Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 185 Is Skarsa a female?

On the seats covered with Ice Tiger fur, Olka stretched out his hand to invite them to sit down, and then poured a glass of milky white wine according to the number of people in a jar hanging on another tripod.

Bantu's specialty is mare's kumiss. After drinking this glass, everyone will become friends.

They couldn't drink while wearing snowman hoods, so Siatt and the others could only take off their hoods and straighten their messy hair.

This time, the Bantu warriors who were pushing and shoving were shocked.

How come the big bosses of the awakened people we promised are all pretty beauties?

Each of them has pretty starry eyes and red lips, each with its own beauty and fragrance, just like the various stunning flowers blooming in the back garden of an aristocratic family.

Orka also shook her arm and was a little unresponsive.

The head of the family, Buwanga, is one of the four sword masters. He is tall and tall, and he can kill an ice tiger with one punch.

Are these pretty girls stronger than the magician Ye Lin?

Kumis is sour and slightly spicy. People who are used to drinking liquor may not be able to drink this Bantu specialty.

But if it was just a bowl, Mailu, who didn't like alcoholic beverages, held his nose and drank it. Then he felt dizzy and had a blush on his face.

"Okay! Linus, this loser, spit out half of his mouthful when he drank it for the first time."

Orka patted her legs in great appreciation. Kumis has a unique charm. People who like to drink it can't live without it. People who don't like to drink it will make them vomit after smelling it.

When Renault got to know Linus, he gave him a bottle of kumiss. The unique taste made him squirt at the first sip.

"Welcome to Bantu. During your stay in the Snowy Land of Stone, the Bantu tribe will never make things difficult for you. You can choose elite warriors to take you hunting ice tigers or snow mandrills, hahahaha."

This time it was a sincere invitation. Normally, it was not like there were no outsiders who came to Bantu to visit, or who wanted to personally hunt snow mandrills to make fur coats.

After all, there are so many people, and there are all kinds of people looking for excitement.

"Clan leader, the ice dragon is about to fully awaken. I don't know what your plans are."

The straightforward question made Orka's smile freeze, and the soldiers with fiery eyes behind him also looked gloomy.

Different from the first time Ye Lin mentioned the ice dragon, no one came to ridicule him this time, and he showed enough strength.

"This matter is an internal matter within our Bantu tribe."

Orka did not answer directly, but she was still a little afraid and suspicious of them.

During the Second Snowy Battle, Emperor Lyon used a territory called "Chatli" to allow the Bantu people to avoid the ice dragon disaster. However, the following year he secretly sent the bloody Purple Mist Regiment to sneak attack, and sent the imperial army on an expedition to fight all the way. Go to "Amros", the original capital of the Bantu people.

Turning this city into a second "Kantwin".

Orka was worried whether the other party was inquiring about the Bantu's relocation route.

"So, the Bantu want to flee, not fight?"

Before he finished speaking, the Bantu warriors were filled with anger.

It is true that the ignorant are fearless. The Bantu tribe has used more than four hundred years of blood and the lives of countless tribesmen to prove how terrifying the ice dragon is.

Even the Imperial Army, which had almost annihilated the Bantu tribe, was annihilated by that terrifying dragon's breath. It turned into an ice sculpture and rolled down Kanak Mountain, breaking into a piece of blood-colored ice crystals.

"The ice dragon Skatha laid eggs on the top of Kannak Mountain!" Ye Lin hurriedly explained. If he didn't explain in detail, these upright men might just kill people with knives.


Linus, who had been drinking, spit out another mouthful of wine. It turns out that the famous Skatha is still a female?

And an unknown male dragon flew to the top of the mountain to help her?

"No, no, don't get me wrong. Skatha is a very special dragon. Not only is he physically powerful, he also has great magical attainments. For hundreds of years, it has used magic to create many young dragons. Skatha's young dragons dragon."

Just like Bakar can create three dragons out of thin air, as well as the dragons of Tana and Root, Skatha, who is the strongest among the three dragons, has also inherited this ability.

"You have never been to the Stru Mountains, how do you know?"

Orka naturally didn't believe it. The ice dragon laid eggs and then hatched into young dragons, until the entire Stru Mountains and the permafrost in the north were occupied by ice dragons?

It was a bit ridiculous, at least that's what he thought.

"Well... do you know the fortune teller Alice? She is my good friend."


Linus was shocked again. He was once a powerful swordsman and had some knowledge of Alice.

Alice, the super fortune teller, is sure to hit what she says. Even Emperor Delos respects her. How do you know this kid?

What has he done in the past few months?

Also, why is there a dark elf among these flowers-like women?

Aren't they extremely xenophobic?

"What I mean is that the ice dragon is weak after laying eggs. This is the Bantu tribe's first and only opportunity to defeat Skatha in more than four hundred and nearly five hundred years."

Just as Balena walked in with a high-quality snow mandrill skin, she was surprised by the too solemn atmosphere in the tent. After a little hesitation, she said: "Clan leader, the boy's cry has appeared again."

Olka suddenly came back to his senses, put his hand on his forehead and waved his hand, sighing: "Emuli, you are fast, try again to find the source."


A sturdy white-haired warrior responded, opened the tent and walked out.

"I can't just listen to a few words from you and rashly change Bantu's original strategy. I need evidence."

Obviously, the ice dragon's weakness made him very emotional, but due to the centuries-old reputation and uncertainty about the authenticity of the news, he was temporarily undecided.

"The patriarch sent someone to Kannak Mountain to find out as soon as he saw it."

He nodded and stood up to say goodbye. Most of his meaning and information had been conveyed, and the rest was up to Orka, the beloved patriarch, to make choices.

Try your best to turn your bicycle into a motorcycle and destroy Skatha, or take a step back and wait for the ice dragon to fall asleep again after relocating.

"Rabbina, give us a gift. It's a good thing for the cold weather."

A sturdy warrior with brown and black skin nodded, took off a large piece of meaty giant horn beef ribs from the rack outside the tent, pierced it with an iron hook and handed it to Ye Lin.

Beef bone soup, pepper and salt, it is a delicious dish.

Because the cold climate is not suitable for cultivation, green leafy vegetables are still relatively rare here.

"We don't have green leafy vegetables, but we do have some chili spices."

Isadura took out a large bag of spices, about ten kilograms, as a courtesy.


Orka nodded heavily.

"Brother, can I go with my sister? She is a powerful magician. It is my first time to meet an outside magician."

Mintai grabbed Rabina's hand, and his big lake-like eyes made the warrior known as "Avalanche" feel awkward and hesitant.

His roar is enough to cause an avalanche, and his fists can easily break giant ice. He is the number one warrior among the Bantu tribe.

On weekdays, he guards the "ridge" which is the only route into the Snowy Area of ​​Ston to prevent strangers from intruding.

But I never expected Ye Lin to fly in in a Dornier...

"Rabbina, let her be."

Linus smiled and said, "Do you remember the strawberry cake I brought for the children when I came here? This kid specially asked me to bring it."

He sold the favor very cleverly. He was the one who asked for the strawberry cake, not Ye Lin who gave it directly.

"I see."

Rabina patted Mintai's head to indicate that she could follow him, but then focused on Ye Lin and waved quietly.

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