Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1879 I only care about you!

The holy book that appeared before Terra's technological civilization predicted many characteristics of Terra after its destruction. No wonder Held believed in it.

"Genesis" records the birth of Terra, "End Times" records the destruction of Terra, and "Age of Creation" records the re-creation of Terra.

However, no one had ever discovered these three holy books in the era of Terra. They only existed in legendary stories. Otherwise, Herder would not have been ecstatic after discovering the stone tablet and then launched an action against the apostles. .

"It's always been strange to me." The curator's hand glowed warmly, and a very ancient book with a damaged cover appeared, saying: "This is a holy book found in the ancient ruins of the Sky Curtain Behemoth. It was found later. The name is "The Age of Creation."

Gu Terra's holy book actually appears in the Heavenly Curtain Behemoth, and the curator compared the contents with the stone tablets in the demon world and found that they were basically the same, with just some more emotional descriptions.

Considering that Mr. Luo once lay down on the second vertebra, it is difficult to say whether this is something Held deliberately left in advance, implying something.

"I also remember the Holy Book." Bibi raised her hand, she was always smart and said: "The legend about the twelve gods described in the prophecy and the Trial Blade has always been spread in the demon world, such as Charles Foz, he is very confident that he is the sharpened edge that pierces all the apostles and the god of the new world, but the source of those prophecies is Genesis."

Curator and Bibi, the two holy books are one word different, but the contents are surprisingly similar, with only minor differences.

For example, the curator's book contains a somewhat bizarre sentence such as "They are gods, but they failed to become gods, and they are destined to never be together."

Little Bibi remembered one sentence - "Our coming here is the glory of this world, and a new world will be born from this."

"I have also compared the relevant prophecies circulated in various versions." Azera frowned slightly and said: "Only Held's prophecy is full of sacredness and philosophy, but it can be determined that the general meaning of the content is almost different. Poor."

The content of the stone tablet that Held accidentally discovered in the secret realm was widely circulated in the demon world, and various versions were derived.

"Actually, very few people know about the legend of the three holy books. It should be said that we are the only ones who know that there are actually three holy books." Azera analyzed it carefully, and then got an inference, and asked suspiciously: "Is it possible? Did Held spread it out on purpose? He called the Age of Creation the Genesis."

"What's her purpose?" the curator asked in surprise.

"Maybe it's to cultivate more trial blades!" Ye Lin recalled in his thoughts. From the first time he swung his sword in the Loland Forest, the trajectory of fate slowly unfolded according to a certain established pattern.

Whether Mr. Luo's soul asked before he almost died, "What is driving your body, what do you want to achieve with that body...what is at the end of the run...have you really seen it clearly?".

Or perhaps Landilus's reluctance before his death, and the Demon King's belief that he was the prophesied God of the New World, are actually inseparable from the "Trial Blade".

There cannot be only one blade, as it is too easy to break due to accidents. Casting a wide net, catching more fish, and choosing the best is the truth.

"When Held spread the prophecy to the world, wasn't he afraid of revenge from other apostles?" the curator asked thoughtfully.

Ye Lin shrugged, "No one knows she did it, and the apostles are all high-minded guys. Before Shilok was transferred, they were all arrogant and almost arrogant."

Most of the apostles did not bring substantial benefits to the demon world, which also led to many people in the demon world to be wary of their powerful power, but also concealed their desire to defeat the apostles and become famous.

It may also be because the twelve gods sacrificed in the prophecy did not include "two faces with tears in their eyes", so Held had the idea of ​​​​pretending to be a rich woman.

The "Genesis" circulated in the demon world is actually "The Age of Creation", a deliberate decision made by Held. This conclusion is surprising but not surprising.

In the real Genesis, they had read a passage about Derich, but the specific meaning was still unclear.

Shilok cast a glance at their lively discussion and said calmly: "Your guess is roughly correct. The Genesis seen in the demon world was indeed spread by her on purpose."

As the first victim of the transfer phenomenon, Sirok's branches and leaves once touched Held's body. The powerful and terrifying invisible force penetrated Held's spiritual defense and peeked into a corner of the memory in her mind.

It's all her plan!

"Dragon King and Luke were also deceived." Shilok paused and shook his head, "It's not that they were deceived. The content is basically true. She just covered up the truth that there were three holy books, pretending that Terra had only one that had been circulated since ancient times. This Genesis, but the future that Luke saw using the royal secrets, I’m not sure whether it’s true or not, because it’s something that hasn’t happened yet.”

A man and a woman stand side by side, looking down at a glorious world... This is the prophecy of the new world that Held deceived Charles Foz, but Luke also projected this scene to the Dragon King, which is quite incredible.

