Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,649 If light does not show mercy, then darkness is not salvation

"My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous!"

The double-edged battle ax burned with dark and deep flames, which was very strange. Lucille's silver armor was full of old and new scratches, but her momentum was still high and full of fighting spirit, and her will to carry out divine punishment was eternally firm.

Ordinary clergymen might have some intolerance and sympathy for what happened to Vatican Tower and Frigg, but the ruthless Lucille would definitely not. As long as she was sure to be a heretic, she could even burn herself.

Obers was slightly stunned when he saw this. Lucille's flame had actually been contaminated. No wonder she hadn't taken any action. She was probably worried about being seen by her fans.

Moreover, her blood curse came from Astros, so even though Ye Lin destroyed the largest blood-drinking cross, she could not return to normal.

Judgment hits hard!

The heavy battle ax crashed forward, and the black divine flames possessed even more terrifying attack power. Lucille turned a large area in front of her into a raging sea of ​​fire, with waves of flames rising and roaring.

Vanta quickly retreated, and Drook also jumped away.

Obesi recited a prayer silently, and quickly created a blue formation of holy blessing with herself as the center, blocking the energy attacks from the Vatican Tower and Frigg. They cooperated surprisingly well.

Although Obeis sympathized with what happened to Vanta, he watched his family being mercilessly executed by the heresy judge. The grief-stricken and desperate Vatican opened up the darkness in his heart and took the initiative to accept the fierce blood.

But now the Vatican Tower has completed a complete mutation, looking neither human nor ghost. He has become a terrifying evil demon that eats human flesh and soul, and is notorious.

But the little girl Frigg has a very independent and intelligent mind.

Can such a person with a sound mind still be called a pretender, or should he be eliminated directly? The kind-hearted Oubeis hesitated.

Vanta's slender blue arms raised their cloaks, and when they landed, they turned into a foul-smelling black swamp. One after another, pale palms came out of the swamp, trying to grab Lucille and Obes' ankles. , dragged to the depths of hell.

He once had a beautiful family. Although not rich, it was harmonious and happy. One day, a riot suddenly broke out in the town. A group of heresy inquisitors, all with serious faces, said that pretenders were found nearby.

The Pretender...Ozma...Vanta never thought that these horrible things that he had only read about in books would happen to him or even his relatives.

The burning cross was glued with blackened paste, and my wife and son were tied to it with iron wires. They were wailing in pain in the flames, crying for daddy to save me. It hurts so much.

He kowtowed to the executioner of the Flame Hell Judge and cried out for God's salvation, but the other person's eyes were as cold as the ice of the eternal frozen soil, without any trace of anger or mercy.

On that day, this very ordinary man, who occasionally made offerings to the local chapel, completely collapsed his belief in God, laughed ferociously, and hastily collected the bones of his family members.

If light does not show mercy, is darkness not salvation? !

"He has such strong resentment." Obeis was shocked. She was not a member of the Inquisition, and she didn't know what happened to the Vatican Tower, but the other party's grief-stricken and hysterical offensive left a deep impression on her. impression.

Does the Inquisition, which has historically used brutal methods of divine punishment, need to undergo a thorough reform~?

Lucille brandished a heavy battle ax burning with flames, smashing Drook's blisters with great force, and scolded rudely: "Obes, if you are still hesitant, just leave. A normal person will die in their hands." I don’t know how many there are.”

Sympathy is not pure, and kindness should not be the "Mother of God". Obeis secretly gritted his teeth, expanded the cross several times in his hand, flashed the holy light, and hit the most dangerous Vatican Tower with all his strength.

The giant frog Drauke was thick-skinned and had excellent fire resistance, and Frigg was a young girl with very clear thinking. Under the weight, the two of them attacked the Vatican Tower together.


The solid ground suddenly trembled, like the violent impact of a meteorite falling to the ground, and an irregular space crack suddenly appeared about five meters away from Oubeis.

The different dimension is about to collapse...!

