Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1871 Little Becky (Old Becky)

The ancient library claims to have a collection of 30 million books, covering astronomy and geography, common sense of life, and ancient and modern culture. Moreover, it was famous in the era of Terra and was the largest collection of books in the capital of Terra.

The scale of the Eldin Memorial Hall is much smaller. The number of books in the collection has been calculated before, and it is probably less than 150,000.

The quantity seems to be very different, but the collection of books stored in the memorial hall is basically the same.

**, which literally means books that should not be circulated in public. Most of their content records are out of mainstream, and users will regard them as evil and heresy.

Even in the devil world, which has many cultivating factions and is very tolerant, it is also called a **, which can be seen from the content.

Iqi's frog-changing potion is already considered a relatively mild one. It is an iconic item that she created after her own improvement. In terms of performance alone, it is no less than the "Eye of Darkness".

Even Queen Sirocco spoke highly of it and even used it on Qingye once.

"It turns out it's this kind of thing. I thought it was the kind with astringent words and pictures~" The witch randomly picked up a book from the bookshelf, opened it, glanced at it for a few times, and immediately closed it and put it back.

It's all a lot of long-winded text and patterns, which is hard to understand and takes a lot of brain power.

From inhumane evil black magic to alchemical formulas with weird effects, including certain summoning spells with unknown targets, they may all be hidden in a book in the memorial hall.

But the book that was listed as the most taboo was the information about the artificial human Homunculus. After the incident with the demon girl, Held destroyed all the relevant equipment and information, leaving almost nothing behind, instead of confiscating it.

Most of the other taboo books in the Eldin Memorial Hall were taken away by Herder, so the memorial hall is now in a "half-dead" state. It is still a clean research site, but many precious materials are missing, and the bookshelves are empty. of.

There is quite a feeling of tasteless food and a pity to throw away.

"Hey, Ye Lin, you are quite familiar with Master Held. Can you ask her to return the book as a favor?" Iqi was lively and cheerful, with a bright smile, and he brought the evil idea to Ye Lin.

She didn't dare to ask Lord Held for it because she still remembered that a few years ago, when Lord Held got angry at the Eldin Memorial Hall, the elements rioted, the sky changed color, and the only exposed eyes were cold and cold. Heart-warming.

Even Sister Monica, who had always been gentle and generous and swore to protect the lineage of magicians to the death, could only watch with distress as Held collected the books.

"The thirty million books in the ancient library are not enough for you to refer to. You must tinker with some taboo things." Ye Lin held his forehead and was speechless. Demonic scholars are a group of guys who don't take things too seriously. The reason why taboos are taboos , there must be a reason for it.

For example, the Ring of Dominance has obvious side effects and can affect a person's life.

"The magician's ability to detect is infinite!" Iqi cleverly avoided his question, took out a candy from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth, then whispered: "In the past, Sister Monica never let me Get to the bottom, now’s your chance.”

Magic scholars have always been big-hearted, but Iqi still doesn't think there is anything wrong with Glorious Biana and the androids. At most, they are just out of control.

As for Sister Monica, she might have gone out to collect materials again. It's a common thing and she's used to it.

Spiraling downward along the old stairs with obvious traces of time, there are glowing magic devices hanging on the walls. Iqi introduced that these are the bones of a sea fish, which can emit cold light for a long time after being prepared through alchemy.

There was a sudden "bang" sound, and Siatt accidentally stepped on the wooden board of the stairs and almost fell down. Fortunately, Mo Mei helped her.

"Maybe it's because it's been in disrepair and the wooden boards are rotten. Please be careful." Ye Lin nodded and added, "Plus the weight of the beast is one hundred and eighty."

"Get lost."

The eldest lady's beautiful eyes were cold, and she was clearly one hundred and eighteen, yet she casually gained more than sixty pounds.

When we arrived at the basement of the Eldin Memorial Hall, there was a damp smell of mold and decay. Most of them were useless equipment and furniture. There were many rooms, but apparently no one frequented them.

