Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1576: Another year older

After meeting the former leader of Tarakuta, Yimiwu was obviously much more well-behaved. He had really become honest instead of waiting for opportunities to be evil.

Although she had no concrete idea of ​​Yuena's strength, they often acted against each other and didn't like them.

But he knows that Lady Alice is a real strong person, the leader of a first-class force, the winner of defeating many strong people!

So you must be respectful in your attitude, otherwise if you get beaten, no one will be able to save you.

Maybe the yellow-faced woman will take the opportunity to add insult to injury~

She and Youxia didn't plan to stay in the manor for a long time, they just came to find their way around. It was a rare trip to heaven (from the perspective of the devil world), so of course they had to take a good look around and buy things.

After Biana, who had two thin ponytails, lost the game, she pouted and took a look, said hello, and was shocked by the gold bricks on the table.

Wow~ It’s too exaggerated. If you use a brick to single-handedly suppress a horse race with odds of more than ten times... wouldn’t you get more than a dozen bricks?

Then a dozen yuan turned into dozens, hundreds, thousands... a golden house!

Among the five Demon Realm people, she is the poorest and relies entirely on Celia for her pocket money.

Biana was actually able to get a scholarship, but the money was too "extensive" and she couldn't save it.

"You two want a tour guide..." After Alice heard Yimiwu's intention, she pondered for a moment and said, "Biana, take them with you."

"Huh? But I haven't finished the game yet..."

"Have you practiced Istar's Secret Technique today?" Alice said calmly, and she calmed down the angry Biana with just one sentence.

Whenever Biana was about to be hung up and beaten by Niwu because of her skinny skin, Alice, who was full of motherhood, would always say something nice, so she owed a lot of favors.

"Oh~" Biana curled her lips and agreed.

"Wait a minute." Siatt grabbed Wanzi's collar with one hand, dragged him out of the room, and said helplessly: "Take this guy with you, he will stay in the room doing weird experiments every day, if not If there was a protective barrier, the house would have collapsed long ago.”

I don’t know what happened to Wanzi, who had a dark face and messy hair. He struggled hard and yelled: "Smelly guy, lady crane, your arm is pressing against my thigh."

"Oh? Say it again?" Siatt's expression turned cold, and she pinched Wanzi's pointed ears, full of threats.

"Xiao Su, let's go shopping together?" Beyana, who had been a little reluctant just now, immediately beamed and was full of enthusiasm after receiving the extra pocket money from Alice.

"Me? I won't go." Xiao Su was quiet and delicate, slowly flipping through the Heaven's Seal on her thigh. He had already gone to all the places Hutton Marr could visit, and he couldn't remember anything for a while. Good buy.

And...she quietly glanced at Youxia, who also happened to cast a very cold look...

She knew Youxia, or had a chance encounter with him.

It was still the aftermath of the lunar eclipse incident. Ron, the Void Mage, brought people to the door in person to question Smilla's extremely risky moon summoning ritual. Didn't he know the terrifying legend in the demon world?

There is a kind of terrible monster living on the Demon Moon Dralion. Whenever the night of the lunar eclipse comes, they are cruel and greedy and will descend to Terra and devour every living thing they can see~

Of course, it was false to think about the safety of the demon world, but it was true to covet the moon-calling magic. Although Ron failed to succeed, he cut off the second agreed source of information with a righteous face.

At that time, Xiao Su saw one of the survivors, You Xia, who exuded a cold aura and looked disgusted with everything~

Therefore, from each other's standpoint, she and Youxia should actually be "enemies" and not deal with each other.

"What does the hatred and entanglement of the leaders have to do with you juniors?" The gentle and intelligent Alice saw through the reason at a glance, and her tone of voice became a little more dissatisfied.

The fighting and killing, the inheritance of hatred, will never end... Forget it in the devil world in a land with poor resources, but don't bring that set of things to the peaceful and peaceful Arad continent.

"Ah, let's go together." Yimi Wu suddenly acted as a peacemaker, holding Xiao Su's hand with one hand and You Xia with the other with a smile, and put their hands together in a cordial and friendly way.

She is absolutely neutral in the Forest of Dolls, and does not involve the organization's stance, so she is the most suitable.

The five demons went out together.

"Biana, you are not allowed to take people to the racecourse." Alice reminded her seriously.



The barbaric invading Kallet organization was defeated, the leader Anzu Cypher and the hidden leader Lantilus were eliminated. From then on, the order in the heaven that had been chaotic for many years returned to normal, and true peace ushered in.

