Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1687: A loving father and a filial son

A ray of dawn appeared in the eastern sky, and the deep night finally ushered in dawn. A whole night had passed since the tragic battle of Weitalun.

The morning in early spring is still a bit cold. When many people look up at the white fish belly, they feel full of the feeling of surviving the disaster. They sigh after thinking about it and are glad that they are still alive.

The front line of the pretender army was torn apart. After severely injuring Ozma, Siatt and the others frequently took action and killed at least two-thirds of the pretenders. Now there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood outside Vetalon City. However, the soil within three feet of digging was red.

A part of the Xu Ancestor anti-magic group and dark elf magicians rushed all night to support, but they could only help tie up the finishing touches and dispose of the corpse of the pretender.

"This is the cruelty of war. If Jian Zong and the others hadn't arrived in time, Vetalun would have truly become history, just like Airoreno." Hyde warned a group of students wearing uniforms, who came from the Royal Family of the Delos Empire. Everyone in the academy is a proud son of heaven, but now they are all frightened and their faces are pale.

It turns out that a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood is really not an exaggerated way to describe it. Hundreds of thousands of pretenders with twisted and weird limbs emitted an unpleasant and disgusting smell as they were burned by magic flames.

Yesterday's war had a great impact on them. If they could survive this psychological test, they would be the pillars of the empire in the future.

"Lord Hyde, I heard that Lord Siat Ixir was once an imperial noble, but because of..." There was fear in the eyes of a young man, but he also revealed strong longing.

The majestic power of being able to collide head-on with Ozma, the Apostle of Chaos, was the first time for many people to see it, and the shock it brought did not fade overnight.

"Are you talking about the Billmark incident? I don't know the details." Hyde shook his head. Although the answer given by the empire was that Count Hillens conducted forbidden experiments without authorization, he always felt that there was a "ghost" in it.

The golden capital of Vetalun... The gold has turned into scrap metal. It is the imperial capital of the most prosperous city in Arad. Now the towering city walls have been knocked down, and large swaths of gorgeous buildings have collapsed into ruins. Even the imperial palace Building groups are also rare.

The bluestone streets, flowers and trees, and the hustle and bustle of people seem to have become a passing thing.

The residents who struggled to escape from the city packed their bags and looked up at the sky in silence for a long time. Those who had relatives and family members in other places could prepare to take refuge temporarily. Otherwise, they could only wait for support from cities in other parts of the empire and then rebuild Weitalun.

Therefore, some people walked out of town silently, while others turned around and returned to the city.

It's not that yesterday's desperate breakout was a useless effort, but that without knowing whether Siatt and the others could defeat Ozma, staying in the city would be the same as waiting for death.

If there is no one to rescue them, they will be caught in a pot. Although Ozma said that he would let half of the people out of the city, who can be sure whether the devil's words are true or false.

Marquis Gravus led a 10,000-man army to arrive in a hurry, bringing some urgently needed supplies at the same time to maintain order in Vetalon after the war.

Now is a very critical moment. Although the capital of Veitalon is in tatters, because it is an apostolic disaster and it broke out suddenly, it seems that no noble is ready to cede territory and become king for the time being, and has such rampant ambitions.

It has to be said that it was also because of Lyon's iron-blooded tactics before that he managed to keep the nobles in compliance.

The eldest princess, Celia, was very depressed because she was too nervous and worried at the moment, so she grabbed Leon at the critical moment, and because Ozma was always in the palace, no one dared to approach the rescue at will.

Therefore, from the perspective of the people, Emperor Lyon has always stayed in the palace, fearlessly, and has the integrity of a monarch, which actually caused a slight increase in the approval rate.

But at the same time, because of Siatt's outstanding performance, more and more people began to explore Siatt's aristocratic background, accusing Lyon of such an amazing talent that the empire originally listed him as a wanted criminal. .

If Siat is still a subject of the empire, why worry about the empire not being prosperous!

In short, the reviews about Lyon are mixed. Although the eldest princess Celia has gained a lot of reputation, she is still full of depression and regret.

