Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1594: What does my child have to do with him?

"The Three Knights of Darkness are artificial demons I made with negative energy, namely terror, despair, and destruction. These negative energies are common in the demon world and can be harvested anywhere."

Held seemed to want him to get out of here, and explained his origins before Yelin could continue asking. During this period, not only did Held not get up to greet him, he didn't even bother to pour him a cup of hot tea.

After all, his daughter was imprisoned in a bikini. During the ten-month period, Ye Lin did not dare to say a word of dissatisfaction for fear of causing fetal motility.

He was still thinking silently and had no intention of leaving. Held dropped a wooden box with a wave of his hand and said lightly: "They all have a deep curse similar to Alice's in their souls. The three tokens in the wooden box can Control is for your use, but it’s just a small thing and of little value.”

If Ye Lin hadn't mentioned it deliberately today, she would have almost forgotten about these gadgets. They were all covered with a thick layer of dust and had been left untouched on the bookshelf for a long time.

She always has the habit of leaving a back-up when doing things, even if they are some seemingly insignificant chess pieces.

But unlike the previous simple disaster of destroying the apostles, the real crisis facing the continent of Arad now is the battle of faith and ideas. The greedy demons hiding in the dark side of people's hearts are more terrifying than the apostles.

The props used to control the Three Knights of Darkness can only be used effectively within a certain area, so Ye Lin took it over casually. It might be useful~

After all, it was a rare trip to heaven. Ye Lin chose to ignore Held's indifferent look that was extremely disgusting and wanted to drive people away. He changed the subject and asked: "Do you have any thoughts about Terra?"

Whether or not to use elemental power to restore the original complete appearance of the demon world, that is, the planet Terra, Held has been hesitating and has never made a decision.

What comes back is a material star, but what cannot come back is the voices and smiles of relatives and friends. If that's the case, is Terra still meaningful?

But for the residents who suffer from the barrenness of the demon world and are eager for a richer and more fertile land, will she truly be "great" for once?

Held obviously wanted to avoid talking about this topic. He turned his head and continued to read his book, but after turning a page, he didn't know what the content was, and his face immediately became full of evil.

"If nothing happens, get out and don't come to Moller Valley again."

Being kicked out again, Ye Lin nodded helplessly, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed something strange.

Held actually set up a space barrier in a certain room of his residence. Now the barrier ripples very slightly, like the breeze ruffling a layer of calm water.

The reason for the abnormality in the space seems to be...crying.

If it weren't for the fact that his spatial attainments were not inferior to Held's, I wouldn't have noticed it.

Ye Lin asked strangely: "Do you have pets? Or are you doing some inhumane experiments?"


Not sure if it was an illusion, but Ye Lin always felt that Held's indifference was getting worse, with a frosty face and distant eyes.

"Vampire Leia is the girl you gave the drug to. She successfully restrained her desire to suck blood and started a new life in Wuxuan Town. She said she was very grateful for your help at the critical moment and hoped to have the opportunity to meet you in person. Thanks.”

Ye Lin tried to lighten the atmosphere. He didn't know why, but Held's attitude was obviously more disgusting than the last time he saw him.

"There's no need to express thanks..." She seemed to suddenly think of something, and then changed her words: "If you have time, just let her come to Moller Valley. I remember this poor person."

The topic came to an abrupt end again, and there was a sense that the words were not contemplative. Ye Lin was very dissatisfied. He took the book in her hand and put it on the table, lifting his snow-white chin.

The moment their eyes met, Held turned his head and ran away.

"Jump to the writer's words ~ jump back again"

"When will your body come back?" Ye Lin was afraid of her slightly bulging belly, but he was also obsessed with her beautiful and elegant appearance, which was a powerful "poison" for men.

"I don't know." He was obviously perfunctory.

Yelin gave up reluctantly, brewed a new pot of hot tea for her, put some pastries on the table, and said, "I will kill Ozma. In this way, maybe you can confirm your choice again."

The death of the apostle will bring new life to the demon world, and sacrifice is creation... Held had no doubt about this.

She was obsessed with Terra, thinking about it day and night, and burst into tears, so much so that she initially did not doubt who left the stone tablet, and launched a series of plans based on the prophecy.

After Ye Lin left... To be precise, he was made angry by the child's mother. She sat motionless on the chair the whole time, and from time to time she showed a "disgusted" expression and eyes.

But he, a scumbag, was wronged and his child was imprisoned. He was so stunned that he didn't dare to say a loud word.

Held did it. Even the strongest trial blade cannot escape her tight control. It is worthy of Held!

After confirming that Ye Lin had left the Moller Valley, Held slowly stood up, took off his oversized coat that made him look bloated, and then pulled out a small cotton pillow from under his pajamas.

Although she is not wearing a sexy and sexy bikini suit, her figure is still unparalleled. Her hair is hanging down and she has the charm of a beautiful woman. Her waist is as thin as a willow, her legs are round and straight, and her four big muscles are plump and round. She is very beautiful.

He waved his hand to open the door of a certain room, and was greeted by a surging elemental power. However, it naturally dissipated when it encountered Held's face, and his hair was slightly lifted by the airflow without being damaged at all.

"I don't know why, but she suddenly started crying." The other Held wore a half-tear mask and looked at the baby girl in the cradle with complicated eyes, but he could not hide a tender care.

"Ye Lin has been here, she may have noticed it." Held carefully stroked the baby girl's tender cheeks. The cheeks that were cold and frosty just now now showed a rare tenderness and touch that Ye Lin had never seen before. expression.

This is her only relative, different from Alice's puppet creation, a true blood relative, the only one she has after thousands of years of Terra's destruction...

The baby girl probably inherited her and Ye Lin's powerful elemental talents. Within a week after she was born, she could occasionally enter the Holy Spirit state. The elements would go riot when she cried, and elemental runes would rain down like rain when she was happy.

As a last resort, she could only build a barrier space.

And it may be because he was "ripened" by the water of life, the supreme holy object. Although his actual age is not yet one month old, he already looks like one year old.

"Why not let him come and take a look?" Mask Held asked.

"What does the child I gave birth to have to do with him?"

Mask Held silently glanced at the baby girl with wide eyes, wondering why there were two "mothers" of the baby girl. Although the short hair was inherited from Held's light blue, a pair of dark and shiny pupils were obviously It was obviously different from her amber eyes, coming from another person.

And the word "birth" seems inappropriate. At that time, Held used space magic to move his daughter out of the belly. The whole process was extremely easy. It can be said that the process was simplified to the extreme.

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