Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1857: Weakness is the use of softness to overcome strength

Held and Azera both had a fluke desire, that is, whether this resurrected glorious Biana would truly possess the power and wisdom of God.

Every word she speaks is full of wise truth, able to gain insight into all things in the world and guide the barren and desolate demon world out of its current difficult predicament, and then becomes a noble belief in the hearts of countless Terran people.

Terra's own god!

However, for a long time from her arrival to now, she remained silent, as if the soft and neutral facial features on her face were just beautiful decorations.

The reason for opening the refraction space of Silent City is purely to deprive it of the energy stored in it.

“We pour everything into building the image of God, even planning to channel God’s will into it.”

Held showed a very rare wry smile, and she was a little lost because of the memory. Glorious Biana carries all the beautiful symbols of that era, including the endless desire of the Terran people for their ancestors in the mythical era.

(The best people even radiate bright golden light because of her powerful life energy!)

"Did we make a mistake at the beginning?" Azera murmured. The creation of Glorious Biana was not decided directly by a few scientists when they got together, but it carried the expectations and wishes of everyone on the ancient Terra planet.

The ancient books clearly record that...their glorious images are worshiped by all Terrans, and the biggest dream of every Terran is to become an existence like Beyana.

So much so that later scientists tried to compress the power of the "elements" and then injected them into the human body in an attempt to create a batch of equally brilliant elemental Beyana.

In other words, the bitter fruit of Terra's destruction was actually planted by all Terrans together.

In terms of the ruthless and cold results, they were wrong, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with their starting point. It was the expectation of bringing together a world and the desire to break through the limits of civilization.

As time went by, the lively girls began to feel that something was not right. How was Glorious Biana's behavior of wantonly grabbing energy different from that of the original apostles Sirocco and Antuen.

"As long as she says a word, her flawless and perfect divine ring will fade away." Ye Lin frowned. He is still not sure about the good and evil of Glorious Beyana. None of the gods from the beginning he has ever seen is as brilliant as her. Brilliant.

Mother-in-law Nimer is a kind of soft and gentle light that never hurts the eyes. Occasionally, her delicate and beautiful facial features can be seen.

"I'm very curious." Xiaoyu stretched out two white jade fingers, pinched the innocent Ye Lin hard, and said: "What kind of materials and techniques did Gu Terra use to successfully create the thirteen bright stars?" The shining crystallization of civilization.”

Being able to directly confront the great will, the physical strength is probably not inferior to Ye Lin's current half-step immortality. Having this technology alone is equivalent to stepping into the realm of gods with one foot, which is too scary.

If this technology at the pinnacle of civilization can be mass-produced and transformed, even the cosmic demon, which has always been known for its physical strength, will be pushed aside and destroyed.

Xiaoyu guessed that there was water of life in Gu Terra. The possibility seemed very high.

Everyone is quite curious as to whether this technology and raw materials are still there.

"It's already difficult to copy." Aizela shook her head slightly, seemingly knowing something inside.

Tell us about the many precision instruments used to create the radiant Beyana, each of which is taller than a night skyscraper.

It was a brilliance born under extreme technological calculations, integrating many academic disciplines of that era, including magic left over from the mythical era, ancient materials, and a series of pinnacle knowledge crystallizations.

The current Tianjie technology cannot do this at all. Their technology is still limited to mechanical destructive power, which is only a superficial layer compared to Gu Terra.

However, there are also a few talents in the heaven who have relatively outstanding performances, such as the mechanical god of war Coolio's dimensional mobile device and Melvin's perfect artificial intelligence.

Azera thought for a while, and if anyone still has a chance to copy, it is probably Held who is willing to return to his old career, and Luke who can use the power of light and darkness to create mechanical life.

"Ye Lin, I remember everyone said that because you drank the water of life, your physical strength is comparable to Kahn. Is this true?" Yin Miwu picked up a jujube branch from his feet and poked Ye Lin. Lin's arm.

