Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,573 If you can’t save it, kill it.

"Paris, you can actually seek an official position with Queen Skadi, such as captain of the Hedunmar City Guard or something." Mo Mei said half-jokingly, but it was not entirely a joke.

Paris has a large number of subordinates who are located in various places and various jobs in the city. As well as her own amazing methods, Hutton Marr cannot hide anything big or small from her.

Anyone who walks out of the back streets has something to do with Paris.

Moreover, she has a close relationship with the tavern proprietress, and Moonlight Tavern is one of the best places to gather information. For example, Street Fighter Chozaburo works there.

To be honest, in Hedunmar alone, the Remedia Cathedral may not have as comprehensive information as Paris.

She is the well-deserved queen of the underground!

"I'm not interested. The backstreets are just dirty backstreets. I'm a country chicken and turned into a phoenix. But what about the others?" Paris looked indifferent and poured herself a cup of Coke.

I bought a large bottle yesterday, which is very economical for entertaining guests.

She has a great reputation and is well known to the public. Whether it is her own strength or outstanding appearance, as long as she wants to leave the backstreets, many nobles are willing to accept her.

But the backstreets are still backstreets after all, and the lives of people here will not change at all. And although Paris is very responsible, she is not kind enough to trade her talents or body with a big noble for a job as a backstreet resident. Opportunity.

But in fact, she has been "replaced" by a scumbag.

The children in the backstreets had the opportunity to study because Ye Lin discussed with Principal Shalan and Skadi, and the Chamber of Commerce subsidized a certain amount of tuition, for which she was very grateful.

"Paris, are these three missing people your friends?" Yuena thought carefully for a while before asking.

Hutton Mar has a prosperous neighborhood with countless tourists and adventurers coming and going. As the capital of a country, it has a permanent population of up to one million.

Suddenly missing three or two people will not have the slightest impact on the lives of others except relatives and friends.

But Paris had an impression, so Yuena asked.

"Friends?" Paris waved her hand in boredom, showing no interest, and said disdainfully: "They are just three scum. I can remember these guys because they robbed me of something when I was a child."

Paris is an abandoned orphan. Note that it is abandonment, not the unfortunate death of her parents.

Needless to say, her history of blood and tears and her way of survival include bricks, iron rods, steel claws, and even a handful of sand... In short, everyone who has fought with Paris will scold her for being despicable and shamelessly attacking.

But before Paris understood the way to survive and the rules of street fighting, she was inevitably bullied as she grew up because a girl was born with a thin body and little strength.

Being beaten, spat on, called a "mean wild dog" by an arrogant lady, etc.

"Those three guys, even in the backstreets, can be regarded as out-and-out bastards." When Paris mentioned the past, a sinister and cold air appeared on her beautiful face and eyes.

Backstreets have the survival principle of backstreets, which is "the jungle of the jungle". Even a garbage dump on a street corner that may seem very filthy and filthy requires fighting and bloodshed to gain control.

Those three boys came from a family that was not rich but barely had enough food and clothing. Compared with other orphans, they were naturally stronger and more difficult to deal with.

They teamed up to target some very thin children who were alone, and picked at dusk and evening to rob them of the things they needed to eat after a hard day's work.

The reason for picking single children is very simple: safety and security - that is, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

"Even though I can have a full stomach, I still deliberately snatch other people's things. Sometimes I will throw leftover steamed buns into the ditch in front of the other person. I am so proud of it, but the backstreet environment at that time was in a mess. Whoever has a big fist is the last word, no one can blame me, so later I knocked out a few of their teeth and broke a few fingers because of my big fist."

Paris said a lot in one breath. She was once one of the victims who was robbed, but she later took revenge.

From her personal point of view, she was robbed of food. After understanding the way to survive, she used "mean" methods to teach the other party a lesson, the so-called courtesy.

From the perspective of Mo Mei and Yuena as bystanders, they are really three naked scum, and they would probably stink even if they were fed to me.

"Paris, why didn't you..." Yuena made a horizontal motion with her palm on her neck, filled with murderous intent.

"Tsk tsk, girl, although our backstreet is a backstreet, where the weak and the strong prey on each other, it is not a matter of life and death. At that time, I only wanted to avenge myself, and other people's revenge has nothing to do with me." Paris looked at the moon with interest. Taking a look at Na, she was not a compassionate and loving archangel, but how could she be more aggressive than herself?

The back streets are, after all, an area of ​​Hetton Mar, chaotic and dirty, but not a slaughterhouse.

If the ground was really bloody, the city hall would not allow such a place to exist.

"God, with one hand is the holy book that sympathizes with the good, and with the other hand is the divine flame that punishes the evil." Yuena imitated the tone of the madwoman Lucille. I have to say that Lucille's ideas are indeed very useful sometimes.

In other words...since it's hard to save, let's just kill him.

The three missing people lived in different places and disappeared on the same day. Obviously, under the premise of ruling out the possibility of going to work together, the person behind the scenes had a strong purpose.

"It's probably someone who was bullied by them who came to take revenge after becoming a successful adult, haha~" Paris shrugged boredly. She had no interest in continuing to track down the whereabouts of these people. If the city hall was interested, Let them be.

If you have this free time, you might as well take more poison or something to increase your power in the Ten Thousand Poisons and Heart Devouring Technique.

"Paris, can you take me to see their home?" Yuena sincerely requested, or because there was a pretender in the back block, there was always a lingering worry in her heart.

Although the Order of the Priests had checked the backstreets, she still felt uneasy and wanted to see it with her own eyes.

Alas, if I had known in advance, it would have been nice to have Xiaoyu come with me.

"If you don't want to move, I'll tell you the address. Turn right when you go out. There are three intersections. There are graffiti on the wall. If you go to the left of the graffiti, there is a pile of gravel... Hey, don't drag me..."

After a nice talk and the promise of a lunch, Paris reluctantly got up. It was so cold outside and she really didn't want to move.

"Paris, where is Miss Louis?" Mo Mei asked casually. No one was seen at home.

"I went to the Grand Forest. I said I wanted to catch up with Sauron and Miraz."


"Well, this is it." Paris raised her white chin.

Because he disappeared for only two days, it was difficult to determine whether he was missing or out for something, so the city hall did not take any corresponding measures.

There are two brick houses on the edge of the back street. There is a peach tree planted in the yard, but it is obviously neglected and the branches are messy. There are many wine bottles and cigarette butts piled in the corners. It is obvious that this is a guy who lives a very casual and indulgent life. .

Although Xilan is also addicted to alcohol, he can at least take care of himself very cleanly.

"There is the residual aura of the pretender!" Yuena concluded, then carefully searched for any suspicious corners, and finally stopped next to a seemingly normal muddy footprint.

Snow has also fallen in Hutton Mar, and it has begun to melt in the past two days. A very shallow muddy loess footprint, ordinary people may not even look down at it.

The footprints were very small, probably from a woman's boots. There was an extremely faint evil aura, but it was very high-class and very difficult to detect.

Ordinary clergymen are not very refined and focus most of their attention on the living body of the "pretender" and do not notice it. It can only be said that they are not careful enough, which is not a dereliction of duty.

"It's true~" Paris was obviously surprised, and then she seemed to suddenly remember something, recalling: "Pretender, if it's revenge, well, I suddenly thought of a little girl, but isn't that girl dead?"

"Are you talking about the one whose mother died of illness and whose father was killed..." Yuena suddenly had some impressions at this time. She seemed to have seen it in the sect's files. An incident about ten years ago shocked her for a time. Huttonmar.

"Corinje? Yes, that's the name." Paris nodded, and the memory came to mind.

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