Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,662 She ran away

"who I am……?"

Astros has never thought about this problem. "Astros" is her name, but who gave it to her.

On the surface, she is one of the Three Knights of Darkness, assisting the Apostles of Chaos to destroy this hypocritical world. It seems to be a natural instinct, just like a hungry person who needs to replenish water, an act that can satisfy the needs of the soul.

A red dagger that she had never seen before. She had no idea of ​​its specific origin. It was able to manipulate her body like a puppet. She gave orders to her through that thing. She had to do whatever the other party told her to do, and she was completely unable to resist. .

Astros no longer had the mocking sneer and arrogant look down on Glantis just now. Now her eyes were fixed on the dagger, and an unprecedented emotion called "fear" suddenly arose in her heart.

She had no clue.

Could it be that she has always been keen to uncover the hypocrisy of human beings and lure them to face the darkness in their hearts? Chaos is the unchanging and eternal... All of this, what she considers to be a very great and noble act, is actually true. Many invisible threads secretly manipulated her to do this.

She may not be "Astros", nor is she a follower of Chaos. She is actually just a ridiculous puppet, shrouded in invisible hands.

Who is the rumored "God of Death", and who asked her to assist Ozma.

Astros's body began to be enveloped by a red air current. Her strong and angry soul impacted the body of an unknown person, and she briefly gained control of her body.

She has never thought about the meaning of the word "past". At the same time, she also firmly believes in the theory of "fate".

Deep-rooted in her thinking is the belief that this world is extremely hypocritical, that every corner is filled with original sin, and that everyone has their own dark side hidden in their hearts, hiding the most terrifying demon.

With just a little inspiration, they will eagerly plunge into the infinite darkness and reveal their true nature, which is the spread of original sin.

With a proud attitude, she mocked the hypocrisy and lowly human beings, all worthless. However, she never expected that she was just a chess piece in the hands of others.

The impact of the bloody dagger on her at this moment was several times stronger than the scene when Gladis saw the priest betraying the gods just now, because she was a "personal party".


Over Cape Byron, Astros covered her head and couldn't help but let out a scream of pain. Her act of resistance seemed to have triggered some kind of backlash secret technique of the red dagger. Her soul was like a hundred needles pricking her, and her whole body was covered with blood. Trembling with fear.

Suddenly, Ye Lin's expression changed slightly, he reached out and grabbed Galantis's shoulder, quickly held him in his arms, turned his back to Astros, and opened a layer of defense with one hand.

A throbbing terrifying blood-colored power erupted from Astros's body and surged into the sky in the shape of a raging tornado. In just a few breaths, the sky was dyed blood-red, as cold and cold as the underworld. overlap with the present world.

At the same time, hundreds of densely packed skull-shaped "fear of death" surged out of Astros' body. They roared low and hit Ye Lin's head like a bomb.

"Fear of Death" is another trump card of Astros, which is rarely used. This is a very mysterious but powerful secret technique. After they explode, they will form terrifying hands of hell one after another, freezing the hands of those who touch it. All functional activities.

The siege and explosion of hundreds of Death Fears can easily corrupt a strong man in the legendary realm, and the source level will also be greatly affected. If he is not careful, he may also become angry on the spot.

She also accidentally realized a hint of the power of time from this special secret technique.


A frosty sword struck like a bright red sun. Before Ye Lin could wait for the roar of fear of death to approach, he drew his sword and chopped into pieces the blood-red and dim sky. The crushing power destroyed everything, and the bright and warm sunshine spread out again. What just happened The scene seemed like a hallucination.

"Are you okay?" Yelin looked at Glandis with concern.

It's really ironic. Held thought that the doll born in his hands would be sufficient and eternally loyal, but he didn't expect that in the end, he would have a resistance to her.

Even if they have a backup plan, it is difficult to suppress their desire for "self, freedom."

He was clear and handsome, and he wielded the sword gracefully. Even the three good students did not hate the feeling of being protected. His pretty cheeks blushed slightly, and then he turned his head and said in surprise: "She ran away?"

Sure enough, the roof of the building was now in a mess and dilapidated state. The wooden shelves and boxes that were originally placed by someone unknown had flown to nowhere, and Astros was nowhere to be seen.

But the red dagger was still on Ye Lin, and the invisible threads spread to distant and unknown places.

Just because the distance is too far, the control ability is greatly weakened.

Just like a kite, it can swing in various positions when held in the hand. No matter how far it flies, the string in the hand will only have a restraining effect.

"Ignore her, it's most important to find the blood-drinking cross first. Just wait a moment while I construct a space passage."

Grandis is not as in tune with space as he is, but her body is intact and she can cross the void at will. Her body is soft and her skin is delicate, so she must have a stable enough passage.

"Yes, the blood-drinking cross." The three good students nodded quickly. In the true sense of darkness, a blood curse that brought disaster was actually hidden somewhere in the great church. It was such a slap in the face to them. Just find it sooner.

Ye Lin built a stable enough space channel, and his body was filled with the golden sun's rays. Glendis waited quietly on the side like a girlfriend, smiling at the corners of his mouth, and looking at him carefully.

He has a fresh and clean appearance, is elegant and handsome, is not only powerful, but also often considers the details that others overlook. He is obviously a very careful and serious person.

"Ye Lin, do you think the chaos will end soon?" Galantis seemed to be imagining the future, with a happy smile on his face.

As long as Astros' blood-drinking cross is destroyed, there will be no new pretenders in the world. Step by step, bit by bit, sooner or later the Dark Order will be completely wiped out.

"To tell you the truth, there is another blood-drinking cross. I don't know where it is. It belongs to Taimat." Ye Lin lied. Gu Yu had already found the cross, but because of its location and significance, The particularity of it is not convenient to tell Galandis at the moment.

"But, you are right. The last one will be found sooner or later. The future will be as bright as the sky. We really like to bask in the sun, not rats in the gutter."

After the construction was completed, the two of them raised their heads slightly together, as if they were suddenly no longer in a hurry to go back, enjoying the brief peace and happiness of this moment.

A gust of wind came from nowhere and blew away the can that Astros had finished drinking. The crisp clanking sound disturbed the harmony a little.

The two of them stared at the rolling can in unison. They didn't expect Astros to have escaped and leave something behind to harass them.

They looked at each other tacitly for a moment, smiled knowingly, and then there was a moment of silence. Suddenly something ignited with a roar, and their hearts were on fire, hot, and beating very fast.

Ye Lin held her fair and delicate cheeks, and Glendiss hurriedly closed his beautiful eyes. Her soft jade arms hugged his strong and secure waist, and the two faces slowly came together.

Grandis' boudoir was very crowded, with two special large wooden shelves and cabinets filled with various styles of stuffed bears.

There are also many different stuffed bears of different sizes on her bed. She can hold them to sleep, and she can also make some cute clothes for them to wear.

Just like Izzy loves frogs, Grandis has an obsessive love for puppet bears, but it seems to be limited to puppets... Those carnivorous and savage giant bears in the wild, with their teeth and claws, are not within her aesthetic range.

But it is a pity that the copy of the crazy bear that Yimi Wu taught her to make was lost in the black earth.

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