Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1565: Continue to fish

It was the twelfth lunar month of winter, when the mountains were covered with snow and dripping water condensed into ice. It was the end of the year for Xu Ancestor, and this was the most leisurely time.

You can find a few close friends, talk about everything, raise a glass of wine together, and take nothing away from the frost and snow.

There are also people who can't bear the quiet and daily necessities, so they look for other odd jobs in the city to earn more money for the New Year.

Originally, winter was a good time for some dojos to open after some residents had some time off.

Xu Zu’s style has always been martial. Even most ordinary people who are not cultivators will be willing to learn some basic self-defense skills, which can at least be used to strengthen their bodies on a daily basis.

For example, father-in-law Mo Yun's dojo, with his strength as a senior professional, has always been to recruit some ordinary people or beginners who are not yet professionals, and teach basic fighting skills, which is more than enough.

However, the swordsmanship dojo of the famous Sword Master Xi Lan is now empty. Although the ground is still barely clean, the dusty wooden mannequins on the edges of the dojo indicate that it has not been open for quite some time.

"Master said that our dojo doesn't have floor heating, so it won't open this winter~" Shi Ying, dressed in black, shrugged helplessly and invited Ye Lin to sit in the house, but even in summer, there were not many apprentices.

Thanks to his fame as the "Sword God" that shocked Xu Ancestor last year and his famous saying of "Martial Arts is Wuji", during that time, there was a sudden craze for learning swordsmanship in Suran City.

A man should carry a three-foot green sword, wear plain clothes and a bamboo hat, wield a sword elegantly, and cut through rough became one of the hottest topics during that time.

But Xuzu's tradition has always been about reading energy and superb fighting skills. Although swordsmanship is a way to popularize the public and the threshold is very low, there are really only a few truly famous masters.

Therefore, even though Xilan's reputation for idleness was quite long-standing and far-reaching, there was an endless stream of disciples who came to be his disciples during that time.

But Xilan is like an inflated balloon. She was in high spirits for the first few days, but then she slowly withered away~

Fortunately, although Sha Ying practiced the way of ghosts and gods, he had also learned swordsmanship before and had some success. He barely sent those students away in three months and also taught several sword soul professionals.

And this year...sigh~

Ye Lin expressed his deep sympathy and patted Shaying on the shoulder. Then he pointed at a half-meter-deep pit at the door and asked strangely: "It's not time to plant trees yet, right?"

"Um~" Shi Ying glanced back after hearing the question, and then said with an embarrassed expression that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "That's my grave. It's rare that my master was diligent and dug it." I’m not even willing to fill up the grave, so I’ll plant a tree in it next year.”

Ye Lin had also heard about the fact that Sha Ying was swallowed by the fish-headed Bilaxiu and was lucky enough to be sent back. It was a great blessing.

"Where is your master?"

"I'm here. I'm about to go out and have a look at Gongfang Street." Xi Lan opened the curtain of the dojo and came out of the backyard. To Ye Lin's surprise, he was quite energetic today and looked refreshed. He has the steady and handsome style of a middle-aged uncle.

It can be seen from this that it is no wonder that Xi Lan was able to charm a group of noble ladies when he was young.

"Today is the day of the sword test at the blacksmith conference, and the master is the guest of honor." Shaying shrugged. He was paid, and the work was easy, so Xi Lan was rare and clean.

Whether a weapon made by a blacksmith is a magic weapon or a useless decoration needs to be tested and judged by the right person to prevent some blacksmiths from boasting.

"Testing swords" is just a general term. The world's best blacksmith conference is held in Suran Gongfang Street. Blacksmiths from all over the world may have produced no less than thousands of weapons during this period, but in the end only eleven stood out. Bundle.

Ten weapons were rated as the strongest weapons of the year, plus one as a prize for the champion of the Blue Dragon Tournament.

"We are about to leave Xu Zu, so we came here to visit you." He also learned a lot from Xi Lan, and he will always remember the kindness of his teacher.

Xi Lan raised his eyebrows as if he was surprised when he heard this, then laughed heartily, patted his back, and said: "I had a great time yesterday. The daughter's red for more than 20 years is the best I have ever drunk so far. liquor."

He was going to Gongfang Street, and Ye Lin was planning to go to A Ganzuo's place. Halfway along the way, the two of them found the dojo, which had not been open much, closed again.

