Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,704 God!

Argyle and Seliti, since when have there been such terrifying strong men?

Demian, who was seriously injured, was full of doubts and wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he coughed up blood and was in a very bad condition.

"Your body looks very powerful, and it is an excellent material for transformation." Among the army of pretenders, an erratic woman in black dress had resentful eyes. Her soul merged with a powerful ghost, and her body joined The blood of some crazy dragons has extremely special sonic attack capabilities.

Her howls of pain can pierce the eardrums and attack the soul like needles, and in Argyle and Seliti sources, she is widely known as the Queen of Pain.

Some researchers once joked that since ancient times a powerful person sealed the dragon roar of the mad dragon Hess and made it an attack prop, then whether the Queen of Pain can also be made into a similar piece of equipment.

It can be named...The King's Wail.


The Queen of Pain covered her head and let out a scream. The sharp sound waves that were almost substantial caused ripples in the void, and everything she passed was shattered into powder, whether flesh, flesh or stone. It was very shocking.

Her target is Ye Lin who suddenly appears. The power of sound is something that regular practitioners rarely pay attention to. It is like a side magic attack method, so it is difficult to guard against and defend against.

The moment you hear it in your ears, you have been directly attacked to the soul.


Ye Lin's palm was like a knife cutting into the sky, and he struck coldly at the materialized sonic attack. The two collided, and the explosive air flow stirred up a large amount of smoke and dust, making it difficult to see the situation of the battle for a while.

"The dead, don't covet the world!"

His eyes gradually lit up with the color of molten gold, and his body shone brightly, as bright as the hidden sun. It was endless and sacred light, a strange sight that Argyle had not seen for hundreds of years.


Ye Lin randomly imitated a few moves of Shenge Fist. He learned them from Michelle. The skills were very crude but the power was terrifying. The Queen of Pain, shrouded in light, kept struggling and screaming. Slowly, her painful and resentful face calmed down. , a hint of grateful relief emerged, and disappeared into the light.

"What a surprise. Who are you?" Taimat was riding a hell horse burning with hell flames and pointed his spear at Ye Lin's eyebrows. He was very frightened.

"Just...a passing adventurer." Ye Lin responded lightly, and then fired a beam of thunder into the sky, which was a sign of calling for the realm of nothingness.

In a world that has been completely engulfed by Chaos, there are pretenders all over the sky and on the ground. It is estimated that there are about a billion of them. If he had to clean it up by himself, it would really be a headache.

What Taimat said before was correct. The two cities were just hopes deliberately left behind. Otherwise, Argyle and Seliti could be destroyed and annihilated by simply using pretenders to pile up.


The void tore, and a tall and majestic figure descended not far away. The gravity near him changed drastically. Large swaths of pretenders were pressed down by invisible forces and collapsed into large pieces of flesh and blood.

"Finally found it!" Bai Si laughed like Huang Zhongdalu, very excited: "Come here, let us take a good look at how the Pretender Army is different from the Dragon Army of another dimension."

Before he finished speaking, one after another, powerful figures with aura suddenly landed, scattered throughout the Arad continent. The cosmic demon who was born to be war-loving could not hold back the desire for battle in his bones, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, destroying the dead.

There was nothing to talk about. The night forest moved like thunder, and the sky was also affected by him, and dazzling thunder continued to fall, accurately falling into the army of pretenders.

Now that the Chaos Dimension has affected his world, kill them all here!

"Who is he? Where does he come from? What is the strong man he summoned?"

Demian was not the only one who had various questions. The entire city of Argyle was watching. He had a mysterious origin, and with the arrival of thunder, he casually killed the infamous Queen of Pain and the Skeleton King.


Taimat's cold lips raised a sinister smile. How long has it been since those saints fell one after another? It has been a long, long time since anyone dared to face provocation and despair. I really miss them.

Michel, I will slaughter the city full of blood in front of your statue, and build an altar to honor you with the twisted heads of human fear!

The spear cut through the void, and the hell horse was like a meteor, roaring and crazy flames, and slammed into the ignorant human being.

"I can feel your unparalleled malice." Ye Lin passed him in an instant. He didn't have a sword in his hand, but the sword energy passed by like a river of stars.

Extremely divine swordsmanship·instant slash!

There was an almost suffocating silence in the whole place. You could hear a pin drop. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the three dark knights of Taimat riding the hell horse. Their hearts were in their throats. The moment just now was too dazzling. After all, what happened.

