Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1900: Being unkind to others

If we say that when Aguranda faced off against the mirror Kahn, Ye Lin was at the pinnacle of intuitive perception, shining like the scorching sun, with sharp edges, as if the fight between two gods stirred up the shaking of thousands of stars.

So now, he has an elusive sense of mystery about him, as if he is an endless starry sky, and it is far from knowing where its true limit is.

As soon as a flower blooms, another flower will fail. The old man wanted to take advantage of the situation and lament that when he was young, he had strong energy and blood, could control the light and darkness, and swallowed the world with anger. However, he could cross the void alone, push meteorites and meteors across, and reach the Dragon Planet. Trobot.

But then I thought about it and realized that there wasn’t much point in boasting, it was all in the past tense.

And Luke also felt that even when he was as young as Ye Lin, he might not be as powerful and unpredictable as he is now.

Maybe Ye Lin will continue to complain about "a good man is not as brave as he used to be". This bastard boy has never had the concept of respecting the elderly and caring for the young.

The old man took over the authority of Silent City again. The huge projection screen flashed with dense digital symbols, as well as many lines and patterns that made Ye Lin confused the lake at a glance. Most of the glorious Beyana information in the ruins of another dimension are here.

"The data are all written in the Terran language and need to be translated before use, and not a single word is wrong, which is a bit troublesome." The three eyes that are characteristic of the Luke royal family are shining with the light of wisdom. Science has always paid attention to absolute precision. .

The ancient Terran civilization was so badly lost that many things were ruthlessly buried over time. Even Buffon, who had extremely high computing power, could not guess the meaning of certain words out of thin air.

"It seems that you need to stay in the Demon Realm for a few days, and some of the information is incomplete, as if... it was deliberately destroyed." Buffon also read the relevant information. It will take a while to translate and verify it, and he may have to run for a while. Visit the ancient library.

If it is not convenient for the old man to come forward, Princess Kabali of Hebron can do it for him.

"Is it because Gu Terra's main program 'Tera' was erased?" Mira still remembered that the main program developed by Held had stronger intelligence than she and Buffon.

If Held hadn't used his identity card to destroy the main program, Silent City would have been captured by it and the AI ​​would have been transferred.

"Not necessarily, because a mysterious being took away the information of Glorious Beyana years ago." Ye Lin mentioned this matter, but the specific traces were nowhere to be found, and Held couldn't find it either. pity.



Crazy Bear pulled open a fireworks display for a festive occasion. Tiny colorful fragments flew, and a golden fragment fell, finally landing on the tip of Mi Gao's nose when he raised his face.

"Throw flowers, scatter flowers, applaud, let's die well." Yin Miwu clapped his hands vigorously, Wanzi and others were a little hesitant, and then they also applauded.

Duohead was out of control, and the scepter that symbolized the leader's position was completely annihilated.

This black magician organization, which has a longer history than Tarakuta, has been tyrannical and committed all kinds of evil since the rise of the Demon King. Today, it has finally completely collapsed and become a thing of the past that others talk about. It is 100% gratifying. .

"There are still three or two miscellaneous fish left, but they are not enough, yeah! That's great!" Bibi cheered, because Central Park borders the Harlem area, and it used to be the most vulnerable to harassment by the Ka Xiu sect. It was annoying and hateful. My teeth itched.

The healer Sonal, the dark dazzling pattern Punator, and the fanatic Diorbe... Bibi then counted them carefully. Although they were all missing, few of them could make it.

Hum, if the great supplicant Bibi meets them again, he will definitely win easily and beat them to pieces.

"The devil's world is just a dirty garbage dump. A lot of rats were killed, but cockroaches are still crawling in the corners." Josla and others came over. She was quite sorry. Josla originally wanted to use the scepter. If you take it back and use it again, it is still a demonic weapon.

"If you sit back and ignore it, the garbage dump will always be just a garbage dump. As time goes by, you will become a member of the garbage." Hiatt said calmly, and not everyone can be like Kai. Di also has a kind and gentle heart.

