Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,618 Ringing the Holy Bell of War!

"Master Bishop, with nearly a hundred boxes of supplies, this is indeed the number one Celia Chamber of Commerce." The deputy bishop's old cheeks now grinned straight to his cheeks, and he could not hide his happy smile.

The clergy of the Bell Tower have always been diligent and frugal in character, and regard donations from believers as noble and luxurious. Whether it is a gold coin or a pound of rice, they are sincere and grateful.

And because the monthly subsidy the Bell Tower can provide is very small, the clergy here basically have some side jobs to make a living, such as adventurers, farmers, carpenters, roadside vendors, etc.

And the money they earn is often subsidized to the bell tower, because the bell tower has another name...the Church of the Abandoned.

In other words, the Bell Tower and the Great Cathedral hold the same thoughts and concepts, believing that not only normal humans can understand God's will, but heretics and even pretenders can also have the opportunity to hear God's voice.

There are also special groups of people like people with special abilities who will be treated equally here. Therefore, the clergymen who come out of here have a very strong sense of belonging to their hometown and are willing to help Bell Tower in various ways.

Bell Tower's creed is compassion and kindness. They have also adopted many orphans who have become homeless due to various reasons, raising them to grow up and learn some livelihood skills.

Therefore, the economy of the Bell Tower is actually unable to make ends meet every year, and it relies entirely on the financial support of the Cathedral and local caring people.

As a second-level building with a glorious history, the bell tower is relatively old and simple, even inferior to churches in some big cities, but Koroche has no plans to renovate or rebuild it.

Just make some repairs so that you can live there. If you save more money, you can do a lot of things.

"On the second day of the Lunar New Year, I personally visited Mrs. Celia to thank her. She is truly a kind-hearted and gentle lady." Koroche opened a large box, which contained hundreds of pairs of various sizes. Countless cotton shoes, the clock tower just needs it.

"Celia, I've heard about her too. I heard that she started out with a kind of lucky gift box. After the chamber of commerce became big, she has been supporting public welfare undertakings. She is really an angel-like figure. She seemed to have gotten married last year, right?" The vice-bishop took out a pair of clean, warm and beautiful cotton boots, and glanced at the old and faded shoes on his feet. The soles had been opened seven times.

In the end, he was reluctant to change them for himself. Anyway, he could still wear the ones on his feet, and he rarely walked far. It would be better for those priests who were traveling outside.

"By the way, Your Majesty Bishop, Bishop Hendrys this year..."

"Oh, he didn't come either. This is already the fourth year. Since he became a noble of the empire, his skills have not grown, but his arrogance has become bigger and bigger." Koroche, who was gentle and humble just now, quickly turned cold and served God. The heart should be pure and flawless, not vulgar with gorgeous palaces.

Last year, Hendrys also coveted two holy relics in the cathedral. Later, Bishop Magello choked him back with a letter, and the matter was temporarily settled.

"The golden city of Vetalun is so prosperous and charming, and materialistic is rampant. It's hard to keep one's heart." The vice-bishop sighed and stopped commenting on Hendrys.

Compared with another outstanding Earl of Vanness, "Ye Lin", the deputy bishop snorted disdainfully from his nose, mud and white clouds.

The goods had already been counted when they were moved down, and there were detailed material forms. Koroche took the list and thought carefully about how to maximize this batch of donations and make better use of them.

"Lord...Mr. Bishop." At some point, there was a tall, thin young man standing at the door of the warehouse. He looked a little worried and anxious. He kept rubbing his feet on the floor at the door, and it seemed difficult to calm down.

"It's Ansello, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Koroche smiled kindly and waved, "There are new cotton boots here. Come pick a pair and put them on first."

He brought this child back from the slums of the Western Fortress. About ten years ago, one windy and snowy night, when he went out, he saw a shivering child hiding in a cardboard box.

Arcello successfully received God's revelation last year and became a beginner. Because he started late, he is not yet at the level of a professional.

But he is kind, full of enthusiasm and compassion, and he is a very good priest, and everyone sees him.

