Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 168 The leader suddenly fell into coma

"Well, this mysterious leader doesn't know that there is a dangerous person like you among the members."

Sothea pursed her lips in anger, she was really brave.

"Correction, what you said is wrong!"

"Are you an honest person? It's funny..."

"No, I'm not a member, I'm a cadre."

The confident look made her stunned for a moment, then she laughed dumbly, waved her hand and said, "Let's go, let's go, it's getting dark and the pub is going to open."

But in her surprised eyes, two hands stretched out to straighten her collar, covering the depths, and sighed: "Don't let those drunkards accidentally die in here."

"Kid, your pure yet unmoving eyes are not very convincing."


The old man blushed and hurriedly said goodbye with fists in his hands. Compared to a "house dragon" like Tana who had been guarding the holy tree for too long, the "currently charged" Sosia was obviously more difficult to deal with.

There was already an undercurrent surging in Hedunmar, and the Delos Empire's too "obvious" competition made people who didn't like them notice something unusual.

In addition to the army, a large number of unknown tourists poured into Hutton Mar on the same day. They came nominally to compete and watch the fun, but their eyes became clearer each one.

At the dinner table, Celia took small bites of cookies and asked, "What kind of competition is this? Do you want to participate? The rewards are very generous."

"No, it's in Cantwen. It's too far away. If I were in Hutton Mar, I would still be interested in doing something."

He quickly shook his head in denial. He was only worried about whether Azera would be in Hedunmar. Even the Seven Prophets were there, but he had no intention of talking to her.

"By the way, Meia sent a few dark elves and Magadha to set up a flight station outside the city of Hedunmar, specifically to transport adventurers and merchants to the Afalia camp. She asked us, Doni When can we get together, we can form a cargo organization, and it will be a huge income!"

Celia is looking forward to it. The only problem in the current trade between the two countries is the transportation problem. If you can take this route and tools into your own hands, it will be a semi-monopoly business!

The most convenient and fast means of transportation at present are Magadha and Dornier.

"This will have to wait until Isadora comes back...wait, Meia asked you?"

Seeing his stunned look, Pinocchio chewed some bread and explained, "You two were away last night. Meia stayed at home one night with the servant and gifts through the key."

"Everyone has a gift. Siatt's should be in the drawer in the room. Mine is a sapphire hairpin."

Krach happily pointed to her bangs, which contained a six-pointed star gem hairpin, which matched her usual ice blue outfit.

"Don't worry, we all have good gifts in return."

Wiping a trace of oil from the corner of her mouth, Celia touched her belly with satisfaction, and then tentatively pinched her waist. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found that no flesh could be squeezed out.

"Go back and settle accounts and go to sleep!"

One of her happiest times is using the ledger to calculate daily expenses and income at night.

There was a big box in the corner of her room. Inside was the gold that Meia had paid for. It was golden and yellow. After seeing it, she would take it out and exchange it for gold coins.

"What are you doing here?"

Celia's face turned red, her head lowered, and she pretended to settle accounts, turning the account books with a bang.

"Binochio said that the two of them calculate everything every day. You can check it out in just ten minutes, and the rest is just holding the ledger and giggling."

After leaning over and rubbing her earlobe, Celia suddenly lost all strength and her eyes were watery.

He patted a handful of fat and said sincerely: "I've had a hard day today. I'm going to change clothes and help you relax your muscles and bones."

She changed into a clean white skirt swimsuit, closed her eyes and was held by her little hand, and moved to the bathroom step by step, changing venues and jobs...

He gently pressed the smooth and delicate back. Although the technique was very awkward, it was enough to surprise Celia. It actually had a relaxing and soothing effect, which was very good.

Celia lay on the sauna bed, squinting her eyes in comfort, and remembered what Meia said last night. The dark elves have a very good healing aromatic oil suitable for bathing. This is how the fragrance on her body comes. Tomorrow Go to Dark City and ask for some to bring over.

First give it to people around you to try, and if the effect is good, then slowly sell it as cosmetics through Sister Sosia and the fashion store, which is another considerable income.

The more Celia thought about it, the more she thought it was a business opportunity. In addition to clothes and jewelry, women also spend a lot of money on cosmetics.

"Well... I don't think you need to relax the fat, just the back."

The heat was rising, and sweat was gradually flowing out of her forehead. Celia's voice was like a mosquito's nagging, as if she was resisting in a low voice.

"No! I am a dedicated person. Now that I have started work, I have to take care of every place. Now that the guests have complaints, that is my work problem. I must work harder!"

Regarding this overly serious work attitude, Celia gave him a look, and then said that she would also cooperate with the work and turned over.

"Tie your hair?"

"No more pricking, just throw it into the water. Remember to wash it for me later."

"no problem!"

Changing jobs at a special location...

Celia is very satisfied with this recharge event. Not only is the service attitude very good inside and out, but she is also very lucky. She triggered the buy one get one free service and enjoyed a second free recharge.

Apart from being satisfied, my knees hurt a little.


"Huh~ Fortunately, as my strength becomes stronger, my physical fitness will also become stronger."

Stretching tiredly, she opened the curtains with a "swish" sound, and the fresh morning light made people feel like new leaves and buds. Celia's eyelashes in the bed were slightly twitching, her face was rosy, and she was still pretending to be asleep.

