Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,626 Where is Xiaoyu? Xiaoyu is telling fortunes

Golden City is just a reputation used to describe a city's developed economy.

What it really means is that in the era of Arad that was ruled by the Peruvian Empire, Airoreno had the most prosperous and rich economy among all cities. Even the capital of a country, Vetalun, was inferior to it. many.

Saint Michael sealed Ozma and the army of pretenders in Airoreno, and also buried a considerable part of the gold wealth of the Peruvian Empire in another dimension that no one can touch.

After the Dark Holy War, the national power of the Peruvian Empire declined rapidly and plummeted. All kinds of conflicts, large and small, suddenly intensified. Coupled with the failure of the expedition against Xu Ancestor... eventually the empire that had been glorious for nearly three hundred years fell apart and turned into Many vassal states fought against each other and claimed to be royal and orthodox vassal states.

It was at that time that the Peruvian royal family, which existed in name only, used Cantwein as its new capital to survive. It was not until the loyal minister Giger was dragged into the underworld by ghosts and gods that the death of Peruvian was officially declared, which became an amazing past event in the history books. Pen.

Although Aerono's seal was not the main reason for the empire's demise, it probably had a considerable impact, causing a great loss in the empire's economy, making the people miserable, and the major nobles relying on their own troops to respect themselves.

But now, as the Chaos Apostle Ozma is about to return to the world, the ancient city that claims to have half of the gold of the Perus Empire will naturally see the light of day again. How can its huge wealth not arouse people's covetousness.

In the Era of Perus, the people who settled in the city of Airoreno were either rich or noble. The buildings were as magnificent and luxurious as palaces. If you entered any house, you might find piles of jewels and boxes full of gold. , shining charming eyes.

The brave will be starved to death, and the timid will starve to death. In order to obtain higher and more generous returns, businessmen must have a keen sense of smell and courage. Besides, isn't there a sect of priests who are taking the lead to withstand the pressure?

Money can easily move people's hearts, especially in a golden city that has left a strong mark in history books. Therefore, after the relevant news spread, many timid people couldn't sit still.

The people currently gathering in the Chester area are only a small number of the first, but there are more guys who covet the wealth of Aerono, and they are crowding towards Chester like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

Whether it's treasure hunting or death, may only be clear when the black earth comes.

Ye Lin still doesn't know that the most popular product on the market right now, apart from the regular adventure necessities, is Aerono's internal map.

As for whether those maps are true or false, it is even more unclear.

"Do they really think that life and death are determined by fate and wealth, so they bet that it will be okay to follow the priests, or are they simply ignorant fools?" Qianying sighed. The seemingly bustling and excited crowd now, soon There are still a few smiling faces left.

"It's normal for some people to want to seek more and be willing to take corresponding huge risks, but most people are more likely to have a luck mentality and feel that they are following the clergy to pick up leaks and go back to the ruins of a few noble houses. , From now on, you will be rich and prosperous, and you will have no worries about food and drink." Ye Lin could not judge these behaviors as good or bad, and he had already seen the people in the Great Temple, led by priests Galandis and Teda.

After seeing the people in the Great Temple, some shameless guys approached them like mangy dogs. Some well-capitalized chambers of commerce and nobles offered high prices in the millions to the two priests.

Grandis had just arrived and was obviously caught off guard by the scene in front of her. She had not expected it. She expected that Aeroleno's aura would be filled with chills and condense into frost.

She tried to persuade these people to leave, it was very dangerous, but no matter what she said, not many people listened to her at all, and they thought she was nagging her.

"Well, after listening to their remuneration quotation, I would be a little tempted if it were other ancient ruins, but this is the Aeroreno ruins and Ozma's base camp. They have not understood the seriousness of the matter at all!" Grandi Si had a sad face and was helpless. On the cross she carried with her, there was a replica of the Crazy Bear hanging on it.

