Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1560 Qingjuan's embroidered clothes, red cover covering her face

"No matter how you look at this guy, he looks like a cat." Sophie tapped the Explosive Flame Golden Tiger's little head with her finger and muttered.

Ever since Mo Mei's Nian Qi was ignited into a more powerful "Divine Flame Nian Qi", the famous mythical beast in the red jungle has become a mini state. It often appears next to Mo Mei, dozing lazily and licking He strokes his beard with his paws and does not get angry when others stroke him, which is no different from the habits of domestic cats.

Rice cake's little hooves stepped on the wooden table and made a very crisp sound. It curiously looked at the "flame cat" sleeping on the cotton blanket. They were both mythical beasts. Although they were not related by blood, their auras were very similar. Clean and pure.

There is a slight difference: the flame cat has a special "burning smell", the rice cake has a fresh floral aroma and a mixed smell of alcohol, and Astra's breath is relatively cold. It holds its chest and raises its head as if it is Just like the boss.

The three little guys in mini form were all hugged on the table. Yuena held her cheeks with one hand and said with envy: "That's great. I suddenly want to have a well-behaved and obedient pet. It's best if the fur is soft. It's nice." The kind that touches."


Good to touch?

Ye Lin perked up and immediately came over shamelessly, but Yuena held her cheek down with her other hand and said with disdain: "Except for your soft hair, your whole body is hard."

"Haha, then when we return to the manor, how about we go to Grandma Olan's place to adopt one?" Mo Mei's face was red and she pretended to be calm. How could she not be shy at all about her marriage?

Everyone is helping to make some petal decorations, couplets and so on, and Siatt, a "experienced person", is still imparting experience.

I still remember that Kanina also adopted an orange kitten from Grandma Olan. Putting it in the coffee shop might attract customers, and secondly, it could relieve her boredom when there are no customers.

However, because the orange cat was good at stealing food and grew too fat, he was sent home to be raised.

"I saw a very beautiful and soft cloud fox in heaven. It seemed to like the breath of the archangel very much." Ye Lin raised his hand and said.

"Qingqiu Cloud Fox, um~ That kind of spiritual beast only exists in history books, and there is almost no trace of it in the Arad continent." Yuena shrugged helplessly. She liked it, but she couldn't find it.

It would be great if that cloud fox could come and play with me~

A few days ago, when Ye Lin came back from the starry sky, he had a proud look on his face and told them braggingly, "I went to heaven, met Remedios, and was kicked by a rabbit."

At that time, Mo Mei pulled him and pressed their foreheads together, wondering if the boss had a fever and was confused.

Especially when he said that he would take everyone "together to the Kingdom of Heaven", everyone nodded in unison and punched him like a rain of fists.

I am even more certain that this unscrupulous idiot must have lost his head. Go and ask Nimer, the God of Wisdom, maybe he can be saved.

An interesting discussion started around the topic of mythical beasts. Xiaoyu contracted with the little green dragon Turbulence, Katie had a three-tailed civet, and Qianying's dog was called Jie~ And even with the "beast" Yelin, He also has a good relationship with a little fat chicken (Bifang Baby Bird).

Next to him, the curator, who was carefully writing festive couplets with graceful calligraphy, seemed to suddenly remember something, and said with a gentle smile: "Maybe the eldest lady of our family will also be accompanied by mythical beasts."

"Ah? Are you talking about me?" Siatt was startled, and then quickly waved her hand, "I haven't even had a pet since I was a child. How can I have any mythical beasts to accompany me? Of course, curator, if you are teasing Yelin~ I’m in the company of animals, so that’s pretty much it.”

She glanced sideways at Ye Lin. I don't know who the beast is, but you should know it in your heart.

Ye Lin looked as if I didn't understand. He thought for a moment and then recited a poem and said: "There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty. Its name is Liao. It is as big as one hundred and eighteen. It turns into a bird. Its name is …”

"Shut up!" Siatt's beautiful eyes turned cold, and she quickly picked up an unpeeled orange from the table and blocked his nonsense.

One thing is actually not made up. One hundred and eighteen is the weight she weighed when she was wearing only underwear.

For a young lady with a plump figure and straight front and back, the 18 pounds that exceed 100 pounds are basically concentrated on the fat and breasts, with a small amount of fleshy thighs, which is within the normal range.

"It's like this. In the ancient books of the GBL sect, I accidentally saw a record of a mythical beast called "Qian", which can also be called "Fu Zhu". It is said that Fu Zhu comes from the divine world, looks like a unicorn, and has a personality. Docile and soft-furred, it likes to eat unfortunate things and bring good luck to those around it."

The eldest lady's luck-improving attributes are obvious to all. She can pick up dragon spirit stones that are worth ten thousand yuan when she goes to a street stall. However, she has never paid much attention to them and pursues the principle of putting hard work first.

