Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,550 He-Man’s Heartbeat Moment

Although the phantom of the mythical beast Xuanwu guarded Suran City and prevented the people in the city from falling into "chaos", the overall situation was still not optimistic.

Suran is the capital of the Xuzu Kingdom. It has a history of more than 2,000 years and is the location of auspicious luck. But as for other small villages and towns similar to "Yuexi Town", have the residents taken refuge in big cities in time? Will there be mythical beasts to protect us?

The river is rushing forward, but there are always some tiny splashes of water that disappear halfway and become victims of misfortune.

During the Cantwen Rebellion more than 300 years ago, the most praised person was Perrus's last loyal minister, the priest Jig (Chicken Brother), who desperately summoned Bola Xiu and engulfed Delos's 300,000 troops in one fell swoop, but still Unable to stop the replacement of dynasties, it became a tragic and magnificent tragedy.

But as the wheel of history rolls forward, who will remember one of those 300,000 people? They are the parents and children of human beings.

Mo Mei tried her best to keep her mind calm. The more anxious and irritable she was, the worse it would be.

She is the Nian Emperor respected by everyone in Xu Ancestor. She once made a promise to protect Xu Ancestor throughout her life. Now when the terrible disaster comes, she must find a solution to minimize the subsequent losses.

There must be a way~!

The black mist pouring out of the sky of Yuexi Mountain, the order of martial law and evacuation suddenly came from the palace, and the mysterious shadow of Xuanwu... Although the residents hiding in Suran City were lucky enough to be safe, they also vaguely knew that something bad was happening. .

For a time, rumors spread all over Sunan City, and rumors continued to make people panic. It was not that anyone was deliberately taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, but it was just human nature.

The sudden appearance of the giant dragon Astra caused some commotion, but soon someone recognized that this was just a relatively "friendly" black dragon. Once the dragon Natra wanted to sacrifice the city of Suran and ignite the Requiem. At that time, this black dragon and the other party strangled each other in the sky, and finally ate the other party's heart.

There was also a small incident at that time. Sophie was hungry after the battle. A leftover chicken leg bone she ate was thrown away and was mistaken for a rare dragon bone and snatched away.

Later, the "dragon bone" was sold to a wealthy aristocrat and used to brew wine with expensive medicinal materials. The wealthy man often praised it as the bone of a giant dragon, which could strengthen the body and make people energetic. They often showed it off.

Ye Lin gave each of them a Wuxuan leaf. After being blessed by Yuena and Xiaoyu, wearing it closely could clearly distinguish between the "chaos" and the "real" world.

The monsters born in the realm of chaos may be afraid of the power of the mythical beast Xuanwu and do not get too close to Suran City, so the people in the city cannot know much about the situation.

Only the strong men standing on the city wall can discern a thing or two with their extraordinary eyesight, and then they are so shocked that they feel cold all over. The beautiful Xuzu in the snowy scene seems to be turning into a ghostly ghost.

"Lord Ye Lin, what happened in the direction of Yuexi Mountain? The astronomical mirror observed black mist pouring out, the sky cracking, and the wind and snow smoothing the edges of the rocks." Someone asked with a raised hand and a respectful attitude.

After the phantom of the mythical beast Xuanwu appeared, most of the people stayed in the city and did not move. The palace sent several investigation teams out of the city, and the leaders of the teams were even in the awakened realm.

Then once the investigation teams were about five hundred meters away from the city, they all froze in place, as if they had turned into solid stone statues, motionless.

The most frightening thing is that part of the bodies of some investigation team members have begun to turn into stone or wood, with no trace of blood. Their chests and hearts are still rising and falling rhythmically, making it difficult to determine whether they are dead or alive.

"It is the arrival of the ferocious beast Chaos from ancient times. The outside world has been affected by the realm of Chaos. You cannot protect yourself if you are not in the legendary realm. Do not leave the city." Ye Lin paused for a moment, and now clear information is necessary, and then said: " The four divine beasts and spirits are fighting against Chaos, and the disaster should not last long.”

The last sentence is a lie, and the purpose is to comfort the turbulent people, because the original body of the four spirits seems to be no longer in Xu Zu.

Suddenly, Ye Lin frowned. He vaguely seemed to have grasped some key clues. With this, he would be able to completely destroy the realm of chaos.

But when the words came to his mouth, they were so close, and when he wanted to say them, they suddenly felt as far away as the world, which made him scratch his hair in distress.

"What is it that can form a paradox between reality and illusion?" Ye Lin took a deep breath to adjust his mentality. Chaos was more troublesome than the fallen Venus.

Because he has been looking for its true form since the appearance of the beast Chaos. Even if it is in some distant and unknown dimension, he can ask Gaunis, the ruler of space, to carry out a cross-border bombardment.

