Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,608 A real brother is not as good as a loving brother

Olka, the deputy chief of the Bantu tribe, scratched his hair hard and asked in a very strange tone: "Rabina, why did little Mintai turn into a big girl in the blink of an eye? She was wearing a felt hat with rabbit ears. I still remember the way Auntie Barrena worked diligently to help her."

"Don't tell me about you, I also have this subtle feeling. Maybe it's because Mintai has been studying magic in Bellemare in the past two years and rarely returns to his hometown." Rabina sighed quietly, and there was still a trace that was not easy to detect. Sad, with a hint of vinegar.

When Mintai finished the sacrificial ceremony, he no longer ran to me as soon as possible and innocently asked me how I was doing, but ran to Yelin happily~ He knew that his sister was Really grown up.

A real brother is not as good as a loving brother.

Mintai only comes back to her hometown during summer vacation and winter vacation, and each time she hasn't seen her for half a year, so it's easy to have a feeling that this girl suddenly grew up and was completely reborn.

If you get along day and night, it is indeed the least easy to detect.

"So that's it." Olka looked like he suddenly realized it, and then took a swig of kumiss.

Thanks to Mintai, a pioneer and good boy, who has laid a solid foundation of friendship with Principal Shalan, he decided to send a group of suitable students to continue to enroll in the magic school next year when new students are admitted.

Now Xiao Mintai is not only a Bantu wizard and a student in a magic school, but also a representative of the Bantu tribe.

How do you put it in principal terms...diplomatic season?

Ever since the transfer phenomenon appeared, the continent of Arad has been like a toy that has been wound up, and the speed of change is really terrifying.

The ice dragon entrenched in Kannak Mountain was eliminated, the mysterious Vanes was opened to humans, the legendary news from the heaven was confirmed to be true, and the apostolic disasters occurred one after another...

The Bantu tribe living in a remote place was really caught off guard. Their tribe suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis... that they would be severely abandoned by the times.

Therefore, the Bantu people have been relatively active in the Arad continent in the past two years. They have actively reached various trade exchanges with Belmare, sent students to school, and opened the snowy areas to foreign tourists in the summer.

Even after Bwanga learned about the pretender, he decided that Mintai would just be aggrieved this year and go to Hutton Mar to celebrate the New Year.

There will definitely be an emergency meeting between the principalities and the empire. Mintai is smart enough and popular enough to represent the Bantu people.

Orka continued to fill a bowl of kumiss, then suddenly remembered something and asked: "Rabina, how old is Mintai this year?"

"Four years younger than me."

"You're beating around the bush, who did you learn this bad habit from? I'm not your father, how do I know your age?"

It seems that in the blink of an eye, little Mintai, a beloved member of the Bantu tribe, suddenly grew up~

It made Olka feel a bit sad. He had no wife or children, and Mintai could be said to be the little girl he watched grow up.


After Lucille woke up in the room, she stared at the roof in silence. Her mouth was dry and her body was hot.

Dornier's internal structure was not very complicated. She slowly found the bar and poured herself a glass of ice water to drink it down. The unknown burning blood cooled down slightly.

She carefully took off the Law of Condemnation, which was half a finger thick from her waist. This is the holy book of the Tribunal and has a very noble meaning and powerful power.

The wound left by Demoore had begun to scab. She dealt with the dirty blood on the edge of the wound, and then frowned deeply.

The number of pretenders who died in her hands ranged from a thousand to eight hundred, and they were all interrogated and killed with very cruel methods. In her eyes, the lives of heretical believers were even lower than ants.

"The so-called mercy of God, where is God's mercy now?" Suddenly, a mocking voice came from nowhere.


Lucille's eyes flashed with pain, and cold sweat covered her back and forehead almost instantly. She crushed the glass in her hand with great force, and the sharp shards pricked her hands with blood, and she finally regained her consciousness.

"Who is talking nonsense?" Lucille stood up and looked around, as if there was a fire burning fiercely between her eyes.

In the moment when she was in a trance, she heard a very evil and strange voice. The man was questioning the power of God, tempting her to put down her fatigue and stubbornness and embrace the real salvation.

"He can neither see your pain nor hear your prayers. God is just a ridiculous lie, an excuse to deceive yourself and others." The haunting voice sounded again, continuing to tempt.

Lucille finally realized that the voice did not come from a certain corner at all, but... her own inquiry, she was talking to herself.