She has fair skin at the level of a pretty boy, but when you poke it hard, there are dents in the skin. It doesn't look like it. It is said that Lord Kahn has reached the point where he will not be destroyed by any means or substances.

"I'm not sure. I haven't fought with Kahn." He was referring to Kahn, the strongest person in the main dimension. They had met, but there was no confrontation.

The one in the mirror dimension was annihilated by the team and the apostle, and the fragments of power and power were given to the other self.

"However, all things have always been interdependent, and there should be no matter in the world that is so perfect that it cannot be destroyed."

"Oh! That means you have a weakness. Can you reveal it to me quietly?" Yin Miwu was very curious. What kind of method can defeat him head-on? Is it the complete power of the beginning, or the gods that run through the long river of time? .

Probably not. The meaning of weakness is deficiency, few, maybe inconspicuous, rather than being crushed by a strong force.

"I think you want to harm me and stab me without telling anyone." Ye Lin suddenly betrayed his secret, which made Yin Miwu extremely angry. He patted his chest and promised that the little witch was reputable and would never spread the word.


Ye Lin waved Yin Miwu over, raised his ears and listened carefully, and said, "My biggest weakness is your smile."

Yin Miwu was stunned, and soon realized that he was taking advantage of the situation to flirt with Lolita again. She rolled her eyes at him with infinite beauty and said, "I want to hear the truth."

Of course he didn't care on the surface, but it was still quite sweet in his heart. No wonder the invincible god Naiyali was licked to death by him.

"My weakness is... I can overcome strength with softness." After saying that, he gently pointed between the red and tender lips of the little witch, winked, and signaled that he had just agreed to keep it a secret.

Yin Miwu didn't understand at first. He held Bad Bad Bunny and frowned and thought for a long time. Then he suddenly thought that this sugar cane would really kindly reveal his weaknesses, or would he say some inexplicable words... Then his face slowly turned rosy, She seemed to understand.

Gancan really didn't lie, but he was still not serious.

Sophie impatiently transformed the original dragon blade into a spear, wanting to take Astra to stab that guy in the sky, which would shine brighter than her sister Yin Su's little sun Aden.

If she had to pay the electricity bill, she would be in debt worth millions by now.

"The Blood Explosion Zone must have been suppressed by Held, and half of the Terra Stone was broken into pieces." Ye Lin said. Once the restricted area explodes, the entire demon world will be covered with a layer of terrifying radiation dust.

"Man-made electric energy, natural energy, if she is not full, what will happen next?" Mo Mei's question was quickly answered.

Glorious Beyana raised her hands, her fingertips glowed with light of various colors, and she lightly stroked the void. Magic lines formed in the air, condensing and not dissipating, and even formed two pairs of golden arms behind her back. The speed became faster and faster, and a momentum The majestic and vast golden magic array is taking shape, exuding terrifying fluctuations.

"Is she going to create a big magic circle?" The curator looked a little dizzy. She had studied the structure of the big magic circle, but she still couldn't understand the creation of Glorious Biana.

A magic circle about a kilometer in diameter gradually took shape. Glorious Biana did not make any move against the demon world, but threw it into the void, and her tall and shining body slowly rose into the sky.

The demon world that was bright and bright just now suddenly became gloomy again. On the one hand, the visual difference from light to dark was too obvious, and on the other hand, the light actually dimmed.


Ye Lin suddenly raised his head, and the Sword of the Beginning appeared in his hand, with the runes of the power of the Beginning flowing, and he was shocked: "Her ultimate energy target is actually the sun, and her magic circle is imitating Luke's condenser."

"It's not a condenser." Azera frowned, as if he suddenly thought of something. He felt it was too incredible, and said in surprise: "He was using the magic circle to reconstruct the original scene, where we captured twelve copies from the void. The method of Darkness in the Beginning can distort light and even create celestial black holes when the power is fully turned on."

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