinguish.

There is also a distant and unknown dimension. The first apostle Kahn looks like a god descending to earth. The power of his movements can shake the entire starry sky in the world. He is bathed in the dazzling light of power. His personality is arrogant and indifferent. He is invincible and invincible. Stoppable!

But now, on the other side of the starry sky, the wings of the extraordinary and sacred archangel are pure and shining. When waving, the six wings can stretch out to cover the sky. The pure holy power surges, and the majesty of the "purification" of the power of the beginning is exuded, and it is in harmony with the first apostle. En is tit for tat and never falls behind.

Archangel Michael!


"Are you pregnant?" Held looked at his other self and frowned slightly.

In recent times, she has been using the hell dimension controlled by Nyari to conduct multiple cross-borders, looking for the vague second and third stone tablets in the ruins of Terra.

But now for some necessary reason, she came back to take a rest, and Ye Lin didn't know that she was back.

Her original self and her substitute have always been the same soul, sharing the same mind. The only difference is who occupies more and who occupies less.

But there was a time when she was involved in a horrific war in a certain dimension. As a last resort, she cut off contact with her substitute and concentrated on hiding herself.

They are like a ball of water rolling on a lotus leaf. They can be easily divided into two, or they can touch each other and merge again.

She knew about the substitute's pregnancy at the beginning, but after having no choice but to cut off the contact, she thought that the substitute would turn it into nutrients for her to become stronger.

But she never expected that when the connection between the two bodies was re-established and the minds were connected, the substitute did not do what she thought, but kept "Little Held" behind.

"Abort the child. Terra has not yet recovered. The voices, faces, and smiles of our family members from the past often still appear in our dreams. We often stain our pillows with tears because of this. We are so sad that we cannot sleep. We have no intention of raising a child." Held said in a very serious tone. It's plain. In fact, she doesn't make a sound, and the other party can understand it clearly.

Because the two are essentially the same person and the same soul.

"So there is nothing wrong with having a psychological sustenance. After thousands of years of loneliness, Terra did not undergo any positive changes after the death of that smart-ass dragon. You and I actually understand that Terra has really changed." ..." Unexpectedly, the substitute Held objected.

After pausing for a moment and thinking about something, she continued calmly: "Besides, the child has grown up. If you want to abort it, just abort it. Believe it or not, he will kill you."

"What's so big? Aren't you only three or four months pregnant?" Held was shocked and asked quickly.

Suddenly and subtly, she realized that during the time when she cut off contact, many wonderful changes seemed to have occurred in the avatar, especially changes in thoughts.

"From the successful conception to the maturity of the fetus, raising a fetus in ten months is a natural development and growth process, and it is also a slow change in a woman's mentality. This is true for ordinary people."

Stand-in Held gently caressed the lower abdomen under the wide coat, and then continued to say lightly: "People of our level, especially me who are proficient in artificial human technology, naturally know how to speed up fetal maturation and shorten the pregnancy cycle."

Although Queen Skadi has drank many magical things such as "Heblon Gene Potion", "Diluted Water of Life", "Wuxuan Tea" and other magical things, she is not proficient in cultivation after all, and the main effects of those things are Nourished herself.

The bard Alice enjoys the process of raising a baby. This is a transformation of her body and mind. She is no longer a doll, but a wife and a mother.

"Did you...use all the remaining water of life to shorten the pregnancy cycle?" Held suddenly had an incredible and shocking thought.


She nodded lightly.

In other words, little Held... may be about to be born, even earlier than the prince of the principality.

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