Grain feeding



Taimat froze, and the spear in his hand broke into several pieces. Immediately, grid-like cracks slowly appeared on his majestic and tall body, and traces of light seeped out from them, covering his whole body.

Taimat looked down at his annihilating hands. Starting from the tips of his fingers, his whole body gradually collapsed and turned into desperate fragments.

"Despair, dead?" Someone's voice trembled. The dark knight who had been in Arad for nearly 800 years was actually killed with one blow!

"Look, my God..." Some people discovered something unusual. The army of millions of pretenders was being bloody and brutally wiped out by the strong men descending from the sky.

"He is the mysterious man who came from the thunder and lightning!" A scholar was convinced that although he could not see clearly at the time, his charm and temperament were absolutely the same. It was only him, and it could only be him.

The ground was littered with wreckage, blood flowed into rivers, and the sky was filled with filth. The scene was terrifying, but for Argyle, who had just emerged from despair, his joy was about to break through the sky.

The cheers soared into the sky, and many people burst into tears. The knight of despair, a huge mountain pressing on his head, was beheaded.


A ray of golden light came from the sky, Ogli held Belias's body in his hand, and Seliti, another city of light that was surrounded, was also liberated with the help of her and the dark demon Aisen.

Ye Lin is tall but not thin. His whole body is shining brightly, lighting up the sky. His handsome and delicate appearance is calm and elegant at the moment, with an indescribable charm.

The strong man who killed several Keas with a snap of his fingers began to cause people who couldn't see clearly from a distance to mistake him for the sun, while those nearby called him "God"!

The shining cosmic demon Ogri is also considered to be the holy archangel accompanying God.

As for the tough men who are good at aggression, it is understandable that they are mistaken for servants who follow God. They look a little special.

Some excited people even knelt down to him, praising God's glory, praying for God's grace and protection, and tearing apart the world filled with chaos.

"You guys, stand back." Ye Lin said, and then waved his hand to set up a more powerful magic circle. At the same time, the crops that had been trampled and crushed came back to life, and were new and green.

Such a shocking method could only be the power of God. Countless people, men, women and children, burst into tears. More and more people knelt down to him and praised him... Remidios' name.

"Uh." Ye Lin's cheeks twitched slightly. It seemed that he had been mistaken for the goddess with narrow eyes.

Also, Remedios is so mysterious that most believers don't even know whether he is a man or a woman. Some say that Remedios's voice is that of a kind and loving old man, while others say that he is a gentle and whispering woman.

Yelin didn't have time to explain his identity to them yet, so he turned to the sky and asked lightly: "Do you have any last words to say, Ozma, I'm not as easy to talk to as Michelle."

"Haha, interesting..."

The dark sky surged like ocean waves, and two huge red eyes as big as stars lit up. They stared coldly at the bright night forest. When they smiled disdainfully, a howling cold wind blew up between the sky and the earth.

Ozma's body became extremely huge, like a giant beast with a sky curtain, standing majestically in the starry sky, standing with his hands behind his back, looking down on the entire world.

"God of Chaos!" The residents of Argyle City, who had only been happy for a short time, instantly fell into hell, trembling with fear.

The source of all disasters, the culprit of more than seven hundred years of darkness, the devil who caused the saint to die of exhaustion, he actually appeared!

"Are you preparing to be the savior of this world? The... Trial Blade of another world." Ozma pointed out his identity, which was informed by his other self.

He was really looking forward to the strongest trial blade in the main dimension.

In this dimension, whether it was the Saint, the Trial Blade, or anything else, he had all been cleaned up, so that the days that followed were quite boring.

"I just want to kill you, but it doesn't seem to conflict with saving the world." The Sword of the Beginning appeared in Ye Lin's hand. It can be confirmed that Ozma, who caused the birth of the Chaos Dimension, is more powerful than the other trinity. Some.

"Haha, it's just you?" Ozma naturally mocked. He has been at the top of the world for too long. There have been strong people who have challenged him in the past eight hundred years, but in the end, without exception, he remains eternal.

"Since you said so, it seems like I'm not giving you face if I don't call for two helpers." Ye Lin snapped his fingers, and immediately followed by a thunder explosion, the void tore apart, and two majestic figures arrived first.

A man was holding a scepter, tall and majestic, so close to the horizon. After Gaunis appeared, he raised his hand and grasped it, diverting the battle that might break out in Arad and moving the battlefield to the starry sky.

"His body belongs to me, it will be useful." Roche held a burning Death Star core in his palm and smashed it directly into Ozma's body.

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