Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1582: Just a bit scumbag


The huge parliament hall was suddenly in an uproar and boiling. The general actually took the initiative to resign. In other words, he wanted to "retire". It was incredible and confusing.

Because as one of the holders of the highest military rank in the Seventh Empire, Ye Lin's honor is lifelong. As long as he does not commit extremely serious mistakes, his military rank will be retained.

And in view of his outstanding contributions to the heaven, Ye Lin does not even have the concept of "retirement". As long as he is alive, he will be the eternal general of the heaven and can actually hold power.

Alijie had also thought about appointing him as the commander of Ghent, the head of the four military region commanders, to take over the position of the former commander Jacket.

However, due to mandatory legal provisions, the Commander-in-Chief was not allowed to leave the Ghent area, and Ye Lin was an active adventurer, so he had no choice but to give up.

The reason why General Jacket was stripped of all his honors was because according to the laws of heaven, he had indeed made major mistakes, including mobilizing noble private troops without permission, the commander-in-chief was not allowed to leave Ghent... and a series of high-sounding mistakes. excuse.

And most importantly, fulfill Jackett's wish to find his daughter.

But Ye Lin is now powerful and has outstanding achievements, which are comparable to the honor of the seven ancient gods of war. No matter how "fearful" the people in the heaven are of his extraordinary abilities, these deeds are real and more stable than gold.

No one is more qualified to be a "general" than him.

Therefore, when Ye Lin took the initiative to resign, not only were all the officials in the court stunned, but even the emperor Alijie herself did not understand it and almost stamped her feet in excitement.

What on earth is my brother doing? He was so gentle and considerate when they were intimate in the basement of the palace, so why is he suddenly leaving me in the blink of an eye?

Feeling flustered for a moment, Alizee bit her lips and stared at his cheek with her big bright eyes, filled with a layer of mist of grievance.

If he doesn't give a reasonable explanation, he won't call him brother anymore. It's so irritating!

Alijie is a younger sister who is impatient and obsessed with the authorities. Next to her, Lady Marin gently adjusted her glasses, secretly sighing and expressing strong appreciation. The general is really thoughtful and flawless.

"It's like this. Your Majesty and I have discussed that I will be the first dean of the Magic Academy. There are many affairs in the military and I have no skills to deal with, so I am willing to resign to gain more free time."

On one side, Dr. Gina in the stereoscopic projection yawned, rolled her eyes, talked about a lot of nonsense, and talked about nonsense... Ever since this guy became the general, the so-called military affairs probably meant going to the Imperial Princess's courtyard. The beauty bar.

He has never had any involvement in the serious military affairs, and he does not want the position of Supreme Commander. It is just an excuse for him to be busy.

The deeper reason is that Ye Lin is avoiding power.

Judging from the current development, the magic school will definitely develop into an important institution similar to the Royal Courtyard in the future, and there is no one more suitable than him to be the first dean.

There have long been rumors in the heavens that the general’s extraordinary abilities are second to none in the Arad continent.

On one hand, he has the highest rank in the army, and on the other hand, he is the dean of the magic academy. He alone is the most prominent family in the Seventh Empire. Even Jurgen, who held the power of regent at his peak, could not reach out to Marin's princess courtyard.

His glory is so great that it will overshadow the brilliance of Alicia herself.

Ye Lin wants to retire from the army and then graduate from Tianjie Magic School.

After thinking about this, Alijie calmed down a little, adjusted her mentality and tone, and said calmly: "The general has just made a new contribution and is a person who is highly admired in the heaven. How can he retire on the spot? This will affect countless soldiers. The enthusiasm of the Endeavor Warriors, so let’s wait until the Magic Academy is established.”

You can't retire, at least not yet.

Things about the Magic Academy are a secret for the time being, and only a few people know about it. Once Ye Lin retires and there are no follow-up measures to compensate, won't it cause an uproar in the military.