Could it be said that Held can actually affect the outcome of the prophecy? !

"Lavisi, Held has a stone tablet that seems to be the creation..." Ye Lin told the whole story of what happened in Central Park and hinted: "Why don't you condescend and give it a try?"

Can the blood of the invisible apostle reveal something new on that stone tablet?

"Oh? There is such a thing." The Queen didn't seem to care much. She lifted Ye Lin's chin with her slender jade fingers wearing sharp nail polishes, and looked at each other with a cold and charming charm, and said: " My evolved body has only shed blood for you."

The queen took advantage of her height, looked down and spoke like an adult, and said some ambiguous words that she had never said before, which was quite unique and touching.

Bibi blinked her beautiful and curious eyes, not understanding.

"Is this fate?"

Held looked on indifferently, even if she space-sealed Di Ruigi's eyeballs, the darkness floating in the sky of the demon world could ignore the restrictions every time, accurately find Di Ruigi's position, and want to enter again.

The prediction of the holy book is indeed correct. The death of the apostle will definitely bring about the new life of the demon world.

She didn't want to attack the other apostles again. After all, several apostles had grown to a terrifying level, and the strongest Trial Blade was also disobedient.

But to use this to prove that from Tyra's perspective, her efforts all along were correct, and she was not a simple-minded fool who was blinded by a stone tablet.

For Held, who has worked hard for thousands of years to regain Terra, what is even more unacceptable than the failure in the end is that she was wrong from the beginning!

"I will use the breath of the underworld to cover up Di Ruigi's vitality and create the illusion of death." Behind Mavis, the shadow of Hades Usiel appeared, tall and full of majesty, and the breath of death came vastly.

A crystal clear purple jade palm grabbed Di Ruiji's eyeball, and the aura of death power filled the air. The power of Taichu's power caused the eyeball to shrink and dry up rapidly, and its vitality was almost zero.

Now even Ye Lin feels that the eyeball seems to be really dead, Di Ruiji has fallen!

Death is one of the killing powers in the beginning. The countdown to death has already begun the moment a living body is born.

Usil's power is enough to blind the Darkness of the Beginning.

The darkness lingering in the sky lost its host target and turned into a pure and powerful energy. It did not have any positive influence or big changes on the demon world as Held thought. On the contrary, some strong people noticed this energy. A lot of energy soared into the sky, intent on getting involved.


Several thunders roared, and Held became rarely angry. His long hair flew and he struck decisively, tearing the greedy man to pieces.

For half a quarter of an hour, there was still no movement in that darkness. Creation is destruction, destruction is rebirth. As expected, its demise should bring fresh and cool air to the devil world.

"The prophecy of the holy book is indeed that the writer has glimpsed the waves of the future. We cannot deny this, but the scene of Di Ruiji has made it very obvious. Everything in the future still depends on our present." Ye Lin made a conclusion, What is the difference between you, who is obsessed with prophecy, and Charles Futz, who was assigned to do it in the first place?

This is a relatively comforting answer. The prophecy is partly true and partly false. Di Ruigi's death has not brought any good benefits to the devil world.

Herder's expression was uncertain, and he continued: "Perhaps, only when all the apostles in the prophecy die will a qualitative change occur. That must be the case, right..."

"Held!" Ye Lin suddenly raised his voice, his eyes were like a torch, his voice was clear and resolute, and he said: "Even if the prophecy was true in the past, as long as I am here, at this moment and in the future, it will be false!"

Stop Held's conspiracy and make the prophecy tablet become a reality that can never be achieved, so what's the difference between it and a fake one?

"Furthermore, Memit, the ruler of time and space, has watched the end of hundreds of dimensions and has never found a single bit of vitality to continue the long river of time. At the moment when the last star exploded, all the apostles also died, and Terra was still missing. newborn."

Ye Lin softened his tone and wanted to have a quiet talk with her, but he also understood that it would be difficult to completely reverse Held's thousands of years of stubborn thinking.

The prophecy was half-true and half-false, and it was related to Terra, her most cherished dream. Held was a little out of control and irrational, and couldn't listen to it. He frowned and said: "I control the demon world to wander the universe, and I have verified the truth of the first half of the prophecy. Next, as long as you help me kill the apostles one by one, the new world will be rebuilt, as long as there is the Trial Blade..."

"Impossible!" Ye Lin asserted, seeing Held's beautiful face becoming more and more cold as ice, and the evil spirit emerging, he said: "Because I can't let you go. You are also one of the prophecies on the stone tablet. How can I be so cruel to you? Take action."

Held was dumbfounded for a moment, and billions of thunders flashed through his mind, as if it were made of finely carved jade. It was so shocking that his breathing and heartbeat froze.


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