Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1613: Princess Mary’s request

Two days later~

Ye Lin's time in Delos was not all about wandering around. During this period, he was summoned by the Emperor Leon. The two cunning foxes engaged in intrigues, but on the surface they were friendly.

I also visited my mother-in-law, Queen Josephine, with the three princesses, and went to the nearby Golden Cathedral of Remedia. The church building there was splendid, luxurious and noble, and it hurt my eyes.

Yesterday evening, I ran to a small town near Mount Pross, which is Reni's hometown, and brought gifts to sit with Martina for a while.

There are too many mothers-in-law, and it’s hard to avoid being busy when visiting them.

Leon was very satisfied with the treatment potion he sent, and the reward was generous. He had headaches from time to time that had been bothering him for a year. He was mentally exhausted every day, his work efficiency dropped, and he often couldn't sleep well at midnight.

Taking advantage of the potion, Leon also personally promised to fight against the pretenders with all his strength. The elite army of the empire was ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

The seriousness of this matter does not allow for carelessness and perfunctory, and it is difficult to operate any evil hands secretly. Otherwise, once the secret is leaked, it will easily become the target of public criticism and infamy.

At least he agreed readily enough on the surface, and seemed to have the heart and responsibility of a monarch.

At the same time, many nobles with a keen sense of smell have a special premonition that the second Dark Holy War that is about to break out may cause a major reshuffle of the current situation in the Arad continent.

Who will unfortunately fall into ashes and become a dirty stepping stone for the development of the times, and who can rise brilliantly and leave a name in the history books like the Five Saints in ancient times.

All it takes is a fuse, a small spark that can detonate everything~

"Ye Lin, I won't go back. It would be better if I married you. Now I am just your fiancée. I am still the princess of the empire. I still have to abide by the etiquette and rules of the palace." The third princess was doing it in the room. Wearing soft gymnastics and soft and comfortable sports bra, it outlines the very curves of the fat body, and the legs are straight, round and slender.

She was going to find an excuse to visit her master, Salle Maya, tomorrow, and bring some gifts that could keep her healthy. Not only was she justified in doing so, but she could also stay away from the palace, which had many rules for the time being.

And when you get to Master Saler's dojo, you will inevitably be dragged to the dojo by your junior fellow apprentices to practice a few moves and pass some tricks... Well, after being lazy for more than half a year, I feel like my body and bones are about to get rusty.

The Third Princess crouched slightly and then jumped into the air. She kicked a few times gracefully and beautifully. The airflow in the room was stirred up, forming a rapid whirlwind and rolling up the rose flower curtains.

Not bad, my martial arts step skills have not fallen behind.

"How about I pick you up directly after the Chinese New Year?" Ye Lin made himself a cup of fragrant tea. The tea is a precious tribute of the royal family. I will take a few boxes back later. Alice and the curator should like it. .

The eldest princess, Celia, was already so excited that her cheeks flushed red and bloomed several times~~ She passed on the secret action orders in an orderly manner through her confidant Judy Ringwood.

Prince Fann, the nominal eldest heir of the empire, has always relied on his natural status advantages to win over nobles from all walks of life, make friends with many influential people, and accumulate capital for his succession.

Although the Second Dark Holy War is an extremely dangerous and severe test full of crises, there are also huge opportunities and rewards hidden in it.

A turbulent wave of great progress in the world will always ruthlessly beat some pedantic and backward guys to death. Who can stand out will depend on their own abilities.

In addition to Celia and Vann who have been fighting for power openly and covertly, other royal members who are not valued much by Lyon, as well as the wealthy children of the aristocracy, are also secretly gearing up and showing their aggressive fangs. .

The eyes they looked at their brothers and sisters suddenly contained a very subtle hostility. They were no longer blood relatives, but competitors that must be defeated.

They have become alternative status "pretenders"!

Whether it is the "Emperor" who is the most powerful person or the "Title" that symbolizes the aristocratic class, no matter what, there is only one true heir in the end.

Those guys who only want to have fun and have no real ability or background are destined to be severely eliminated by others in this battle and be in a miserable state.

Among the scheming aristocratic class, the third princess is a rare breath of fresh air. She has lost her life goal, and her whole person exudes a lazy and comfortable atmosphere.

