Regardless of her status or age, Troca's situation is too embarrassing in the current Arad continent.

Because the spread of the blood curse once again set off a round of panic, the people's attitude towards dealing with pretenders became more inclined to the Blue Fist Holy Envoy's concept of ruthless killing.

Even a pretender like Troca, who has complete consciousness and the ability to think independently, will not be treated well and is regarded as a heretic who should be executed immediately, even if he does not actively attack others.

She herself has difficulty adapting to the current social environment. It would be great if she could have a suitable place to go.

Michelle's holy eyes flashed with golden light for a moment, and he understood the existence behind Astros, an invincible beautiful girl who was as young and unchanged as himself in appearance, but in essence was Naiya, a "god" Korea.

He also heard some information about Naiyali from the embodiment of Michael.

The mysterious god of the outside world, a cosmic street slut, smashed through the gate of the underworld, traveled to heaven to pick up foxes, capsized the fisherman's broken boat, harmed the kingdom of heaven with Kunilai, and also forcibly occupied the hell dimension that contained many transcendents. .

Then he turned all the demons in the entire dimension into his loyal licking dogs.

When bidding farewell to the glorious angel Agamemnon, Ye Lin left behind a book called "The Basics of Astronomy and Geography" written by Heaven, which may be of some help to his lament that "dawn and darkness" cannot stop reincarnation.

Of course, there are no absolutes. If the force is strong enough to stop the planet, then that's another story.

After the group left the Canyon of the Dead, Michelle went to the nearby Fortress of Revenge, where there was the tomb of Saint Joseph.

He sent a bouquet of flowers as a memorial, and he clearly remembered that this tall and majestic priest always had a solemn face, which gave people a sense of indifference but also a sense of security.

"Hey, Michelle, he looks really young." Dark Temple Knight Litte muttered, and then whispered to Odais next to her: "She feels younger than me, she is just a fair young lady. Well."

"Don't make jokes about saints." Renes quickly hit her on the head, although she was surprised after seeing it with her own eyes.

The Fortress of Revenge believes in Usiel, the god of death and darkness. When Michelle, the messenger of light, came to visit, the city lord Sairon was shocked.

The relationship between the two goddesses, the goddess with squinting eyes and the lady in black skirt, is actually not bad, and is quite close, but unfortunately the followers under her command don't know it, and it is not uncommon for them to call each other heretics.

Michelle did not stay long in the Exile Mountains. His purpose was just to pay homage to Joseph, and to thank them for their long-term achievements in sealing Kazan's body, and for their help during the Second Dark Jihad era.

Ozma fell, and the burden on his shoulders was lifted. Now he really has time to take a good look at the beautiful continent of Arad.

Afterwards, Michelle went to Xuzu, the hometown of Saint Xinye, and the exorcist Aslan who disappeared during the Dark Holy War. They were all buried in the cemetery of the Four Temples.

He was like the only remaining and lonely worshiper who had gone through the war, fulfilling his last agreement with them one by one before leaving the continent of Arad.

Just tell them personally that chaos is falling and light is coming.

Troca is an old friend, and so is Astros, but the faces and faces of the friends who fought side by side in the past have completely disappeared.

In the afterglow of the Peruvian Empire, he was left to stumble forward alone.

Cathedral of Remedia

Michelle was carrying the cross and stood quietly at the door in memory. His thin and thin figure was very inconspicuous. The believers who occasionally passed by did not realize that this young man was the famous saint.

The first Dark Crusade ended with the sealing of Ozma. Michelle knew that the blood curse was still spreading on the continent, and humans still needed the ability of priests and lofty faith.

So the Great Cathedral of Remedia, which has a high status and significance, was built... At that time, this area still belonged to the territory of the Peruvian Empire.

"Lord Michel." Archbishop Magello saluted respectfully. Saint Michel is currently the oldest person in the religious order, both in terms of age and seniority.

Being able to talk to the saint in person before he was buried, the Archbishop settled a thought.

"You're so polite." Michelle's mood was slightly complicated. The descendants of Saint Milan for countless generations have all had gray hair, but he himself still looks like an ageless boy.

"The times have moved forward countless steps, and the civilization system has become more and more prosperous and splendid. I have the honor to witness the demise of Chaos, and I feel relieved when I go to the grave." The archbishop looked old and decrepit, which made Ye Lin on the side curl up.

When he was clearly teaching himself, he looked like a hale and hearty, high-spirited man. He shaved off his thick beard, and the white-haired and childlike archbishop was estimated to be twenty years younger in temperament.

