Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1868 Held didn’t dare

"Did you suddenly awaken to some collecting quirk? If you are mentally ill, ask Yuena to cure you, or Xiaoyu to give you an electric shock." Siatt looked at him with a strange look, mainly because of the night Di Ruiji's Eye of Slanting Thought was held in Lin's hand.

The last person who had the idiosyncrasy of collecting eyes was the demon king of the Kaxiu sect, Charles Foz. He dug out the eyes of the Duohead tribe, filled a large jar full of them, soaked them with antiseptic liquid, and displayed them on his lavish display. Collection room of a mansion.

Mo Mei and others also nodded in agreement. The XP system only needs to be fully functional. Everyone can understand that after all, it is a sugar cane, and it is greedy and active every day, like a child.

If you have a collection habit of weird tastes, this is really not acceptable.

The ancient demon god Bellator was blown into countless pieces by the power of his original bloodline after Sophie took a step beyond him.

Most of the demon body was completely destroyed, leaving only one blood-red pupil in Xie Yi's four eyes, which was also sealed by Ye Lin.

The brilliant blow of the elemental power affected thousands of stars, just like the brilliance of the Milky Way gathered in one place. The power of the power easily changed the virus planet. Annihilation and rebirth coexisted. It was like countless eras were compressed in a blink of an eye. The world changed, which was very shocking.

Even the "immortal" Master Di only has his last eye left, and it seems that there is still a trace of consciousness attached.

And Niwu also knew that this blow was not the peak at all, it was just a small part of the power, a leak of aura.

"As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul and the best medium for us to contact the world. The eyes represent a person's thoughts, and the three views are the most direct form of expression. This eye is everything about Di Ruigi." Ye Lin said he was relaxed and relaxed, but in fact he was a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Master Di's eyes are like a ball of sticky silicone, which does not feel good to the touch. Moreover, it still retains a high level of activity. Dense red veins spread from the eyeballs, as if they want to absorb energy and parasitize something. above.

The brilliance of the primordial element shines and turns into a crystal-like prismatic seal. The eyes are frozen, and the touch is no longer so uncomfortable, but the appearance is more and more like his quirky collection.

"Baby... Hey, Master Held, has Gutera considered a reverse experiment, that is, stripping away the darkness of the beginning?"

However, Herder put on a beautiful and beautiful face, with a cold and solitary aura, raised his eyes to look at the remaining fluctuations in the void of the sky, and looked like he should not approach strangers or those who are not polite.

sugar cane!

If you dare to refute her decision now, you can't even imagine what will happen in the future.

He must not be allowed to see Akko, otherwise he will definitely pick him up and run away.

The gentle and dignified Aizela blinked slightly, instinctively aware that there seemed to be a very special story between the two people. She was a little curious, but it might involve personal matters, and she was not comfortable asking.

"In order to prepare for the unexpected, Terra did have conceptual design drawings of the device you mentioned, but because Biana of the Twelve Glory was so perfect, those design drawings and semi-finished devices were later abandoned." Aize La recalled for a while and then said: "The Genesis spacecraft records part of the design, but it is only part of it."

Immediately, everyone turned their heads in tacit agreement and looked at Held with a cold expression. As Terra's chief scientist and the direct creator of the civilization crystal, she should also have relevant records.

Yimi Wu, Xiao Su and the other demon lolita are completely confused now. What, why can’t they understand them all? They are just weird things.

Held originally didn't want to talk to him, and he was still holding back a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, but after carefully considering that separating the Darkness of the Beginning might be beneficial to the demon world, and it was one of the ways to verify the prophecy, he said calmly: "There are only relevant conceptual design drawings. With just a few of us, it would be a lot of trouble to build, and it would take no less than the years it took Luke to build the Silent City.”

She was also hinting in displeasure that just strangling Di Ruigi's last remaining life would be the end of the matter. Everyone would be happy and there was no need to waste time on such trivial troubles.

"Not necessarily. If there are device wreckage, this time process will be greatly shortened." Azera is trying to make trouble again, but she herself seems to have no feelings, is quiet and generous, and knows everything.

