Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1665: Lady’s Gathering

As expected, Hutton Mar received a spring rain that moistened the earth in the second half of the night. It was warm and soft, dripping, and it gradually slowed down a little in the morning, leaving a little bit of cold mercury and moisture in the air.

"Oh, that's too bad, I forgot to confiscate some clothes on the roof." Celia looked sleepy, charming and comfortable, with a few strands of hair stuck to the corners of her mouth. When she thought of this, she immediately woke up and opened the door. The quilt got up, put on his slippers and rushed to the top of the building with a "pah, pah, pah".

It wouldn't be a big deal if it was just getting wet from the rain, but the wind picked up last night, so be sure not to blow it away from the clothes drying rack.

Ye Lin, who woke up at the same time, turned sideways and leaned closer to Doctor Sai. His body was soft and warm, and there was a faint fresh medicinal fragrance. It smelled good and helped to sleep.

Celia rushed to the roof to pack her clothes and prepare to dry them indoors. As soon as she walked down the stairs, she frowned hard, her eyes were strange, as if she sensed something.

She just walked to the door of the bedroom, and before she opened the door, her fair and crystal-clear cheeks suddenly turned rosy. It seemed like this bad guy... came in!

Although the room was soundproofed, the clear sense of touch coming from my sister... it was clear that Yelin had deliberately misbehaved again, and he was very motivated early in the morning.


The bad influence brought by the pretenders has been lingering in Arad for a long time. The light rain in spring, which was quite artistic, was as moist as butter, but now it casts a subtle shadow on people's hearts.

The long night has been so difficult, and the scene during the day is still groggy. When I raise my head, I can't see the bright and bright sun.

From top to bottom, the Dark Order is crazy and active all over the continent. From Remedia Bell Tower to the Doomsday City of Cantwen, including the Xuzu Border and the Snowy Land of Stone, there are also traces of pretenders' activities.

Fortunately, there is a piece of exciting good news, which is more nourishing and timely than the spring rain, and it calms everyone's uneasiness.

It was Ozma, the Chaos Apostle who was the source of the disaster. He had been powerfully defeated by Ye Lin, who was known as the "strongest adventurer". Unwilling to be reconciled, he roared and exploded in the sky of Aeronor.

And this is also the first time that many people have witnessed the apostolic scene with their own eyes. For example, the surviving First Legion of the Empire, the combined forces of the clergy churches, and many free groups who want to make a fortune can vividly describe that scene. A peerless battle.

Add a spoonful or two of oil and vinegar, and it's as if they are experiencing it up close.

Many bards have begun to compose hymns of praise for Ye Lin and the team. Now the legend and glory about him are comparable to those of the saint Michael and the great magician Mar.

It is even more glorious because he is "alive". As the continent of Arad is about to enter the "Millennium Chronicles", it is undeniable that he is the brightest benchmark and star of this era.

Now that the source Ozma has fallen and perished, the various behaviors of the Dark Order, after carefully experiencing them, suddenly have the smell of a dying struggle.

There must be darkness before the dawn, and chaos is the prelude to peace. Everyone deeply believes and is full of hope that such gloomy days will not last long, and warm light will eventually shine on the earth.

Vanes Dark City

Ye Lin spread out a picture scroll in front of everyone. It was the Seven Deadly Sins taken from Luo Fei's fair and shining back when Obers made a surprise ward round at midnight last night. After extracting the pattern, he copied it onto it.

"Is this the complete brand of original sin recorded in the ancient holy book of the Order? This is also the first time I have seen it." Principal Shalan observed the pattern carefully. The bottom painting was in the shape of a cross, with seven hanging on it like a fruit tree to represent different The mysterious symbols that attribute original sin respectively represent the seven deadly sins.

Although this is just a copy of an ordinary pattern and does not possess any magical power, the people invited can still see the mysterious and extraordinary nature of the pattern at a glance.

