Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1891: Messy family titles

sugar cane? !

The corner of Ye Lin's smiling mouth twitched slightly in embarrassment, and his joyful anticipation instantly turned into a belly of resentment. He looked dissatisfied at Held, who had a calm expression on the side.

How can you teach your children this way? This is a basic cognitive issue.

"Tell your conscience, is Yaco wrong?" Herder's lightly written rhetorical question made Ye Lin lose his temper. He lowered his head in frustration, and then tried to correct the little girl's address problem. .

He gently scratched the bridge of Akko's nose with his finger, pointed at his face first, and then said word by word: "Dad~Dad."

Akko tilted his head curiously, blinked his eyes, and said in a childish voice, "Ako!"


The aloof and bright Held couldn't hold back at all, and the corners of his mouth twitched, which greatly damaged his image. But Xiao Ya took his corrective behavior as a self-introduction.

"By the way, Alice is about to increase her family size. You should go to Arad to visit then." Ye Lin had no choice but to let go of Yaco, who couldn't sit still in his arms, and continued to play with Familiel.

Alice is a perfect doll created by Held using artificial human technology, so it is not an exaggeration to say that she is her daughter.

Yelin thought about it when he thought about it, and he was quite troubled. Little Alice should be called Grandma Held in terms of seniority, but Akko calls her Mother Held, so the future little Alice will be invisible to the younger brother. But a generation younger.

But the two little guys, who suddenly had a generation gap, both called themselves daddy.

So he seems to be not only the father of little Alice, but also the grandfather, Held's husband and her son-in-law.

The family relationship is a bit messy, and it seems to be even messier than when he and Sirok gave birth to Sirok together.

If an uninformed person heard this, they would definitely scold him for being ignorant of moral integrity!

"And Astros, she has mastered a bit of the power of time and has made great progress. It seems that she will face the same situation as Alice in the future." Ye Lin silently held his forehead and sweated, getting more and more confused.

It is estimated that he will need a careful enough lie in the future, such as telling Akko that Alice is Held's sister. In this case, the seniority relationship will be easier to handle.

"I will go to Alice's side." Held looked at his good son-in-law with disdain.

She seemed not surprised at all by the ending of Astros. When she created this daughter, she had the opposite attribute of Alice in mind.

Alice is elegant and holy, bright and clear, while Astros is hot and enchanting, bringing disaster to the country and the people. They are like a pair of sisters of light and darkness.

The female androids created by Held are all full of her personal charm, plump and mature, with slender waists and long legs, bulging forward and backward, which is a relatively realistic style.

On the contrary, a certain sparkling goddess was different. She was obviously relatively well-proportioned and slender, with a tall and erect figure, but the daughters she created were prouder and plumper than the other, which seemed to contain her strong personal will.

"Yako, should you go to bed? It's dark outside." Held gently picked up his daughter and urged her to rest. She had been playing for a long time.

However, Yako shook his head vigorously and didn't want to sleep. Children's schedules are actually very irregular. It just depends on whether they are physically and mentally tired.

When I'm really tired, I can just lie down and fall asleep.

The little girl in her arms rubbed Held's shoulder, then blinked, looking down at the proudly bulging home clothes, her big eyes were bright, it was the delicious food her mother had hidden!

"Yako, are you hungry?" Ye Lin whispered in concern, and then quickly gave Held a look. What are you waiting for? Come on, don't let the little girl go hungry.

She was used to this guy's shamelessness. She turned around gracefully and carried Yako upstairs. The loose house clothes could not conceal the beauty of her graceful back, and her rounded silhouette was even more eye-catching and attractive.

"Go back, Ya will not let you be taken to Arad."

In fact, considering the appearance and size of Yakko, who is about one and a half years old, it is already possible to judge her. However, the little girl's mind is only half a year old, and she has instinctive natural needs. And most importantly, she herself cannot completely control it. Live and produce grain.

Of course, Ye Lin was not willing to leave so easily. If Held refused to let go, his daughter and the football team would have to achieve something.