A terrifying force of attraction erupted from the crack about three meters high, instantly disrupting Oubeis's offensive and pulling Oubeis, who was caught off guard. She was about to be pulled out of the black earth like a falling leaf.

The space here is completely chaotic. It looks like a mining area outside, but when Obes was sucked out, it was most likely that he was in the sky, or even exiled to the universe.

"Obes, be careful!"

Lucille's expression changed with murderous intent, and she didn't care to continue attacking the Vatican Tower. She wanted to catch Obeis who was already flying, but in just a blink of an eye, Obeis disappeared from sight, leaving only a trace in the place. Formation of Holy Blessing.

She was stunned...

The first time the black earth showed signs of collapse, Obeis persuaded her to leave first. He nagged her many times, but she refused with a strong attitude.

She must take a look at the Eternal Burning Valley where her ancestor Ramiel died, and the battle ax left behind by her ancestor.

Moreover, the black land is full of pretenders, the evil atmosphere is spreading, and thousands of evil factors are active, which will have a panic impact on the continent of Arad. How can she sit idly by and ignore it when she is here.

Even if her life is completely burned out here, she is willing to die.

However, she never thought that Obeis would have an accident, and because of helping herself... Obeis had many opportunities and time to escape.

Indifference and ruthlessness are her code of conduct. As the wielder of divine punishment, she is not allowed to have any mercy or compassion. She must show everyone the harsh hell of fire so that they can maintain awe of God and everything.

"I told you to leave a long time ago, why didn't you listen." Lucille complained that she was dragging her feet and causing trouble, but she was in a panic.

Although she did not agree with Obasi's philosophy of mercy towards the pretenders, she never denied Obasi's outstanding contribution to the Order, and even admired him.

The shocking "fake revelation, fake stigma" was discovered by Obers. He severely defeated the huge conspiracy of the Dark Order, gathered the poor victims, established a formal female order, and became a member of the order. The backbone is also the decision-making of Obers.

Lucille didn't care to continue killing the two powerful pretenders. She didn't have time to get the ancestor's flaming battle ax, and rushed out along the crack where Obes disappeared.

The turbulent and chaotic energy impact caused Lucille to fall into a brief coma. After she gritted her teeth and woke up, she found herself lying on the ground safely, as if she had entered another world in an instant.

There were many people around her who were in the same state as her. They were holding their heads and looked a little dizzy, unable to fully wake up.

"Ye Lin?" Lucille ignored the bruises on her elbows and asked loudly, "Have you seen Obes?"

In the sky, Ye Lin is bathed in the sacred and bright golden light. He stands tall and tall, standing proudly. His hands continue to move across the void. Human beings and even horses fall down one after another. They are all those who have no time to escape.

Although there was a certain degree of injury from the fall, it was at least better than dying on the black earth.

After everyone was picked up, Ye Lin frowned and said, "Obes, isn't she with you?"

"It was true just now." Lucille was suddenly speechless and clutched the battle ax tightly. Could it be that...

The unprecedented guilt and panic surged through her body like electricity. She stood up and looked around, her heart almost in her throat.


There are frightened and pale people everywhere, there are free groups who want to get rich, and there are also some imperial troops who were ruthlessly abandoned, but Ye Lin restored their sanity after destroying the Blood Drinking Cross.


Lucille staggered and looked around. Obes was the only daughter of the Roshbach family of Saints. If something happened to her, it was still to help her... How could she have the nerve to see Archbishop Magello?

Edge of Delos Mine Area

Siatt waved her hand to disperse the refracted space and rubbed her brows, "Perhaps this will make her feel the pain of losing a loved one and make her future actions more thoughtful?"

After washing his face, Obers was applying makeup with the small mirror he always carried with him. He said helplessly: "Lucille is too stubborn and straightforward. She has made countless enemies since she became the Grand Inquisitor. Sooner or later something will happen to her with a personality like hers. , it’s not impossible for me to fake death for once.”

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