"God, this move must have a true meaning that we cannot understand. What I want to do is to awaken the heretic's fear of God." Lucille retorted solemnly, but suddenly she covered her chest with a painful expression. Sure enough... In fact, she had never been The moment she got the cut, she had an expectation.

She was caught, and the crazy blood curse was swallowing her sanity. It was herself who spoke, and it was also the terrifying demon that grew up in her heart.

"Heretic! Haha, Lucille, you are also an evil and filthy heretic now. Should you tie yourself to the rack and burn your unclean body with divine flames? Could it be that you understand God's will? So selfish?"

"What a coincidence, that's what I meant."

Asking and answering questions, Lucille's extreme character was brought to its extreme at this moment, and her strong hatred for heretics included herself.

She slowly opened the rules of condemnation in her hand and said calmly: "Those who pretend should be punished by fire and cross."

She walked out of Dornier's warm cabin, clutching the shimmering battle ax tightly with her knuckles turning white, and searched for a remote and quiet no-man's land in the city.

Most of the Bantu residents had gone to attend the sacrificial ceremony, and the outskirts of Amroth were even more empty, with no other people's footprints in the snow.

"Burning at the stake!"

A cross surging with divine flames rose from the ground, and the blazing heat melted the nearby snow, revealing the hard ground.

Lucille's cheeks couldn't help but darken slightly. The usually bright and spiritual flames had now turned into a strange black-purple flame.

This fire, which represents holiness and punishment, is being tainted by the blood of the Pretender.

The divine flame, which was usually very kind and could be commanded like an arm, was burning so strangely in front of her eyes. Her skin was burning and stinging, and her mushroom-shaped hair was dry and curled.

Lucille's amber eyes reflected the fire of the cross, and there was an indescribable determination. If this was God's punishment, she would throw herself into the flames without hesitation.

"If God can hear my atonement, this body will not burn until the day I complete my final mission and go to hell calmly. If not, I am also a heretic who deserves to be burned, and I will be burned physically and mentally now. "

As the leader of the Inquisition, Lucille seemed stubborn and extreme on the surface, but she had extraordinary will and ability, and she quickly found an idea to crack it.

It means leaving all choices to God for judgment.

If this body infected with the blood curse deserves to die, then she will set herself on fire without hesitation and turn into ashes without regret.

On the other hand, if she can survive, it is God's will. She will use this to be more advantageous in fighting against the inner demons caused by the blood curse.

The heresy judge will not be burned by his own fire, this is the evidence.

Lucille took off the metal cross hanging from her neck, held it tightly in her hand, the thorny palms hurting, and bravely walked towards the burning cross.


As if sin was used as fuel, the black-purple divine flames surged and spread, swallowing up Lucille in an instant and leaving no trace of her.

Ye Lin, who was watching secretly, showed an expression of admiration. Lucille's madness was not only for others, but also for herself.

God's law requires such a self-disciplined executor.

After a while, Lucille's sonorous and powerful voice came from the flames: "God bestows mercy on the devout, and God sends divine punishment on those who have gone astray. As long as my dark hands can still hold the battle axe, and the sparks remain alive for a day, The fear of the sinful man will not dissipate.”

Lucille walked out of the flames again, her eyes burning with black and purple flames, and a sneer at the corners of her mouth. By chance, she gained some more powerful power.

It's like the primordial power that was born after Archangel Michael accommodated Chaos Ozma in a certain dimension - Purification!

But has God really forgiven her?

Lucille doesn't know, but she will never forgive herself for making mistakes, because the power of this part of the flame comes from the pretender she hates.

"About the blood curse, I heard that there is something called the Blood Drinking Cross, which can be lifted by destroying it." Ye Lin came out and said.

"It's not necessary for the time being. This black flame has a unique destructive power and is what I need." Lucille was not surprised at all that Ye Lin would be there. The fire torture was very noisy and could easily alarm others.

"But you still need to bear the erosion of your mind by the blood curse all the time. If you are not careful, you will collapse and become possessed..."

"It doesn't matter. My heart will still follow God until the day I walk into hell. Ye Lin, I have a request. If my sanity is really eaten away and collapsed, please kill me directly. Don't hesitate. Thank you."

She shouted that Ye Lin was a heretic every day, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly become a heretic. It was really ironic.

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