The imperial throne... I'm not interested, it's boring. Is it fun to take risks?

"Your Highness, Princess Mary is here to see you." The maid at the door knocked softly, informed her respectfully, and then moved away.

Princess Mary walked gracefully and elegantly. She waved her entourage away and smiled as soon as she entered the door: "Isadora, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you living in Hutton Mar?"

"It's...very good. Thank you for your concern. I was planning to visit you in the afternoon." The third princess was obviously confused and could only say some polite words first.

Princess Mary is the biological mother of the eldest and second princesses. Her family background is also very prominent. She was once the daughter of an imperial marquis. She was the most favored concubine by the emperor.

Because the third princess had a good relationship with Celia and Nosadia when she was a child, she felt pretty good about her father's concubine.

Ye Lin originally wanted to avoid suspicion, but Princess Mary came suddenly and without any warning, so he could only greet Cyrus politely.

The imperial concubine is wearing a gorgeous long dress with gold and silver threads, which outlines her graceful and voluptuous figure. Her face decorated with pink and white is bright, noble and elegant.

She has a fragrant floral fragrance, derived from some expensive perfume, which matches her temperament very well.

Ye Lin sniffed it gently, feeling a little tempted to sneeze. The smell of perfume was far less pleasant and natural than the floral fragrance of Bosem.

"Ye Lin, please don't meet outsiders. We are still a family. I often hear rumors about you in the palace. You are indeed a talented person like Yushu Linfeng." Princess Mary seemed to be very friendly and cordial in an elder-to-younger manner. .

The third princess and her best friend Cyrus looked at each other silently, and both saw the suspicion in each other. The real purpose of Princess Mary was to come to Yelin.

Even though the third princess was too lazy to use her brain, she was actually quite clever. For a moment, she thought of the kidnapping of the second princess, Nosadia, by the rebels, and felt that it might be related to this incident.

Sure enough, after saying a few polite words, Princess Mary began to change the topic to Nosadia, and her sadness gradually became apparent.

The Empire tracked the rebels throughout the territory, and although some gains were made, no trace of Nosadia was ever found.

Because the second princess disappeared near the Imperial Royal Academy, the senior officials of the Royal Academy were also unlucky one by one. They were removed from their posts and severely punished. They all suffered without being able to speak out, and had their teeth knocked out and swallowed in their stomachs.

"I think the status of the Princess of Nosadia is special and noble, and the rebels are not brainless. They must not dare to abuse the hostages. Once the fish is dead and the net is broken, it will not be good for anyone. They may want to obtain huge wealth." Ye Lin The only thing I could do was comfort him and hand him a cup of hot tea.

Apart from being grounded, Nosadia is living a comfortable life in other aspects.

Qianying and Natalya had a hot head and hit it off and wanted to do something big, but after tying up the princess, they had no idea what they were going to do, so they simply kept her as a hostage.

Princess Mary just wanted to ask Ye Lin for help in tracking down the rebels and rescuing Nosadia. She was willing to pay a generous reward or even any price.

She was a noble concubine of the empire, second only to Queen Josephine in status. She had lived in luxury and wealth for half her life, but now her face was full of bitterness.

"I will try my best." Ye Lin nodded and agreed, seemingly a bit polite, just like Xiao Baihua's "next time".

Princess Mary nodded her white chin when she heard this. She also understood that the continent of Arad is so big, how difficult it is to find a missing person.

Moreover, she had no contact with Ye Lin before, and now she suddenly asked for help, which meant that she had already gained the favor of the Third Princess.

After thanking her, Princess Mary talked for a while before she felt relieved and left.

After confirming that there were no walls with ears, the third princess blinked and asked, "Do you know where Nosadia is? But even if you don't know, Xiaoyu must know."

"Well, don't worry, she's fine. No one has touched her even a hair apart from being grounded."

Ye Lin shrugged and thought it was a bit funny. The innocent third princess did not realize that Princess Mary was actually an "enemy".

There is a saying that "the mother is worth the child." Although Princess Mary has no sons, if the eldest princess Celia can win the political struggle, her royal status will also rise accordingly.

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