Josra just came back to her senses, and then quickly looked at these people. Each one of them had a beautiful appearance, ethereal, but the aura they exuded was particularly powerful and trembling. The general leader level, that is, the origin level, was far inferior to them.

She walked over behind Jakarina and Fubai. She didn't pay much attention to the realm auras of these people at first, and she couldn't see through them at all.

"It's a pity that I couldn't get Duoheide's dog head." Gakalina put away the Ghost Faced Sword, feeling that it was a fly in the ointment.

"It's already worth celebrating. When we came here, the little rabbits Yin Lunsi and Yalunsi said they would prepare a celebration banquet for you when you come back." Mo Mei said with a smile.

The orcs, who have been bullied in the demon world, have now hunted down the deputy leader of the Kaxiu sect, Duoheide, with great pride. This is a great event. I guess it will be okay to set up a monument to her achievements.

Thinking of the lively scene when she returned, Jakarina couldn't help but shudder. She didn't like the excitement very much.

The position of leader was actually recommended by the enthusiastic people because she was the strongest and had outstanding results, and this was done without her knowledge.

Fubai never found the figure he wanted to see, so he politely asked them: "Excuse me, where is Master Yelin? I want to thank him."

"Here, behind you." Feng Ying raised her chin. In the direction where Silent City disappeared, Ye Linzheng rushed over with a depressed expression. The old man would not go back for a few days. His title as Lord of Ye City was now gone.

"It seems that you have found her again, then why don't you go to Wuxuan Town to attend the celebration banquet together." After approaching, Ye Lin nodded and smiled at Fubai. Although the time they spent together was not long, it was only for the second Demon Realm Alliance meeting. , but it can also be regarded as a story worth remembering.

"No, I can't wait to go back to the Ice Pavilion. Thank you very much." Fu Bai bowed in greeting, grateful for his guidance and clearing away his confusion and gloom.

A cold wind suddenly blew by, mixed with some flying snowflakes. Between the Momo Lake and the lake, Ye Lin saw a delicate and gentle girl among the falling snowflakes, and she also smiled and greeted him.

In a normal environment, there is no way for the girl to show up, so Fubai couldn't wait to return to the Ice Pavilion.

Yin Miwu hugged Bad Bunny and held Crazy Bear in one hand, and asked curiously: "By the way, does that boy who looks like a heroic girl have a very sad past?"

She did not participate in the second Demon Realm Alliance Meeting. She asked Niyali to bring the Crazy Crazy Bear to the scene, and then used the power of magic to obtain the Crazy Crazy Bear's sight, and watched the alliance remotely with Youxia.

The fate of falling in love and killing the yellow-faced woman was also forged at that time.

"Yes, but fortunately, lovers eventually fall in love. Fubai's heart was once broken, but it was picked up by an ice girl..." Ye Lin cleared his throat and told Fubai's story vividly. Once again, for adolescent girls, the story of love but elusiveness can easily touch the softness of the heart.

Sure enough, Yin Miwu wiped the corners of his shining eyes with the back of his hand, and seemed to be moved to tears. Although the arrogant and stubborn Xiao Su did not cry, there was a happy and relaxed look on her pretty face, and she was happy for this story.

"I remember that He-Man also wrote a song for this story, and it was a big hit in Hedunmar." Yuena flipped through her holy book and found a booklet for fishing in it. That song She also has the lyrics, but she can’t sing it.

Love songs and hymns are very different in artistic conception. The former is gentle, sweet and sour, while the latter is solemn and solemn, which tests the singer's own skills and strength.

It took a lot of effort for her to learn the angel hymn.

Yin Miwu took out a rose-flowered handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the corners of his eyes. In fact, he was not crying. He was pretending to complain and said to Ye Lin Youyou: "Wow, I love only one flower. You are a tree in full bloom. A witch is not kind to anyone, Sugar Cane!”

Xiaosu and Bibi were secretly surprised and blushed. She was indeed the quirky little witch in the dark house, and her words and actions were very bold.

I don’t know if Yin Miwu was teasing her on purpose, or if something really happened.

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