Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,712 Countering the River of Time

At the scene in Delos, Saint Michael descended into the sacred embodiment of the Archangel Michael, forming a sacred realm of lofty will, covering each other, making it impossible to enter from the outside and unable to leave from the inside.

After hundreds of years, the great saint once again went to the forefront of darkness, without fear, just to call for the light... Michelle's saint spirit became more and more admirable and touching.

Many believers and people are praying silently, God, please protect the heroes who fight for mankind. The remnants of the era of chaos will come to an end in this era when Arad is about to enter a thousand years.

The glorious empire of Perus has become a thing of the past, a brushstroke in the history books. Things have changed and people have changed. Only the saints and demons still represent the last brushstroke of that era.

"Michelle, I'm really curious, why?" Ozma, the trinity, pointed his head with his finger, confused. He and Michelle had been fighting fiercely for two days, but due to the influence of the apostle's law, no one could Can't really kill anyone.

He struck through Michelle's heart and scratched his arms. Michelle also broke his horns and tore off his demonic wings.

The holy light cross in the sky still surrounds Thunder, and the electric light flashes, but the surface has become pitted, leaving terrible claw marks and fist marks.

Why, whether it is the world below, a highly similar mirror dimension, or the chaotic dimension that Ye Lin went to stop... there is a pure-hearted Michelle who descended from the sky, grew into a young man in three years, and is known as the saint of the human race. By!

Why, this guy always had to stand in front of him, even if he fought until he was exhausted and hoarse, even if he was alone, he never took a step back.

Ozma really couldn't understand that he was malicious towards humans. There was a reason for it. It was the emperor and humans who betrayed him first. He never denied that he was a demon, but who didn't leave him a way to survive and forced him to become a demon? A Chaos Demon? !

The original motive of the demon who spread the blood curse was revenge.

But as for Michelle, she fell from the sky for almost no reason. No matter which dimension she was in, she would stand on his opposite side and save humans with inherently evil personalities.

To put it bluntly, Michelle is an "idiot", but to put it bluntly, it is "destiny" to be taller.

Especially when Michelle from the Chaos Dimension came to an end, Ozma wanted to scold him angrily for being such a bad guy who sacrificed himself so much that he lost his life in the end.

"Human beings have not given you a penny of benefits, why do you want to be their saint?" Ozma's eyes were blazing, the corners of his eyes were cracked and bleeding, and he was very emotional.

Betrayed by humans, he cannot fully understand Michelle's behavior and thoughts.

"This is God's will, God's mercy and mercy." Michelle's saint uniform sleeves were torn, and her warm flaxen hair was messy.

"Stupid! What god, are you still unwilling to accept the truth? People's hearts are evil and black. During the time when you disappeared, their vicious words were outrageous. Michelle, both good and evil are human beings. Essentially, they will only sing loudly about your brilliance when they need you."

Ozma was not planning any psychological attack on Michelle, but from his perspective, he really couldn't understand what Michelle was doing.

In fact, it's not just him, maybe anyone who knows all the truth would have doubts.

God's will, don't be ridiculous, because the two of them are apostles, Yami who were classified as "evil" by a certain existence in the early days.

Michelle was silent for a moment, and his sky-blue holy eyes dimmed their light. He really could not refute the facts Ozma told. He was a saint who could see through the truth, and he could hear the words of believers.

Praise, malice, ridicule, anger... the majestic noise like heavy rain almost drowned his mind.

Michelle had bright eyes and a firm will. She leaned on the cross and said softly: "It is precisely because they need me and need light that I came and was born."

"When they don't need you anymore, you become a deserted deserter, Apostle Michael. Haha, even if I are eliminated, the chaos will not disappear. You have no place in this world. The sun will eventually set. .”

"I have a clear conscience."

"Extremely stupid!"

Michelle shook her head and said, "Ozma, who do you think I am, and who do you think I am?"

Without waiting for his answer, Michelle said to herself: "They always call me a saint, but I don't think I am a saint at all. I always think... I am a human being."

