Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,726 Kelly’s Spicy Sticks

The deliberately empty space is certainly fresh, fragrant, delicious and attractive, and can win the hearts of nobles and officials of all sizes to a certain extent.

But if the bait is soaked for a long time, it will also change its flavor.

General Ye Lin submitted his resignation and retired, and he no longer belonged to the military faction. On the other side, Pedra Neumann, the commander of the Siman Industrial Base area, although she was also considered a princess faction, had served as the former Supreme Priest Beilean. As an assistant, she has a respectable reputation.

However, because Pedra was obsessed with power and wanted to become the governor of the Siman base area, he had some dissatisfaction with Alizee. Although she later regretted it, the little girl did not ignore her past grudges and did not demote her, but she will never be demoted again in this life. There is an opportunity to go further.

As for the Nospes region, Katzenberg, who became the de facto leader of the nobility after Duke Jurgen abdicated, was even more out of Elizee's consideration.

The position of Commander-in-Chief has been vacant for two years, and General Ye Lin retired today... There is suddenly something "empty" around her, which is definitely not good news for Alijie.

She needs someone who is trustworthy and has absolute prestige to sit in Ghent and help her rectify the current somewhat cumbersome and bloated military system.

Although she is talented, has outstanding abilities, and has a unique "mind-reading" ability, she is still a girl under eighteen years old, and she cannot keep up with her physical strength.

It must be mentioned that the former supreme priest Beilean died of fatigue and could not sleep after coughing up blood.

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance and needs to be considered again and again..." Katzenberg frowned slightly, his thick eyebrows coming together, feeling very uneasy inside.

Ever since Alijie came to the throne, the life of the House of Nobles has become increasingly difficult. Although it seems to still maintain the name of the proud "noble class", its actual control is not as good as before.

Commander Jackett was appointed at the last moment of his will. The threat from the Kallet organization is like a sharp sword hanging above his head. Someone must reach out and strangle it!

Now...all the nobles were filled with anger. For such a serious event, Alijie had not disclosed any information before.

It is impossible to expect them to give up their high status. After all, they are used to living in high positions for a long time, and it is impossible for them to grovel and bend their waists.

There is still a stubborn thought in their minds, that is, Alizee is young, weak, immature, and far inferior to Beilean's profound wisdom. They still have a chance to make a comeback!

Of course, the comeback does not mean to eliminate Ali Jie, after all, Ye Lin is intimidating, but it means that just like when Bakar died, the Seventh Empire intentionally or unintentionally erased the name "Emperor", to secretly evade Ali Jie in all aspects. Jie.

The Seventh Empire had an "Emperor" about a thousand years ago. For example, Alizee's full name is "Bella Alizee Ben Belacher". The origin of the name Bella is From an ancient emperor with great imperial power.

Bellian named Alizee "Bella", which is also a metaphor that she will grow up and become an emperor who sticks to her word!

Later, the Dragon King Bakar came and started endless wars, ruling the heavens tyrannically for more than five hundred years.

After the fall of the Dragon King, the newly established Seventh Empire gradually eclipsed the rights and symbols of the emperor on the grounds that the people were afraid of the arbitrary king, and eventually the name became history.

Not finished yet, they used various means to eliminate the history and concepts about the emperor, so that when today's heaven mentions the emperor, most people only know about the Dragon King Bakar, but do not know that there once was a human emperor in the heaven.

"Don't worry, the candidates I recommend are absolutely trustworthy, both in terms of qualifications and achievements."

Before he finished speaking, Jacket, dressed in formal military uniform, entered the scene boldly. Although his beard and hair were all white, he was energetic and rosy. The old man's face was also very handsome.

"Do it!" Katzenberg's face twitched and he cursed in his heart, this old guy is not dead yet.

I should have remembered it a long time ago. When Commander-in-Chief Jackett retired two years ago, there were rumors that he just went to find his daughter and wanted her but had no wish.

Once you are satisfied, there is a high probability that you will come back.

For the past two years, the House of Nobles has been battling wits with Alijie, and has almost forgotten about this old man who went crazy looking for his daughter.

"Noble gentlemen, you are well." Jacket's sharp eyes like a falcon swept over them one by one, and some people laughed awkwardly.

When he was reinstated, he was entrusted by Alizee to contribute another two years of glory to the empire, and also because of his daughter Rebecca.

Although the girl still refused to evoke the lost memory, he was satisfied that she was still alive and healthy.