Michel stayed in the Cathedral for several days. During this period, Bishop Clouser of the Remedia Bell Tower, Bishop Hendrys of the Golden Cathedral, and Bishop Antonio all came to visit the saint in person.

But regarding the follow-up matters of the schism of the clergy, although Michael made some efforts, he achieved little success.

Valley crocodile

"Actually, the biggest problem is that what we understand is the true meaning of God. In other words, we are all correct." The Archbishop is knowledgeable and sees the problem very clearly and clearly.

God, the holy book of mercy and mercy in one hand, and the fire of punishment in the other hand, the priests of the divided orders understood part of each other.

The most helpless situation is this. Each other cannot accuse the other of having wrong ideas, but they are indeed full of strong contradictions. To deny the other's ideas is to deny the true meaning of God.

Just like a family that doesn't get along, sooner or later it will be separated.

They are just believers of God, not God himself. The concept of punishment and mercy coexist... The Bishop of Bell Tower, Clouser, has a bit of that idea. She is a female Blue Fist Holy Messenger who also hated evil. Later, due to some changes, Bell Tower The Cathedral is willing to take in abandoned people and help them rehabilitate themselves.

Michelle stayed in the Arad continent for about a week, doing his best to pay homage and receive visits.

Over the past hundreds of years, he has improved and created new priest skills in the black land, selected outstanding talents, and taught them in detail.

Even Xiaoxiao, that big slacker, was once again energetic for a few days and practiced diligently every day.

He also taught Yuena and Xiaochu how to summon the archangel in a concrete way.

It is rumored in the world that Michael will return to heaven after his merits are complete, including several bishops, but Michael is just going to face the new darkness, and he will never stop.

chester area

The falling black earth and the volcanic lava that once erupted have turned this area of ​​the empire into a restricted area, with no one inhabited for dozens of miles around.

Including the commemorative monument erected after the first Dark Holy War, was also buried under the ruins.

This was Michelle's last stop, but what was surprising was that the memorial monument had been dug out in advance. Although it was damaged, it was wiped clean.

The man worshiping in front of the memorial monument was dressed in black, with a cloak woven behind him like crow's wings. His complexion was dark and motionless.


Yuena frowned. The person she was worshiping turned out to be a fierce blooder from the Dark Order, known as the Watcher of Night. He was also a disciple of Qingye.

At the moment when the entire Arad continent was wiping out the remaining evildoers, K actually came over to pay homage to the commemorative monument. Why?

Hearing the movement behind him, K slowly turned around and glanced with a slightly dazed look, finally stopping on Michelle, and then knelt down on one knee: "I have witnessed human tragedies with my own eyes. Why did God not save me and fell into despair?" chaos."

He once saw a child crying beside the burning place, shouting to save his father. His father, who had a clear conscience and uprightness all his life, was sentenced to death because of signs of abnormality and becoming a pretender!

God, where are you at this time? Can you open your noble eyes and take a look at this world that has fallen into extremes?

K has fallen...

He originally thought that chaos was the salvation, and that there might be a pure land of bliss mentioned by the Master in the world, where there would be no worries and no worries.

However, on the day when Weitalun City was destroyed, the residents fell into endless despair. Could this be the salvation brought by Chaos? Why did he only see endless pain.

K is confused...

He couldn't find his own answer as to what was the right way, until he saw Michelle, who was still carrying the cross and moving forward despite being insulted, thoughtfully.

"I hope to get your enlightenment and clear up my doubts before I die." K bowed his head respectfully. Although the source of his power was evil, there was no trace of malice at this moment.

"God will only ask you questions, and the real answer comes from yourself." Michelle walked past him and looked at the familiar names on the memorial tablet, Milan Roschbach, Ramiere Ray Demaine, Wolfgang Beona...Michelle...

"I'm going to another world filled with darkness." Michelle said suddenly.

"K, I am willing to follow you to find the correct answer."

Michelle's power alone is not enough to cross dimensions. Naiyali's hell dimension must be borrowed to achieve a method similar to an elevator.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Although Michelle looks like a young man, her character has been tempered by the years and has become calm and a little stale. "Then, I'll see you again in the future."

The dimensional passage has been formed, and its destination is the dimension of chaos.

"Goodbye~Mr. Michelle." Xiao Hina suppressed her "sad" expression, and the corners of her rosy mouth showed signs of turning up.

Chaos has fallen, and once Master Michelle leaves, she will be completely liberated and sleep comfortably.

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