From a human perspective, it is a basic moral standard to look up to heaven and bow to others. He has not been dragged down by the reputation of a saint. Those insults and ridicules are just a clown's showoff.

Gu Feng

The course of history will prove everything.

"Ozma, you were once, too, a human."

After a long silence, Ozma spread his hands and said with a cold smile: "I am different from you. No matter how many years pass in the future, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand years, my name will always be that of the devil." Symbol.”

"Come on! Michelle, we never stop and have been fighting for hundreds of years. Don't you want to bring an end to the Pelus era?!" Ozma's demonic energy surged, her eyes were scarlet, and her arms were tightly clenched. The pulse is like a horned dragon, full of absolute power.

"Then use up my power of chaos, and then find someone to pierce my chest, trample on my devil's name and body, and achieve that immortal glory! It can be regarded as the only place where I am useful to you, haha Haha~"

As if it was absolutely destined by fate that it was impossible for him and Michelle to coexist, and one of them would inevitably perish.

And because Ye Lin was still there, Ozma knew that his probability of winning was infinitely close

Light and darkness collided violently, and the energy was more terrifying than ever before. Even the sanctuary built by Michael had cracks, and traces of energy leaked, causing the outside world to change.


It was as if day and night were fighting for dominance in the world, all blurring into a blur at dusk. Ozma's solid chest was punctured with a bloody hole, and she coughed up blood. Michelle's shoulder blades and abdomen were also horribly torn apart. Wound.

Each other is an apostle. Even if light and darkness are in opposition, they cannot achieve the end of mutual annihilation under ordinary conditions.

"Now if Ozma and you are sealed together in my embodiment, chaos can be completely eliminated." Archangel Michael said.

"There is no need to do this." Ye Lin rushed over and separated the two of them with tyrannical force, smoothing out the violent fluctuations caused by the battle.

"You're back?" Ozma and Michelle were both surprised. The former was shocked, while the latter was more relieved.

Michelle felt that even if he sacrificed his life, the world would still have him and the light would not dissipate.

"Even the strongest me...can't do anything to you." Ozma sighed deeply and looked down at the earth for a long time. He couldn't find any familiar memories, so he spread his hands and opened his mind, "Come on, kill me. I have created your immortal reputation, but the inherent chaos of human beings will never disappear."

Defeat is inevitable.

Ye Lin pulled out the Sword of Taichu. The sword's light was cold and the sword's energy was overwhelming. It pierced the apostle's heart. He only needed this final blow.

Immediately, that sword shot through the sun like a rainbow, opening up the world, like a waterfall falling from the stars. The world was split into two in an instant, and time stood still~~

Ozma suddenly opened his eyes, his cold and stiff face full of astonishment and disbelief, looking around at the earth as if time and space were out of whack.

In Whistling Canyon, the ferocious dragon Hess is entrenched on the highest peak, frightening with its ferocious power. There is no one for hundreds of miles, and thousands of miles of desolation.

In the golden capital of Vetalun, the cross-shield flag of the Peruvian Empire was erected on the towering city wall, fluttering in the wind.

In the Chester area, the glory city of Aerono stands tall, the Feliz Avenue outside the city is wide and flat, the Lulon Forest is lined with green trees, and the Sehe Lake is crystal clear~~

In Ye Lin's other hand, he held a gear with a primitive and vague aura. It was a small piece of the creation artifact that shattered the great will.

"Perus... this is the past time? Have you gone against the flow of time?" Ozma, who has always been indifferent and derogatory to human beings, his voice trembled, and his eyes frequently looked at Aerono.

Liz, my love Liz... As long as I can see your face, I would rather not enter the underworld and die forever.

"If you hadn't had the blessing of this thing, we couldn't guarantee that we would succeed in one try. It would be too laborious. You would have to buy me a drink." The careless Xi Lan muttered and scratched his messy hair. He was attracted by Ye Lin Congxu. The ancestor invited (caught) him.

When he heard that he was going to take the God of Chaos and the Saint with him to the past, the era of Pelus, he almost didn't think that Ye Lin had lost his mind.

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