The Seventh Apostle Antun was expelled, the Siman Industrial Base resumed production, and the economic situation of the Seventh Empire improved rapidly.

Moreover, Emperor Alijie's various measures have won the hearts of the people, as well as the blessing of the energy revolution. Now the entire heaven has a new look and is thriving everywhere.

In order to celebrate the rebirth of the Seventh Empire and at the same time express gratitude and mourn the soldiers who sacrificed their lives on the road to peace, Alizee came up with a proposal to create a new "National Day" holiday.

"National Day" is glory and carnival, but it is also a remembrance of the past.

As the second general in heaven, Ye Lin would naturally attend important occasions.

The Seventh Empire has always had the habit of "sacrifice", with the purpose of praying for peace and peace of the country and the people. Even in certain emergencies, they would also make a habit of offering sacrifices to pray for good omens.

The target of the sacrifice is neither humans nor gods, but "heaven"!

But after Alijie experienced her experience in the lawless zone, she understood that "if you rely on heaven, you will achieve nothing. If the heaven wants to truly stand up, it should rely on a wise monarch and sincere subjects."

Can the sacrificial ceremony, which wastes people and money, be able to withstand Kallet's gunfire? !

Therefore, the sacrificial rituals and the name of "Supreme Sacrifice" that had lasted for hundreds of years in the heaven were forcefully abandoned by Alijie after she ascended the throne.

However, the concept of sacrifice is deeply rooted among the people. If it is suddenly abandoned, it seems to be a step too big and may easily have adverse effects, so Alijie cleverly uses "National Day" instead.

Instead of being grateful for the elusive mercy of heaven, it is better to remember our brave soldiers. It is their bloodshed and sacrifice that brought peace to the world today.

Ghent, the Godly City, outside the city, on the mountainside of the Hart Mountain, is an excellent Feng Shui place overlooking half of the city. A memorial square and several majestic monuments have been opened up, with many names densely and finely carved on them. The brave sacrifice is shocking to watch.

However, the names left on it are probably less than one thousandth of the number of people who actually died.

Rather than offering sacrifices to heaven, it is better to offer sacrifices to humans.

Led by the emperor, it will be a new "tradition" after the Seventh Reich to come here to worship and commemorate the National Day every year.

Alijie was dressed in a black and red palace dress with a solemn atmosphere. Her delicate little face was now solemn, with a faint hint of sadness. She presented flowers and began to pay homage.

Behind her are Ye Lin, who currently has the highest military rank, and the chief poison maker (the palace maid Ma Lin) on either side.

On this solemn day, the former general Jacket also rushed back from the lawless zone, and the former regent Jurgen also returned from the devil world to the heaven.

Of course, since the two of them are now "civilians", they just mix among the crowd. Many people don't even know that these two old rivals are getting together again.

One was looking for his daughter in the helpless zone, and the other was kidnapped by Ye Lin to manage Wuxuan in the Demon Realm. The two of them, who hadn't seen each other for almost a year, were actually quite a bit older. After meeting, they still frowned at each other and expressed various dislikes.

"Your Excellency Jurgen, it's so elegant to blow the frost and snow with your fan." Jackett, who is tall and has a resolute expression, said in a neither salty nor cool tone.

It’s already the twelfth lunar month of winter, but Jurgen still holds his folding fan, which he never leaves his hand with.

To put it another way... Shenjing Bing!

He knew that this was Jurgen's way of decompressing himself, but it didn't stop him from making a few sarcastic remarks.

"After all, there is a difference in the cultivation of people's sentiments. Paper fans are better than yellow sand." Not to be outdone, Jurgen insinuated that the other party came from a barbaric background.

The two of them were quarreling with each other. After the worship ceremony, Alizee left respectfully.

In a deserted place, like a baby swallow returning to its nest, Alijie smiled brightly and threw herself into her arms. She raised her head and blinked her big watery eyes and asked, "Brother, do you really want to do this?"

"Well, I think this will do more good than harm to the heaven." Ye Lin nodded and brushed the little girl's smooth hair like a waterfall with his palm.

He wanted to send Antun, who had been standing near the foreign island, to Tabols, and Brother Eagle also agreed.

"Another year older~" Ye Lin murmured softly, smiling softly.

The characteristics of the Celestial Clan are slender waist and long legs. The slim little girl who was originally born and raised has grown a little taller this year, and now the top of her head can touch the tip of her nose. The sixteen-year-old girl is youthful, beautiful, and full of vitality.

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