There is some fear of Ye Lin, but correspondingly, everyone also admires him.


After the meeting, the nobles and officials gathered in groups to discuss what happened today.

The apostle Antun was sent away, the emperor wanted to restart the magical power of the heaven, and the general retired on his own initiative... Many people suddenly woke up at this time, as if enlightened, the heaven had completely changed, and it had changed a long time ago.

The Seventh Empire, which has a glorious history of hundreds of years, is rapidly moving towards a more glorious era in the future, and the fools who are obsessed with the glory of the past will eventually be left behind without mercy.

The sun at four or five o'clock in the afternoon still had some residual warmth, but many people didn't seem to feel it. After shivering, they quickly left the palace.

"Neither arrogant nor impetuous, wise and far-sighted, the my great fortune." On the road to the palace, a middle-aged man with elegant temperament sighed in approval, nodded and smiled.

The little white-haired Lindsay walking beside him shrugged, seemingly noncommittal. The general's abilities were outstanding and no one could refute him, but in terms of his personality, it was really difficult to match his father's perfect impression.

Lindsay's father Ned, the head of the Rosen family, happened to come to Ghent to take care of something and took a look at his only daughter.

He and Ye Lin had met once in Nospes, and they had always spoken highly of him. Now Ye Lin is willing to contribute to the recovery of magic in the heavens, and is also willing to give up the status in the military that countless people dream of... Ned himself has I feel that the Seventh Reich really has nothing to repay and deserves it.

After returning to his temporary residence, Ned took out two beautifully packaged gift boxes and said with a graceful smile: "Your mother made you your favorite honey cake. She used the honey cake in the northern desert of Nosmar in the Arad continent. Some honey is made from killer bees, and you will give some to the general to try later."

Although Lindsay has fair skin and a well-proportioned figure, she actually likes sweets, especially sweet honey cakes. She has an enviable physique without gaining weight.

The wild honey from Northmar Killer Bees is like liquid gold in color and has a sweet and not greasy taste. It is the best honey, and Lindsay loves it the most.

"Why do you want to give one to the general? Do you have a good relationship? I can't even eat enough for myself..." Lindsay muttered as she stuffed honey cake into her mouth, puffing out her white cheeks.

There is no need to deliberately maintain ladylike manners in front of your father, just be more casual.

"Stupid girl, you think your mother can often deliver honey cakes to you. Where does the honey come from?" Ned knocked his daughter on the head, feeling angry and funny.

Not only is the production of killer bee honey very limited, it is also extremely difficult to mine, not to mention it has to be imported from Arad to Heaven. Therefore, the price has always been high, and sometimes even if you have money, you can't buy it.

The Rosen family's ethos has always valued knowledge and wisdom far more than gold and wealth. Therefore, although they have a noble status, they are indeed rare nobles in the heaven.

Lindsay was stunned while chewing the honey cake. She was very smart and guessed the reason immediately. She raised her eyebrows and said in surprise: "So, he has been mailing the honey?"

Ye Lin once sent honey once, which was quickly eaten by Lindsay.

She thought that the later honey was because she became the Elytra of the Seven Gods, led the energy revolution, and brought huge wealth to the family, so her father, who had always been frugal, became more generous.

"Of course, one bottle for half a month, one bottle can be made twice. Thanks to him, you can eat your mother's honey cake every week in Ghent."

Ned packed up the honey cake gift box and handed it to her, then he coughed inadvertently and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "By the way, how do you feel about him?"

"General, I'm going out!" Xiao Baihua grabbed the gift box and ran away.

"This girl~" Ned shook his head upon seeing this and slowly made himself tea.

He had always had a very good impression of Ye Lin. Apart from spending a lot of money, he was handsome, handsome and elegant. Apart from spending a lot of money, he had outstanding abilities and strong strength. Except for spending a lot of money, he was wise and far-sighted...

All in all, everything is good, but it costs a bit.

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