Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1885 Held’s invitation


Wanzi was running very fast in the ancient library on a broomstick, with four Familier lying on her shoulders and head, cheering her on.

"That one!"

With a finger of her arm, Shadow Night Cat pulled out a dusty book and stuffed it into Wanzi's big hat. It was a space prop. In addition to magic materials, it was filled with candies and snacks.

"Would it be faster if I tied a rocket thruster to the magic broom? Dr. Gina's nanorobot has a similar effect." Wanzi said, his mind wide open, and then he deliberately passed by Sister Monica. Around him, there was an updraft.

Monica hurriedly held down the raised hem of her skirt. Her beautiful legs were white and beautiful. She was slightly annoyed but helpless. If it had been left in the past, she would have had the idea to train Wanzi.

But now when Wanzi mentioned the stuffed rabbit with a half-smiling expression, she couldn't argue and couldn't explain it.

"I heard that the Silent City has been discovered again. Will it affect you?" Monica pushed up the frame on the bridge of her nose. She had very low myopia, and her glasses were one of the products of Magic.

It can also bring an elegant intellectual beauty and the temperament of a girl with glasses, adding a unique feminine charm.

"Yes." Gu Yu said boringly, spinning a dagger on his fingertips: "Silent City can be blocked again, but before that, it will be troublesome to pile up the corpses and deal with them."

There are many unwilling demon races trying to approach the Silent City again and reach another beautiful world in the legend.

As a small celebration of Monica's recovery, a small celebration party was held while Katie, Smilla and other important guests were also there.

A group of eccentric magicians all fell in love with the eldest lady's superb cooking skills. Because the fruit wine was provided, several of them flew around on broomsticks.

Bibi also drank a glass of fruit wine, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and said with a smile: "It's so boring to fight and kill. It's good to be like this."

In the past, Smila and her aunt would get very tense when they met each other. It was obvious that they were originally a pair of sisters who had a good relationship.

Auntie is indeed the oldest among the female leaders, followed by Teacher Monica, then Smila, and Niu is the youngest and most dazzling.

As for the age gap, even if Niwu doubled, she still couldn't compare to her aunt.

Ruiz's words don't count as she is a fishy person.

"That's because there is no competition for interests between us. Girl, don't think too much about everything." Smila said calmly, looking at Bibi with lazy and melancholy eyes. She is really a pretty and lovely girl. .

Smila is good at spoiling the mood, but speaks the hard truth.

If the behemoth Kaxiu Sect had not collapsed and given up the Harlem area for the second agreement, her original goal would have been Central Park.

Bibi stuck out her tongue. She knew that a long time ago, when she was a little girl, Smilla was trained as an heir by Aunt Katie. Her talent for elf contracts was no less than her own.

Later, a series of unpleasant incidents involving the Spinning Demon Society's split were established facts and the past, and there was no need to mention them again.

At the end of the banquet, neither Smilla nor Katie had any intention of leaving. Regarding transforming the Ring of Dominance, one cannot just pursue Yin Miwu's method.

For example, Yin Su's method of controlling demon spirits also has certain reference value. There are 30 million books in the ancient library, and you may be able to find some relevant information.


Katie looked up with a look of surprise, raised her hand to hold a ray of light that was coming quickly, the light faded away, and it was a letter with traces of teardrops printed on it.

Not only her, Smilla and Monica also had streams of light arriving, which seemed to have special meaning and were only given to people of high status. Aizela also had one.

"Master Held said, let's go to Brooklyn." Katie raised the letter in her hand. The content was brief, that's all. The content of their letters was exactly the same.

It can't help but make people a little strange. The central arena was bombed, and now there is no dispute. It doesn't look like the third Demon Realm Alliance meeting is going to be held.

"Why didn't I? Am I not the leader?" Ye Lin said angrily. This was Held's strong prejudice.

But soon, the bunny girl Rossello sent a message, and she also had one. Since the leader is still in the demon world, naturally everything is decided by him, and he can only follow his lead.

"Is it because of the incident with Radiant Biana?" Monica sighed slightly. The aftermath of this incident seemed to have not stopped yet. Referring to the previous incident of the demon girl, she was not surprised that Held had sealed the ancient library.