Even if Rebecca was willing to call him "Father," how could he make up for the fact that he left her so cruelly, causing his wife to die in the war, and his daughter to be deprived of more than ten years of fatherly love and grow up alone.

Cooking for her and putting her to bed? ...They are already grown up girls.

Now they know tacitly that their daughter (father) is still alive, which may be the best outcome for each other.


General Ye Lin retired, Special Agent Hawkeye Jack was reinstated, and the magic school began to recruit its first batch of students... A series of shocking news quickly spread throughout the world, causing a huge discussion among the people.

Gu Xuan

The Liliu River originates from the mountains south of Ghent and flows all the way to the north into the sea. Many cities, large and small, are developed along the way.

Wuxuan Magic School, the clean and bright dean's office is located on the highest floor of the school building, overlooking the splendid campus that is half the size.

A large number of noble children have already arrived in advance to test their magic talents at any time. Invisibly, this is also a kind of comparison between nobles.

"By the way, is a magician's staff necessary?" Secretary Feiyan makes tea with her hands. She is gentle and virtuous. She loves dressing up in palace attire. She has a unique classical beauty.

A crystal clear ice flower was spinning in her slender, white and soft palm, and she had only a basic understanding of ice magic.

"Not necessarily. Staffs are generally made of materials that are compatible with magic power. When the user communicates with elemental magic power, it will be smoother and save mental energy." Ye Lin replied.

If your mental power and realm are strong enough, even if you are holding a Gatling gun in your hand, you can still release a rapid rain of magic bullets.

However, there are not many magic materials suitable for heaven, so for the time being, we have to rely on imports.

Ye Lin put down the tea cup, gently held his delicate pearly white wrist, looked at each other tenderly, and said, "Feiyan, come with me to a place tonight."


"You'll find out if you follow me."


Feiyan smiled lightly, and a hint of crimson suddenly appeared on Guanyue Xihua's face, because there seemed to be blazing flames burning in his eyes.

Ye Lin slowly went to close the curtains and coughed dryly. Just as he was about to put his arms around Feiyan's graceful willow waist, there was a sudden "bang" and Kelly opened the door carelessly and said proudly: "My magic talent is really good, there are many." When the nobles without talent saw it, their faces turned green."

Kelly had been tested by Principal Shalan a long time ago. As a human being, her talent is already at a relatively outstanding level.

But because she has difficulty concentrating, is careless, and behaves frivolously, Principal Shallan has always declined her idea of ​​learning magic.

Just now, Kelly deliberately ran to test it for herself. The magic crystal was sparkling, and it was the most dazzling one so far.

This made some of the nobles who had no magical talent and were dejected, and who had always looked down on the nobles who had no origin and claimed to be superior to others, twitching with anger.

Kelly's proud and showy attitude at that time made people want to beat her up.

The thin-skinned Feiyan jumped away like a frightened rabbit, "I remembered that Temi still has some things to deal with."

"Why are you in heaven?" Ye Lin rubbed his forehead helplessly. Feiyan, apart from being manipulated by senior sister Taylor, had no choice but to be as thin-skinned as a cicada to others.

Didn't this woman make a lot of money in Arad and go to heaven to open a branch?

"I came to Heaven to purchase goods." Kelly didn't know that a disaster was coming, and even glanced outside the door. Feiyan did have something to deal with.

Her talent certainly surprised even the Seven Gods Elytra, but there were some things, such as high-precision parts, that couldn't be made in Arad.


Ye Lin hung up the door number and then closed it hard with a bad look in his eyes.

There were countless words written on the small blackboard. Kelly, who was "upright" and awe-inspiring, immediately took out a pack of cube-shaped spicy strips from her pocket and stuffed them into her mouth. She was proud of the provocation. If you are not afraid of spicy food, come on.

Ye Lin quickly made her pay the price. After a nucleic acid test, Kelly's face turned red and she was sweating. She drank tea and gargled her mouth, breathing heavily and gasping for air.

What's going on? Was it the white chili oil she drank? Her esophagus and stomach felt like they were on fire.

Kelly regained her breath before suspiciously complaining: "Have you taken chili as your staple food?"

There was a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror in the office, which was used for Ye Lin to organize his appearance at any time. Ye Lin grabbed Kelly by the shoulders and pushed her to the mirror.

"You came to heaven to buy goods, how could I have the nerve to let you leave empty?"

Chi! ↓

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