There have been a lot of changes here compared to the last time he came here. Compared with the cold and crisp atmosphere before, there are many more soft and warm decorations.

For example, the ground is covered with thick handmade carpets, and some sharp objects such as table corners and table legs are smoothed and rounded. The cute plush dolls have labels with origins from heaven. She is very delicate and careful about everything.

The rain in Brooklyn became more rapid after nightfall, beating the leaves of the plants outside the window irregularly, playing a harmonious movement of nature. It didn't seem so messy, but more peaceful.

"This is..." Ye Lin pushed open a door that was ajar and found that Held, who had just gone to feed Yako, was now lying quietly on the sofa with his eyes closed and still wearing half a pair of gloves on his beautiful cheeks. A mask with tearful eyes.

Judging from the outfit, she looks hot and sexy, so I guess she has another body.

After all, if you are all at home, there is no need to divide your consciousness into two parts. When you focus on one person, the other body will fall into a quiet state like dormancy.

Ye Lin leaned over and poked the plump and round thigh with his finger. The fingertips felt warm to the touch, and the skin was so delicate that it seemed like it could be broken by a blow.

Carefully taking off the half-disguised mask, Held "sleeped" quietly, losing his aloof temperament and gaining a more feminine and demure air.

"You look really good when you smile."

He was about to stretch out his claws again, when suddenly, the dormant Held opened his charming amber eyes, with long and curved eyelashes, and an undetectable charm, and said: "Didn't I ask you to go back?"

The consciousness can be transferred at will. It is really convenient to have two bodies. One is taking care of Akko, and the other can express his shameless dislike of him.

"I'm afraid you'll catch a cold, so I'll come over and cover you with a quilt." He said nonchalantly.

Only a ghost would believe this shameless excuse. She would rather believe that a stone bone beast could completely wipe out Greenbrad's giant race than believe his smooth talk.

"Where's Akko?"


"She was shaking her head just now~"

"Just put him to sleep for a few times, that's what happens to children."

Held seemed to suddenly notice something. He quickly shut up and moved back a little distance. A feeling of fear suddenly overflowed in his heart.

Because unknowingly, she was casually chatting with this sugar cane about Yaco, and her calmness revealed warmth, just like a real couple chatting.

"I've seen your ID card in Gutera. Haiyin De, is it your original name and appearance?" Ye Lin didn't notice anything strange about her and made up his mind not to leave tonight.

"First Evolution"

Hai Yinde, one of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, felt that when Held used this vest, he must have a sense of nostalgia and recollection of the past when facing familiar and unfamiliar technological civilizations.

Held was a bit noncommittal about this. She hadn't used that vest for a long time. According to the historical records of the heaven, she disappeared during the Dragon Legion's attack. She probably died like the other seven mechanical war gods.

However, when Ye Lin suddenly mentioned it, it inevitably touched the depths of her memory. She was slightly in a trance. Those "friends" who had sacrificed... the bold and burly Bolgan, Lati who always looked like she was not well rested, with technology Coolio, who can spy on the power of space, and so on.

The Eternal Light Organization was born under the oppression of powerful forces in the era of Bakar in the Heavenly Realm.

Many members have infinite respect and admiration for Haiyinde. The seven people gathered together to study the days of Gaibuga, which sometimes gave her the illusion that she had returned to the Terran era.

Before their true identities were revealed, the six celestial beings really regarded themselves as trustworthy friends, partners who worked tirelessly for a great ideal.

"My body has also mutated during the long dimensional wandering, including my ears becoming pointed and my hair dyed. Yako inherited part of me, her hair is my current color, and her ears are round like you. ."

Held admitted from the side that his vest looked like a scientist from his time in Ancient Terra, and that his appearance was modified using magic, but he didn't want to mention anything about the heavenly world.

"Then can you change? At that time, you had a bookish, quiet and beautiful temperament, which was also very intoxicating. I'll use that today." Ye Lin looked forward to it and grabbed her jade hands.

"Get out! Go find Sirocco."

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