"I heard from the drinkers that heretics often regard some patterns as beliefs, tattoo or simply brand them directly on people's skin, which is very ignorant and cruel." The proprietress Sothea swayed the black dragon tongue in the crystal cup. Lan, she is wearing a red evening gown that fits her body perfectly, with tall and beautiful curves, noble and charming.

If Principal Shalan is an enchanting blue enchantress, Sothea is a fiery red rose that is passionate and unrestrained. One of them is red and the other is blue, just like sisters. Their elegant behavior is full of mature and charming charm. .

Anyway, the business of the Moonlight Tavern has been sluggish recently, so she can just leave it to Chosaburo to handle it. She has nothing to do, so she comes to help.

"Yes, the philosophy of the Dark Order is that human nature is inherently evil and everyone is guilty, so they will imprint the symbol of original sin on their body, but the pattern on Luo Fei's body appeared suddenly and cannot be washed away by any method. It’s called a holy mark, it’s very rare and seems to be a gift from God.” Ye Lin nodded and said.

After all, his strength and wisdom alone are not omniscient and omnipotent, so if he wants to make a magic that is perfect enough to find out the identity of the pretender, he also needs everyone's help.

So early this morning, after he filled up the Celia sisters, he found Principal Shalan, the proprietress Sothea, Alice and the curator. They are all knowledgeable senior scholars and experts in magic. .

"It's very challenging and difficult to create a magic from scratch." Alice's whole body was nestled in the soft recliner, holding a cup of fetal tea, and she had a maternal and gentle radiance.

And in line with the idea that ideas should be flexible and not stick to one path until they hit the wall, Yelin also brought in a technologically advanced foreign aid, Kabali, the daughter of the apostle Luke and the princess of Hebron.

But now that Kabali has arrived, the atmosphere is a bit weird~

The curators and the others all have elegant and dignified temperaments, charming charm, and plump and mature figures under the gorgeous dresses. When they sit together, they look like an elegant and classy lady gathering.

Only Kabali's thin figure and thin arms and legs made her look like a bean sprout, underage and a little maid.

Kabali stiffly twitched the corner of her mouth. The feeling of being surrounded by a group of big sisters was really stressful, being suppressed in all directions.

She didn't come alone either. Becky, Mister and Habu were all in the Dark City, but they didn't know where they went.

If we expect these guys to be reliable, we might as well pray for the Stone Bone Beast to become an apostle.

"Well, that's it. I heard that the Dark Elf race has a very special ability to express the blood curse?" Kabali asked.

"Yes, purple mushroom syndrome. Dark elves infected with the blood curse will continue to grow mushrooms on the surface of their skin. It is very easy to distinguish. This is why the blood curse, although it is said to be discolored by humans, does not spread here. Because of it.” Principal Shalan attributed it to racial reasons.

"I need some blood samples of dark elves. Try to study this difference from our perspective. It may be helpful to you."

"Well, just ask if you need anything, and I'll find some dark elf volunteers to help you."

Sothea, who had already mastered a lot of skills, poured herself another glass and raised her eyebrows curiously, "Aren't you a dark elf yourself?"

"I'm afraid of the pain." Shalan smiled with a smile on her lips, quite relaxed and without any embarrassment at all. She didn't want to have Kabali prick her finger or draw a tube of blood.

Anyway, if you are in the Dark City Palace, you can just go out and grab a few guards or maids, and there will definitely be no shortage of raw materials for blood.

"Principal, I heard that you accepted the invitation of the Senate and are you now an official senator?" Ye Lin had already begun to study the original sin brand while chatting about some things.

"Yes, the Queen felt that I had contributed to the peace between the two countries and that my abilities and qualifications were sufficient, so she gave me a letter of appointment. I can only continue."

Luo Fei's ability to seduce demons is to trigger and utilize the original sin in the enemy, and turn the original sin into his own power to execute and judge the crime.

But after all, she is the only one who possesses the stigma of original sin. Even if she travels around the world all day long, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

Ye Lin's idea is to create a low-end version of the ability to seduce monsters, preferably a sustainable magic circle that can quickly detect the population in a certain area.

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