Ye Lin looked at the front yard of his villa with satisfaction. Mr. Luo in the pond was very good, Lao Pi in the doghouse was very good, Siatt who was cleaning dust and fallen leaves was also very good, Aizela by the pond was also very good, Peter Sister Nuoxiu should have gone to the store.

Everything is peaceful, not impatient or irritable, it seems beautiful... huh?

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, wondering if he was dazzled, and stared in disbelief at the purple-haired figure standing next to Mr. Luo, Aizela?

Feng Feng Huo Huo quickly rushed downstairs, half nervous and half embarrassed, giving Siatt a questioning look.

Siatt did not stop the cleaning action on her hands, but looked very calm and said: "Sosia brought her. She said that the person you were looking for happened to be someone we met in Noipela, so we let her in. .”

"Excuse me, are you the captain of the Awakening Team and the adventurer in the rumors?"

After hearing the sound, Aizela turned around and looked at him doubtfully. The extremely strange look in her eyes made him shiver violently.

What should I do? The paper couldn't contain the fire. After all, the group leader found out, but I didn't expect it to come so soon!

With Aizela's ability, he could definitely identify the red octopus playing with a ball in the pond as Mr. Luo, and the apostle's aura couldn't hide it.

But because of her gentleness, she would not hide anything from her subordinates. It is very likely that Mr. Luo's news will be passed on to the Seven Prophets and even the ultimate boss in the Tower of Despair, Soderos.

He originally thought that Sothea would hide the person in the Moonlight Tavern after finding him, but he never thought that after the five-hundred-year-old tofu was eaten, the proprietress sent the group leader directly to his home with a warm heart.

She secretly made up her mind that it was necessary to sap Azera, and then let Alice erase her memory.

"Captain, offended..."

"I won't tell."

Aizela smiled very gently, and looked at Mr. Luo with eyes full of relief and happiness, "After Noipela said goodbye, I checked your information. Not only did I not find it, but I heard that Hedunma Your powerful adventurer has similar characteristics to yours, so I want to find an answer."

"The members of the violent search group firmly believe that the apostles can save them, but Lord Lotus is obviously still in a weak state, which is not enough..."

Just as he was talking, Aizela suddenly covered her head and became unsteady. She staggered and fell to the ground. Her eyes were gray and she lost her former agility. In the end, she closed her eyes directly.


He quickly helped Aizela, and when he noticed that the leader's breath was weak, he became furious and stared at Lotus in the pond.

A blood-red spell lit up on the back of his left hand. This was a fatal sealing magic set by the Seal of Heaven when it was first born.

"It's not Lotus's mental attack. Don't move and let me take a look."

Alice plucked the strings, and a note numbed his left hand that wanted to attack. He frowned, and slowly pressed the index finger of his right hand towards Aizela's eyebrows.

After a moment, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Take her into the house and call Celia. This person has a big problem."

Celia carefully checked the unconscious Azera, exchanged opinions with Alice, nodded heavily, and explained:

"Her soul seems to be older than Sister Alice, but her body is very young and her own strength is very weak. There are only two people who can cause this phenomenon."

"The water of life and the spaceship with a different flow rate of time are the rumored Tower of Despair in the Canyon of the Dead."

Aizela slept peacefully, with her hands on her waist, and her breathing was steady but very low, as if she had entered a state of hibernation.

Her real age is older than Aerith, because she was one of the people who escaped before the Terra star exploded.

Ye Lin frowned deeply, feeling a little worried but also a little happy.

The split of the violent hunting team started when Azera suddenly fell asleep.

After she regained consciousness, the conflict between the moderates and the radicals had reached an irreconcilable point, and some members had complaints against the group leader.

This is why there were no strong guards around Azera when she was in Silent City.

"What's the reason for her sleeping?"

If I guessed correctly, Azera should be returning to the Canyon of the Dead today. She should have fallen asleep in the Tower of Despair, but was stopped halfway by Sothea...

"Side effects, side effects caused by the different time flow rates between the Tower of Despair and the Arad Continent."

Celia was so confident that she determined the cause of the drowsiness with just one word.

"No, Taylor has also been in the Tower of Despair. Why is she okay?"

Siatt asked curiously. Taylor, who bickered with Luo Lian all day long, seemed to be in better mental health than anyone else and was as lively as a flying bird.

"It should be that Taylor didn't stay long enough. Time flows at a different speed in the Tower of Despair, and her soul is older than mine."

She herself is a perfect doll created by Held more than a thousand years ago, with a history older than herself. That can only be when the Terra star explodes.

One thing that concerned her was that after the Terra Star exploded, it was Held who used powerful magic to help the Demon World break away from the space blockade, turning the Demon World into a wandering world.

Afterwards, the demon world passed through many planets such as Greenbrad, Solaris, Hyperion, etc., and only after attracting or deceiving the apostles to come, did they encounter Arad.

How did the woman in front of me guess that the devil would pass through Arad? Is it a coincidence?

"There are two ways to wake up. Wait until she recovers on her own, or the Lord of Time and Space erases the curse. The World Ceremony has no effect on the time curse."

Celia stopped his movement.

Embarrassed, he took back the World Instrument, scratched his head and said, "In other words, we have to wait for Tana to come back?"

"Well, among us, she is the only one who is familiar with Memet and can wake up Azerla in advance."

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