The snow in some dark corners of the street has not yet melted, but the sky is clear and upright, giving people a sense of broad-mindedness and distant views of the mountains.

As they parted near the intersection, Xi Lan suddenly raised her head and looked up at the clear sky. The warm sunshine filled her shoulders, and she said solemnly: "Lion Head said, you have become very dangerous and unstable."

"Ah? Me?" Ye Lin looked suspiciously. Is this some kind of warning from the ruler of time and space?

Is it because Naiyali who contracted with him occupies an "elevator" dimension, or is it because he has a different kind of power that can rival God, or it is some reason that he doesn't know.

Many thoughts flashed through him in an instant. In fact, Niemeyer had also hinted at a similar warning~

"We don't know what he means, but I think you are very powerful and everyone is praising you." Xi Lan gave a thumbs up and smiled brightly.

The two parted, Xi Lan looked at his back with complicated eyes, and finally sighed, took off the wine bottle from his waist, took a sip, and said to himself: "If such a person is also classified as a dangerous bomb by you, then in the end, From a human perspective, I have to wonder if you are right, Memit..."


Ever since Aganzuo and Luxi held their wedding in Hedunmar, they have settled in Xuzusunan and rarely travel to the mainland as before.

First of all, Xu Zu does not reject the dark elves, and also because the two of them have gone through many years of vicissitudes and hardships, and their hearts also need a gentle and peaceful place.

With the grand opening of Xu Zu two years ago and the support of the Qinglong Conference and the World's Best Blacksmith Conference, many adventurers flocked to Xu Zu to take a look at the scenery of this ancient country with a history of more than 2,000 years.

The increasingly mature Adventurer Alliance has also set up a branch in the capital Suran City. Agan Zuo found a job there and currently serves as one of the vice presidents.

Aganzuo's home is in the north block of the city, relatively close to Baihumen. There are Chinese cabbage growing in the small house and several tiled houses. It is not rich or wealthy, but it is full of peace and comfort.

He himself was injured not long ago, and his left shoulder was scratched by a monster. He is still wearing a healing bandage, which makes his life slightly inconvenient.

They happened to come over to visit Luxi and Xiaobai, and Yuena helped Aganzuo heal his injuries.

She almost forgot that she knew how to heal. She just remembered to pick up the cross and send Ye Lin flying away~

"Thank you!" Aganzuo couldn't wait to remove the bandage. He hadn't moved his arm for a few days and felt that the muscles seemed to have relaxed a little.

Aganzuo and Luxi's child was named "Xiaobai". White symbolizes nothingness, simple and monotonous, but full of infinite possibilities. It looks like white paper, but can depict various colors in detail. Beautiful paintings.

"We just hope that he will be safe and happy in the future." Luxi always had a valiant and heroic temperament. She looked down gently at the sleeping baby in the cradle, with a very loving and maternal look in her eyes.

Only after going through tribulations can one know more deeply, and only after traveling to the end of the world can one know the depth of love... Both of them have a tacit understanding that they don't want Xiaobai to achieve any amazing fame in the future, and there is nothing wrong with being safe and ordinary.

Of course, if Xiaobai becomes an adventurer in the future, he will fully support him.

Luxi's body was made by Alice. Although she still deliberately retained the appearance of the dark elf, her ghost hands and other characteristics of the dark elf have disappeared.

So the swaddled little Bai had a baby's pink complexion and big black and bright eyes. When he suddenly saw so many strangers surrounding him, he immediately cried "Wow~Wow~" in fear.

"Quickly retreat!"

Siatt and the others immediately backed away from Xiaobai's sight and let Luxi go to sleep.

"It feels so troublesome." Mo Mei blushed secretly. Emperor Nian is now in front of the public, and his family will naturally attract attention.

Then the "Mo family" has a weak bloodline, and they only have one daughter, so the continuation of the Nian Emperor family depends entirely on her alone.

Now she saw Luxi, the berserker who had always been brave and heroic, and who had once unlocked the ghost-hand blasting apostle, and was so busy that he was coaxed and comforted to sleep by Xiaobai's cry.

Suddenly I felt that although the boss was a bit greedy as a baby, he was not trivial in other aspects, so he was pretty good.

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