Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,658 The

"She is also a pretender. You can see the injury on her wrist. She has definitely been infected, but she doesn't know it yet." One of the clergymen spoke quickly, with a hint of panic. He immediately turned to Grandi Si threw the spear of victory.

Although there were a few bloody scratches on the wound on Glendis's wrist, it was not the work of Astros, but was scratched by a black cat she was playing with at the end of the street not long ago.

She likes small animals very much, especially bears~

Glendis himself didn't know why, but the full holy power in his body suddenly ran very sluggishly, as if it was rusty. He couldn't even release a ray of holy light protection, and could only watch the war spear attack.

But fortunately, she reacted very quickly and immediately pushed forward with her shoulder. In order to find brother Nirbas, she had been wearing the highly recognizable family plate armor, and her defense power was amazing.

The war spear condensed by light was smashed into light spots. Also because of wearing the family plate armor for a long time, Golandis looked soft and frail, but in fact there was quite a bit of brute force in his body.

A heavy and powerful impact on the shoulder hit the young cleric's chest hard, causing him to fall backwards and fall on his back.

"He is not a pretender, why do you deceive your own eyes?" Galantis was very sad and angry, his eyes were crystal clear, and he asked loudly, while the clergyman who fell on the ground looked away in all directions.

Another cleric suddenly shrank his pupils. The armor on this woman turned out to be the plate armor of the Gracia family. He had heard that only outstanding clergy could be rewarded with equipment from the Great Cathedral. The Saint Family Forging craftsmanship.

Is this woman also a priest? !

If today's matter is not solved perfectly, something big will definitely happen, and his reputation and his life will be completely ruined in the future.

Similarly, the law enforcement captain of Cape Byron also had the same idea. He was terrified and must deal with Galandis.

He regretted a little bit...but he didn't regret that he had received a considerable amount of money from others, but he regretted why he didn't do it again at night, when there were fewer people and it was quiet.

Among the crowd, the faces of the sanctimonious gentleman and the woman with heavy make-up suddenly turned gloomy. They were very ugly and could not hide their nervousness.

The boss who was pinned to the ground has been their business competitor for several years and has seized a lot of his market.

The unsheathed sword was raised high, and the greasy cheeks could not hide the resentment and fear. The onlookers were indifferent to the truth and facts, and just wanted to watch a good show...


Astros snapped his fingers. Due to the violent mood swings, this girl was a little angry and her blood was in her heart. As a result, she couldn't even muster any energy and watched the sword face her.

"Those who have wronged you know better than you yourself how wronged you are. The viciousness and darkness of the human heart are even worse than the curse of blood."

She took Galantis away easily, but she didn't go very far. She was on a rooftop overlooking the scene of the commotion.

When the stagnant time slowly flowed again, the law enforcement captain was completely unaware. With a cold face, he ordered the two pretenders to be killed immediately. However, when he opened his mouth, blood foam poured out, and his throat was very warm and painful.

Immediately under the horrified eyes of everyone, the law enforcement captain, the guards, including the two clergymen, the gentleman and the lady who paid for the murder and slander, all fell to the ground, and blood poured out, staining a large area of ​​the nearby ground red.

ah! !

The piercing screams completely broke the peace of the harbor. The onlookers were like beans in a frying pan, exploding and fled in all directions, wishing they had not grown two more legs.

"I accidentally killed another person, but do you think I was evil or just?" Astros held a bottle of iced Coke leisurely. The other person was so lost, his eyes lost focus, and his whole person seemed to be broken. A confused expression, yes, this is what she wanted to see.

Grandis leaned slumped on the railing of the roof, his eyes were blank and he couldn't hear anything. He was still muttering to himself: "How could this happen? Why?"

The priests who inherit the light revelation have always been the most reliable existence in people's minds. When you see them, you will have a complete sense of security.

However, the great irony now is that the lights... no, the shadows under the sun are smellier than stagnant ditches and darker than ink.

Joseph, Kirsch, Qingye... these famous clergymen and exorcists can all degenerate into evil pretenders, so clergymen have never been flawless.

The two dead priests were in fear at the time. They were afraid that their identities would be exposed by Galantis and they would be punished by the fire of the Inquisition.

But Glandis himself is not afraid. Once similar situations happen frequently, not only will there be more and more innocent victims, but people's trust in the Order of the Holy Order will also quickly drop to a level of freezing point.

Once the clergy says that you are a pretender, you have no ability to defend yourself. Who is not afraid of this extreme situation?

But if the bottom line of human trust in the priests collapses, the blood curse may be out of control and completely overturn the world.

Trust, light, spirit of sacrifice... are really too fragile.


Astros opened the ring of the Coke can, "I don't deny that from a standpoint, the pretenders are evil in your eyes, but your own evil is even more heinous, with frequent tricks, creepy, and has been going on since ancient times. It has been more than hundreds of years, and there has been no effective change at all. When disaster strikes, we still like to fight among ourselves and kill each other."

Grandis, who still hadn't come to her senses, bent down and hugged her knees. The scene just now had a great impact on her, and it somewhat subverted her long-held values.

There are also shadows under the light... What's the difference between humans and pretenders who frame each other, and how noble they can be.

Astros liked her expression so much that he continued to add fuel to the fire, "Every bustling world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Your human life is so short and insignificant, and your lofty ideals and morals are not worth it." How much?"

The priestess who has lived in the Great Cathedral since she was a child has been close to God, praising God's glory, and listening to God's will~~Have you forgotten the mud on the soles of your feet and the rich darkness growing in the corners?

"The emergence of the Dark Order has given you hypocritical motives, and what you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. Similar frame-ups and slanders are being staged throughout the world."

She was reluctant to let go, approaching Glendis's face, gently lifting her snow-white chin with her fingers, and suddenly said tenderly and compassionately: "Only those with a firm and flawless will can resist the influence of the blood curse. In other words, In short, most of you humans are filthy and filthy souls. You don't even need the temptation of the blood curse. You can't wait to give yourself a layer of justice first, and then shake out all the dark sides in your hearts. "

Nirbas was injured by her physical sneak attack and was infected with the blood curse. Now, if his sister Galandis can be attacked and collapsed from the spiritual level, and the proud saint falls and is covered in mud, it will be very, very interesting.

Just thinking about it makes me feel a sense of pleasure all over my body, as if I drank a cold drink in the summer and there is another bottle on the lid.

"Glantis, innocent little girl, do you understand now that the curse of blood is just the first rain of revelation, and the real chaos is yourselves."

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