She carefully recalled that when the ancient Terran God War broke out, the king of the planet Terra used the design drawings to make a finished product, hoping to separate the radiant Beiana that had merged with the darkness of the beginning into its original state.

However, the finished product was not used, and the planet Terra was shattered by a high-level battle.

Feng Ying shrugged upon hearing this. Gu Terra really had a lot of problems, and muttered: "It's impossible for anything to survive the power of the planet explosion."

Although the ancient war of gods violently tore apart the planet Terra, rather than completely shattering it with power like Ye Lin did, completely replacing the material of the virus planet, it seemed not that destructive.

But electronic instruments are very precise things, and they may become useless if they are bumped into each other.

"No." Ye Lin suddenly seemed to remember something and pointed in the direction of the night skyscraper. He said calmly and with a far-sighted wisdom: "Look, the buildings and pavilions in Ancient Terra have experienced great wars. It remains standing, as long as the instrument was properly protected in ancient times, there is a chance it could be preserved.”

Word by word, Held gradually brought up the past that he didn't want to recall. Ye Lin was very confident that the founder of the football team should know where the complete design drawings and disabled instruments were.

Because she actually cried and regretted on a rainy night. An experiment to create a god for the sake of a more prosperous civilization, but unfortunately she risked the entire Terra she loved so much.

His breath froze for a while, and the person being watched couldn't bear the gaze of being watched.

"Eldin Memorial Hall." Held frowned slightly and reluctantly said a name, which was the place where Monica dug up the glorious Biana and the place where Becky was born.

Before leaving for the Eldin Memorial Hall, Ye Lin had a strong interest in the creation stone.

Unexpectedly, Held actually found a new holy book in another parallel dimension and obtained a prophecy full of personal emotions.

The devil who flows with filthy blood and blows out the fire of life with black breath. One day, your own blood will flow in this sea of ​​blood!

The prophecy of the holy book announcing the demise of Di Ruigi seems to be from the perspective of the person involved. There is a suppressed anger hidden in the words. Who actually wrote the words.

It has to be said that compared to the mysterious and philosophical hints displayed in the first chapter of "The Age of Creation", the content of the fourth chapter of "The Age of Creation" is less sacred and more pyrotechnic.

"Since when Di Ruigi's blood splashes on the stone tablet, the prophecy about it will emerge, then will the blood of other apostles..." Ye Lin stroked the simple and rough stone tablet and looked at Bikini, full of hints.

There is still a lot of emptiness on this stone tablet, enough for a few hundred words to emerge.

Now, there is a ready-made apostle in front of us.

"I have already seen it. The words on the stone tablet will disappear in one day." Held raised his arm, ripples appeared in the void, and the stone tablet disappeared out of thin air.

She didn't say anything about herself, as if she was hiding her secret, but Ye Lin had a vague intuition that Held was lying, and she didn't stain the monument with blood at all.

In her spare time, Xiaoyu also said that she has rarely used oracles for divination on herself. It is cool to be able to see the "future" born under various factors, but for a diviner, the more they see the future, the more difficult their life will be. Confused and uneasy.

For example, if she used an oracle to predict a disaster half a month later, with heavy deaths and millions buried, and then she took action and successfully prevented this disaster from happening.

So, what scene did she see in the oracle's divination half a month ago? Does it mean that the oracle at that time was false?

If she ultimately fails to prevent the disaster, does it mean that the gears of destiny will rotate forever, and human power will be unable to defeat the sky? This will greatly affect her state of mind in cultivation.

Therefore, Xiaoyu basically doesn't do divination for his future. At most, he tests his wealth luck and when he can get rich overnight.

Although he often made hundreds of millions of dollars in one night, even spending money on his miko uniform, he was either purified or digested the next day.

Xiaoyu's predictions about disasters or adventurous journeys never explicitly state the final outcome of the journey. They always use "good or bad luck" to hint at the degree of danger that will follow.

Therefore, Held is clearly covering up her uneasiness behind the mask of tears. She is afraid that after staining the monument with blood, some words will appear that reveal her final fate.

Ye Lin and others can laugh it off and don't care about stone tablets and jade tablets, but Held firmly believed in a series of prophecies and even acted like a fake Tearlighter, which is evident from this.

She didn't dare to drop blood on the stone monument.

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