"I feel like I'm not feeling well." Arcello didn't look at the shoes and shrugged vigorously, as if there were ants crawling on him.

"What's wrong with you? If you're too tired, take a rest."


The young cleric nodded in agreement, then stood about five meters away from Koroche and stopped, motionless for a long time, like a lifelike wooden sculpture.


Koroche was slightly confused. This child was not the kind who didn't like to talk. He treated himself like a grandfather and never hid anything from himself.

"Mr. Bishop, something seems...not right with me. Everything I look at seems to have a red light..." Ansello slowly raised his head, his facial expression began to distort, and his eyes were even scarlet.

He let out a weird roar in his throat, and then rushed towards Koroche quickly, his nails long and sharp, carrying a wisp of fishy wind.

"Pretender?! What's going on?" A powerful holy power erupted from Croce's body, shaking Ansello away who had begun to transform into a pretender.

His face was serious and solemn. Although the priests had the ability to distinguish pretenders, they could not identify them at a glance, and they themselves had no additional ability to resist the erosion of the blood curse.

During the hundred years of the Dark Holy War, many priests could not resist the erosion of the blood curse and turned into evil pretenders, extending their fangs and claws to their former colleagues and friends, causing a tragedy that was unparalleled in the world.

"Bishop, I feel so uncomfortable. The blood all over my body seems to be on fire. Bishop, I don't want to become a pretender. I don't want to die." Ancello burst into tears and curled up on the floor, shaking uncontrollably.

He regained some sense after being knocked away. He only became a priest last year. He is still young. He still has the desire to save the world and save people. He doesn't want to die yet.

"Ancello, calm down, pray silently, God is with you." The deputy bishop was shocked by this electric state. Although there is an "Avenger" profession in the sect, it is a pity that he can There are actually less than one in ten people who can contain the blood curse with incomparable perseverance.

"Bishop, please kill me, I can't hold on anymore, my heart is beating too fast." He stood up from the ground, staggering, and the skin on his face began to change color.

"By the way, vaccine, Obes said that one is useful for early stage patients." Koroche suddenly recalled this kind of thing and quickly found the vaccine in a pile of boxes. He had learned some basic medical knowledge before leaving and could inject it.

Ancello lay on the ground and fell into a coma, but his transformation into a pretender did not continue. This was a good sign. He had a great chance of returning to a normal person.

There was an irregular wound on his elbow that had scabbed over.

"May God bless you and take care of him. I will call all the clergymen." Koroche looked up at a towering square bell tower outside the warehouse, and his old beard trembled.

He had a strong sense of foreboding...

Remedia's second-level clock tower, the huge clock face that stands here, is said to be the most accurate time scale in the Arad continent, and all other clocks should be based here.

Moreover, there is a very unique holy relic hanging on the highest floor of the bell tower - the War Bell.

Although the War Bell is not a true divine relic, it is of the same level as Lucille's Law of Conviction.

It does not have offensive power, but as long as the war bell awakened through rituals is rung, the clergy throughout Arad can hear its majestic and heavy bells no matter where they are.

Lord Michel sealed Ozma, the god of chaos, and the holy bell has not sounded for more than six hundred years.

"Fortress of Revenge, Kazan..." Koroche gritted his teeth after thinking of these things, his heart trembled, and he took a deep breath: "I'm going to unlock the seal of the Holy Bell."

"If this is an accident, you will be impeached by other bishops and lose your position as bishop." The archdeacon frowned and said.

"Do you think I care about this position? And you probably don't know, right? The Dark Order launched the first wave of offensive more than 20 days ago, but it was stifled by Ye Lin. The alarm bell needs to sound for a long time to wake us up. Even if the vigilance of that era was accidental, I will fully bear the responsibility."

There must be no chance of taking chances. Koroche's demeanor was calm, and his eyes seemed to be burning with fire. He walked towards the highest point of the bell tower. The first wave of offensive was stifled, and there was no way that the Dark Order would die down.

It's been so quiet lately, so unbelievably quiet.

The festive atmosphere diluted their vigilance against the Dark Order.

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