Fortunately, the simple and kind-hearted Oubeis was kept by the archbishop with excuses, otherwise she would definitely not be able to bear to see so many people die in vain, and would be so anxious that she would stamp her feet and shed tears.

Distinguishing matters into priorities, Grandis now clearly understands what is the most important thing at the moment, which is to prevent or even destroy Ozma, the God of Chaos.

As for keeping these guys who were blinded by wealth awake, she had already tried hard, and there were also some sages who were trying to persuade them, but with little success.

There are even some malicious people who, in turn, doubt whether the Holy Order wants to monopolize the huge wealth of Airolino.

"Hmph, how about letting the imperial army force them to leave? It will save the time and increase the power of the pretenders." Teda looked around coldly, feeling like a swarm of flies buzzing around his ears, disgusted.

"I'm afraid the empire is eager to let them take the lead and step on the trap to die." Qianying saw blood and pointed out the empire's little idea.

The huge wealth buried in Aerono is currently in the northern territory of the Delos Empire, and Delos has been claiming to be the successor to the orthodox Pelus royal family.

Therefore, the empire will never let go of this wealth that is right in front of their door, and they must have similar thoughts.

"Ignore them for now, Ye Lin. I have something to show you. Let Hiatt and the others come too. I will rely on you from now on." After arriving in the Chester area, Galantis did not talk to anyone else immediately. The people from the church met and took out a somewhat yellowed map and unfolded it.

"Hey, where is Xiaoyu?" Ye Lin looked around, then twitched the corner of his mouth and pulled Xiaoyu back, who was about to set up a stall to tell fortunes.

"What are you doing? This is a huge business opportunity. I am always very accurate in predicting the future and spying on secrets." Xiaoyu was a little reluctant. If she didn't seize the business opportunity, she would have slipped away a lot of money.

"Think carefully with your toes~" Ye Lin poked her forehead under her bangs, and said angrily and amusedly: "The people who come here are all guys who want to make money, even desperadoes. The result of the oracle will only be Let others smash your stall."

If Xiaoyu is full of lies, it would be better if she just chooses the kind of magic stick that talks nicely, and it is for good luck~ but her oracles are quite accurate.

Those who covet the wealth of ancient Aerono are clearly in danger, and they almost have the word "death" written on their faces.

If Xiaoyu had been honest and said, "You are in bad luck, you are suffering from bad luck, and you may die soon~" there is a 100% chance that someone would make her look bad and ruin her business.

But if they tell lies like "you are rich and blessed with good luck", Xiaoyu will feel guilty again, as if she had asked them to die.

So, it’s better not to mess with this shit.

The map of Galandis is the true secret of the Order of the Holy Order, recording detailed information on Airoreno and its surrounding areas, as well as the appearance and composition of the sealing barrier imposed by Saint Michael.

"Ozma shattered the most majestic building, suspended alone on the throne in the deepest place, overlooking the entire city, and..." Glentis revealed what he and most of the priests were most worried about. .

It has been more than six hundred years since the end of the Dark Holy War. Have the pretenders who were sealed together in Airoreno died with the passage of time?

As the most prosperous city in the Peruvian Empire, there are millions of people living in Airoreno and its surrounding areas. The blood curse spread crazily among them. Within a few days, or after a certain crazy night, It turned into a terrifying hell on earth.

Although many of Aireno's pretenders were wiped out by the saints, since Ozma's last order was for the pretenders to gather and attack Veil Talon, it can be predicted that in the city that has not yet appeared, the pretenders inside The number is probably still in the hundreds of thousands.

It would be okay if they all died out as time goes by, but if they don't... it means that the Delos Empire needs to face the impact of hundreds of thousands of ancient pretenders head-on.

Moreover, after being deeply infected, the appearance of the pretender will change, like a ghost or a ferocious beast, and the combat effectiveness and ferocity will increase to a higher level. Coupled with the ability to infect life, it is definitely the biggest nightmare for the army.

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