But there is no trace, as if it does not belong to time or dimension.

Royal Palace·Penthouse

Ximan carefully manipulated the astronomical mirror, adjusting the angle and magnification, and finally stayed on Ye Lin's frowning, solemn and handsome face, feeling some very strange emotions in his heart.

She learned vocal music from her teacher Alice and lived in the manor for a long time. Later, she also went to the devil world and the heaven world, and even held a concert with very good results.

After hearing and seeing many events, the image of Ye Lin in her heart was almost omniscient, if not omnipotent.

No matter how troublesome things are, as long as he is around, I feel at ease and safe.

But now even he has a serious expression. Others may not know it, but she knows it very well. It seems that Xuzu's trouble is really serious to a terrifying level.

"You always describe the danger as trivial, and then solve it silently with everyone. The world only knows that you are powerful, so they respect your power, but they don't know the darkness you carry behind you."

Seaman's heart skipped a beat. She suddenly had the urge to compose music and write poems. Inspiration surged violently in her mind. She hurriedly left the astronomical mirror and took out the necessary poetry writing tools and batteries from her suitcase. Guitar.

"I tested it out." Mavis, who had always been taciturn, suddenly spoke up and said in high spirits: "The realm of chaos can weaken our abilities, but it is affected by our realm and cannot be completely eliminated. To a certain extent, Within range, we can still attack."

"How far away?" Mo Mei's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she was very surprised. They had been shocked by the blurring phenomenon before and did not consider so many detailed issues.

"Within five meters of yourself! If you are ten meters away, you will be completely blurred."

The extremely subtle and dangerous distance greatly restricted Siatt and Mo Mei's usual fighting style, which was to blast with devastating energy.

But for Feng Ying, surprisingly, there seems to be no difference... When she praises the moon, it is the combination of human and sword, and the flying fairy cuts it off.

Later, Xiaoyu also learned through the oracle the direction of the previous fierce monsters, and was about to assign work and set out to kill them, but they were suddenly stopped by someone.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" A-Gump carried the giant sword on his back with a steady aura.

Xi Lan on the side rarely put away his careless expression. The last time the ferocious beast Chaos appeared was more than two thousand years ago. He had tried to trace it back with the ability to travel through time and space... He almost got blurred and couldn't come back, but luckily Memit took advantage of it.

In Memet's words... time can no longer affect the body of chaos.

Not far behind Agan Zuo, a dark elf holding a baby stood silently. She had a cold face and a sassy temperament, but her eyes when looking at Agan Zuo were very gentle.

Luxi knew that he was a good old man and would not sit idly by if a disaster happened, so he didn't say any nonsense like "Consider your son who is just one month old and don't go".

The reason why she fell in love with Aganzuo more than ten years ago was precisely because of his "nosy" character.

"It's a handful of old bones, but at least I can still move." Master Jiulong with a thick white beard looks very kind. He was originally the guardian of the Yuelun Mountains. He happened to have returned to Sunan City to watch the Green Dragon Conference, so he was not trapped in the Chaos Realm. spread.

"Thank you everyone...Sophie, let's set off. The two of us will go in the direction of the red jungle. It's the farthest there. Astra will be faster."

Mo Mei was in an anxious mood. She was surrounded by bright thoughts, and the lotuses were pure and at their peak.

She did not hide her face, which also caused the true face of the rumored "Nian Emperor" to appear in front of everyone for the first time, which was shocking.

Many residents in the city were unable to form an intuitive impression of Xu Zu's disaster. Now that Nian Emperor revealed his beautiful face, it naturally aroused a new round of heated discussions.

I thought that Nian Dihui would be a figure similar to the Nine Dragons Master, but I didn't expect that she was quite young. She was a very youthful and beautiful girl with a well-shaped figure. Many young handsome men fell in love with her at first sight.

Ye Lin was thinking hard, and his eyes turned to Mo Mei unconsciously. Her pretty face seemed peaceful and gentle, but her red lips had been clenched tightly with teeth marks unknowingly.

The darkness and terror of the ancient times depicted in the first generation of miko portraits are still fresh in my memory, and the horrors are shocking.

She once solemnly made a promise to Xu Ancestor, and was willing to defend Xu Ancestor's peace with her life. The promise was stronger than gold and iron, and more eternal than gems.

On the side, Ye Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter, and a smile gradually appeared on his serious face. The little auras that had been lingering in his mind finally turned into a gushing sun, with complete light and outline.

"Haha, something that cannot exist in the real world has been found!"

He laughed loudly and picked up the great hero Mo Mei and spun him around a few times. The latter's head immediately became dizzy and he had no idea what was going on.

At the same time, the young leaders of Sunan City also heard their own sudden heartbreak.

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