The humid environment is not conducive to book preservation, so most of the things have been moved to the top, and almost no one comes down below.

"Let me think about how Teacher Monica went on." Iqi got stuck here, and she had never been to the deepest part of the Eldin Memorial Hall.

Feng Ying took out a weapon with obvious rust from the box in the corner, "A short sword that has lost its magic power?"

Different from the weapons carefully hammered by blacksmiths, this weapon is closer to the combination sword used by the Sky Eagle organization. It is a weapon assembled from some parts. The advantage is that it can be mass-produced.

Under the cold-toned lights, they found some weird gadgets one after another, such as a ring that can increase the user's speed, goggles to prevent glare, and heavy combat boots with a strong mechanical feel.

Some of the experimental products failed to be a big success, and they were not willing to destroy and discard the items at will, so they were all placed in the basement.

"What do I think?" Qianying held a large pair of goggles in her hand. The straps were broken, leaving only the lenses and frames. "This thing is very similar to the one on Becky's head."

These goggles are more like diving goggles for swimming. She likes sunglasses, but she can't wear them.

Becky's goggles were specially made by Luke. As a dimensional navigation system, they can withstand the blurred void turbulence when positioning.

"She used to be an android here, so she might like this style of decoration." Xiaoyu said that everyone has special favorite items, such as her dragon-haired hairpin, Qianying's sunglasses, and Yimiwu's dark style dress.

Iqi searched for a long time but couldn't find it, so Mo Mei took action and used subtle thoughts to find the passage further down and opened the door with the magic mechanism.

The underground secret research institute used to be a place where the Devil Girl Organization gathered to work. It was later forced to close by Held. No one was allowed to enter, and most of the instruments were destroyed.

I could vaguely see that the whole place was quite spacious, with many small rooms. Some of the floors were printed with unknown magic lines, and the key parts had been altered so that they couldn't be seen clearly.

The internal structure of the Erding Memorial Hall is like a gourd, which gets bigger as you go down.

Yuena Su raised her hand, and a soft and bright holy light slowly rose, illuminating a corner of the underground secret research institute.


Bibi suddenly screamed in fright. Her voice was so loud that the lucky three-tailed cat who was dozing in her arms was also frightened. She bared her teeth and growled.


The air-conditioned exclamations sounded one after another. Ye Lin understood why Bibi was suddenly frightened. Even though he was used to strong winds and waves, he couldn't help but feel his skin getting cold and dense goosebumps appearing.

A certain room with the door open revealed a tragic scene, with the corpses of children piled up in various directions, some with their limbs mutilated, and some with only half a head left.

There are still some tank-shaped containers in the underground research institute, all of which have run out of liquid, and there are some children with pale skin inside, lifeless.

"Those should be the artificial human Homonkuluzi...failures." Iqi's excited look slowly stiffened.

These failed products have never had life, they are just humanoid substances piled up with experimental materials. They have never opened their eyes, shed blood or tears, nor moved a finger.

But their appearance, facial features, and skin all look very similar to humans, which can easily make people feel psychologically uncomfortable.

"The failed product, are there any other successful products?" Xiao Su had seen the girl from Silent City, who was lively and active, held a big slingshot all day long, and liked to eat chocolate.

"Yes." Iqi stuck out his tongue and said, "But one drawback of artificial humans is that they generally do not live long and will die in their teens. The reason why Becky and Lalo do not behave like this is because One of them has been transformed by Luke, and the other has the Eye of Darkness in her body."

"That is to say..." Siatt suddenly raised his forehead, calculated for a while, and said: "Little Becky is actually over a thousand years old?"

"In the 15th year of the Arad calendar, Bakar, the Tyrannosaurus King, used the Silent City to escape to the heaven." The curator was knowledgeable and recalled: "Since the Silent City was already perfectly usable at that time, Beqi should have been there before this time. , was stolen out of the Eldin Memorial Hall by the Golden Clown."

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