"Probably not. If we don't ask all the leaders to go together, there is no need to give you an invitation letter." Katie felt that if it really needed to be dealt with, it had been resolved at the Eldin Memorial Hall before.

The letter did not specify a specific time, but the request was that the sooner the better. It is estimated that Niwu, who is fishing for sharks with Biana, will also receive an invitation letter.

"Maybe it's about the reappearance of Silent City, and I don't know where Duoheide is. That guy is too good at escaping." Smilla stood up and left. She had to go back to the second appointment first to take care of something. .

"As for the predecessor of the land under our feet, Terra, there was once an extremely glorious civilization. This can be seen from the skyscrapers of night and the wind zone. The demon world is just a corner of civilization."

In the evening, Monica, who couldn't rest, started the education and study of magic in the underground auditorium of the ancient library as usual. However, there was no knowledge point to teach tonight. She just reviewed Terra and talked about some extracurricular knowledge.

The auditorium was full of magicians. Most of them were attentive because they were telling stories. Wanzi and Yin Qi were dozing in the corner with their heads down, saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths. Wanzi wore a shadow night owl hat on his head. There is a water glass with a frog printed on it next to Yin Qi. The two of them are quite cute when they are quiet.

Ye Lin is also shameless in taking classes. He is also an honorable magician scholar, although he got started by cheating with Lalo.

"Everyone, go to bed early. I will go to Brooklyn tomorrow and will be back soon."

Monica, who announced that get out of class was over, came to the two naughty girls and knocked the textbook on the table. The two of them suddenly became excited, sat upright, wiped the corners of their mouths, and said stupidly: "Sister Monica, we have benefited from this class. It’s a lot.”

"Oh, you two should talk about it, what did I just say you would sit down for tomorrow?" Monica didn't want to be so angry with these two bastards anymore, so she signaled to go back to sleep, as the auditorium was about to close.

"Hey, let's go to bed then." Yin Qi was a little more awake, pinched a handful of meatballs that were still fascinated by Huhu, and said: "Sister Monica, I won't disturb your rest."

After saying that, she pulled Wanzi and ran away. She had already caught a glimpse of Ye Lin approaching, but she could not delay the teacher's confession of lovesickness.

"Actually, when I was a child, I also dreamed of being an inventor, or a scientist. I used to think it was cool." Ye Lin closed the notebook without writing a word and recalled the past.

Monica gently lifted a strand of hanging bangs, holding the book in her arms, slightly squeezing the amazing fullness, and smiled: "Why, isn't it cool now?"

Most of the lights in the auditorium were extinguished, and the hazy orange light gave a warm and reassuring feeling. The chats on common topics had the charm of a talented person and a beautiful lady.

"Sister Monica, good night."

One after another, the magicians said goodbye, all with curious eyes glinting at them, constantly glancing at the two of them, secretly giving pointers, and discussing in a low voice the "first-hand information" about Wanzi and Yin Qi during the day.

When everyone was gone, Monica closed the door and shrugged towards Ye Lin. She was helpless and speechless. There was really no way to explain the matter of artificial humans.

"Teacher Monica, do you feel that you have endured all kinds of misunderstandings and suffered a lot?" Ye Lin took a step closer. The other party's dress had been changed. The uniform fit the body curve, which was mature but also slightly simple. .

She has a high single ponytail, a straight bridge of nose and glasses for myopia. Her turquoise eyes are moist and pure, and she has a very royal temperament and intellectual beauty.

"We are all children and need to be tolerated." Monica avoided his gaze and hugged the book slightly. Every time she looked into his eyes, she would think of the scene in another dimension and become panicked.

"I have a way for you not to suffer." Ye Lin looked confident.

"What? Xislin's affairs must be kept secret."

"As long as you turn the misunderstanding into fact, you won't suffer any loss."

"Water glass, I forgot to bring my water glass." Yin Qi wanted to go back to the auditorium, but Wanzi grabbed his arm tightly, pointed at the shadow cast by the light at the corner, and leaned very close.

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