As for the third princess...she is not in the capital at all. She went to enjoy the spring a long time ago.

The support from all over the empire is like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, ranging from one day to one week, and they are gathering in Vetalon, carriages, and airships in an endless stream. This is also due to the previous militarized management and rule of Lyon, which is very efficient.

Celia seems to have become Lyon's right-hand man, handling various things in an orderly manner, comforting herself that the future Queen Celia is gaining knowledge and experience.

Gu Xie

But when people came to their senses, they found that there was one person who was not quite right...the eldest prince Fan En.

Prince Fann was previously called a "deserter" from the black earth by the public opinion offensive, and had lost his royal integrity. Since then, he has stayed in the northern territory of the empire. His grandfather, the Marquis of Aswan, did not return to the palace at all.

When the disaster in Vetalun was severe, the nobles in the northern territory of the empire, also known as the first territory, provided perfunctory and superficial support.

There are rumors circulating from unknown sources that the leaders of several legions stationed in the northern territories of the empire frequently have close contact with Prince Fann and the Marquis of Aswan.

In the name of encircling and suppressing the remaining pretenders, they began to shirk the orders given by Leon.


Celia's personal guard Judy Ringwood, because of her outstanding performance and outstanding contributions, has been granted by Lyon to restore part of the Ringwood family's title. Now she is a viscount.

The Ringwood family was the founding hero of the country and was once ranked as a marquis. Later, because of committing a serious crime, he was expelled from the center of power, Vetalon, and rushed to the border of the empire to guard the notorious imperial prison.

Judy is the eldest daughter of the Ringwood family and the most outstanding family member. Now she has become the patriarch of the family.

She knew that everything in the Ringwood family was closely tied to Princess Celia. In other words, the restoration of the glorious glory of the founding fathers depended entirely on Celia, who was supported by Ye Lin, that is... relying on the still being Titled Ye Lin.

Therefore, once she catches those who slander Ye Lin for "pursuing fame and reputation," she will immediately impose severe penalties and firmly safeguard his dignity and glory.

"Is it the Pretender?" Judy frowned. Although she was in charge of the Imperial Prison and had excellent punishment skills, many prisoners would tremble with fear when they heard her name.

But now the scene before her was as cruel as hell on earth, and Judy still shuddered slightly.

There were about a dozen corpses scattered about, their limbs in tatters, as if they had been eaten by wild beasts. Some of them had extremely distorted faces and couldn't close their eyes. They seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying before they died.

Others have no heads, so their expressions cannot be seen clearly.

What frightened Judy the most was that there was a dead person she knew inside, a leader of the Guards of Vetalun City. He had set foot in the realm of the awakened not long ago and still died unexpectedly.

"It's not certain. The power of the pretender lies in the infection. That is, after being killed by the pretender, he will stand up and attack us again, just like zombies. But these people are not like that." A follower replied respectfully. road.

These corpses were suddenly discovered this morning. A patrolling city guard died in a corner of the city of Vetalun. It was difficult to say whether they died from a sneak attack by the pretenders or for some strange reason.

"It seems that Weitalun will not be at peace during the reconstruction process." Judy waved her hands to dispose of the corpses, but doubts lingered in her heart.

The Ringwood family was in charge of the Imperial Prison, but that prison once had a small transfer device where prisoners on death row were used to conduct some experiments, and it was later blown up by the Call of the Saint.

So she was quite familiar with the power of transfer, but right now, these corpses clearly had a trace of the power of transfer.

"Could it be that the test subject of the empire's new transfer experiment escaped? In other words, something happened in the empire's secret research institute."

Judy was extraordinary and intelligent, and she immediately thought of many related things. Although the Emperor found a scapegoat for the Billmark Experimental Site, the public uproar caused by that time is still vivid in our minds.

"It may be an opportunity, but we must first find out where the institute is, and we must do it before the evidence is destroyed by the emperor."

She is loyal to Princess Celia, betting that she will inherit the throne, and the Ringwood family will naturally return in glory.

Now that the situation is in turmoil, the overt and covert struggle for the throne has already begun.

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