"I suddenly felt that it was possible for the divine beast husbands to live by my side." Ye Lin suddenly said, his tone was serious, which made the girls slightly surprised, but they didn't take it to heart.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Well, because if I wasn't lucky enough, how could I have met you~" Ye Lin was full of affectionate words, and the destructive power caused by his love words was very huge.

I was used to this guy's shameless lies, but suddenly he took a sudden turn and started talking sweet words. It was really... a little weird.

"Ugh~ Nausea!" Mo Mei hugged her shoulders and shuddered, but the sweet smile on her face became brighter.

next day

The sky is clear and the earth is shining brightly. Not to mention a few cumulus clouds, there are not even a few wisps of fog. The sky and the earth are clean and clear.

Of course, this is all Ye Lin's secret work.

Compared with Celia's traditional style and Siatt's small gathering ceremony, Mo Mei's wedding was inevitably a bit grand...

Yuexi Town was filled with festive red lanterns and banners, firecrackers were blasting, and the red carpet was hundreds of meters long, stretching from the entrance of the dojo to the entrance and exit of the town.

If Mo Mei hadn't repeatedly refused to be extravagant and wasteful, it would have been no problem to pave the road all the way to Sunan City~

People came and went in the ashram early in the morning, and there were piles of gifts from those who came to congratulate them. Many people were secretly helpless that Emperor Nian's wedding was held too quickly. Most of them only found out the news yesterday, and there was no time to prepare more generous gifts.

This also led to the luxury goods in Sunan City being almost sold out. When Mo Mei saw those expensive gifts with the "Selia Chamber of Commerce" logo, she was helpless and speechless.

In fact, if it wasn't for the ferocious beast disaster that caused Mo Mei to reveal her true face and be called out by her name without thinking, she originally planned to be like Siatt and just have a sense of ceremony among her relatives and friends.

However, now that Yuexi Town is honored because of "Nian Di", the whole town is boiling with excitement. The usually simple residents take the initiative to entertain the guests for Mo Yun Meiyu and his wife who are dizzy from being busy, and banquets are arranged in every household.

Emperor Nian was actually the girl in Meiyu’s family who wore braids and loved to laugh when she was a child!

Neighbors like to have something to talk about. The great Emperor Nian appears in their town, attracting the attention of the entire Xuzu, and their faces are also bright.

The final venue for Yelin's wedding was the restaurant in Suran City that Celia had bought a long time ago. It had stopped accepting additional guests a few days ago and the decoration was very festive and lively.

As a result, Suran City was also boiling~

Although it was a bit regretful that Emperor Nian got married, since the other party was the greatest adventurer in the Arad continent, he had fought bloody battles for the Xu Ancestor, and his heroic appearance on the top of the Moonlight Mountain where he drank the Chaos Realm to pieces was still vivid in his mind.

He has outstanding achievements and is respected by everyone. They are a perfect match made in heaven.

Because there is still some distance between Yuexi Town and Suran City, and carrying eight sedans is too labor-intensive, two shiny horses were called to pull a modified carriage.

Ye Lin had a gentle smile, was handsome and talented, and was noticed and praised by everyone. He stood quietly at the door of the dojo, waiting for the test from Mo Yun.

Bang ~

The long mahogany table was carried over by several people. Three jars of daughter red dug out yesterday were placed heavily on the table. Three large bowls were placed on the table. Mo Yun slapped the sealing plastic mouth off with a slap.

"Mo Mei."

The style of the top and lower skirt, the cross-collar wedding dress embroidered by Qingjuan, the underskirt is as elegant and natural as gauze, the flower hairpins are swaying in the hair, the red cover covers the face, the reflection of the itchy night forest is lazy, the plum blossoms are lightly painted with pink and white Her face was still unparalleled, half-shy and half-smiling.

Xuzu-style wedding dresses include bright red phoenix crowns and harems, as well as blue-and-white dresses that coincide with the meaning of the dragon. They are elegant and refined, and most of them are the latter.

Mo Mei's wedding dress was made from materials purchased by Mei Yu himself and embroidered and sewn stitch by stitch, full of sincere heart.

Mo Mei was carefully led by Mei Yu, and she poured three jars of daughter red into three bowls. This was a test from her mother's family.

The aroma of the wine was rich, intoxicating, and tempting. Mailu hugged the rice cakes in her arms tightly to prevent them from messing around.

The bowl is a large bowl used to hold soup. A bowl weighs at least half a catty. Just this terrifying weight, coupled with the fact that it is made of finely brewed daughter's red... I guess not many people can pass this level.

Originally, it was actually a matter of pouring a small amount into each bowl, and that was enough, but Mo Mei was also dizzy and directly filled three large bowls for Ye Lin. She really "loved" her husband.

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